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INFC Presentation at Stormont Hotel in Belfast - 16-12-24


INFC Presentation at Stormont Hotel in Belfast

Irish Pigeon Night of the Year – Dinny Kinsella from Gorey wins Kings Cup

The annual Night of the Year for the Irish National Flying Club was held as usual at the plush Stormont Hotel in Belfast on Friday 29th November 2024. It was another good turnout of members from across Ireland.

The main guests were Mr Jim and Mrs Marie McCrory from Dromore. Jim has been transporting pigeons to race points for well over 50 years and has also been convoyer on many occasions. He has given great service to pigeon racing over the years and I well remember him collecting Harryville birds when I joined the sport in the early 70’s. Mr & Mrs Wesley Sawyers President, Mr Cormac O'Hare Chairman, plus Trevor Topping and wife Florence (24 years now served as secretary), and Patron Ronnie Johnston was not far away.

Cormac O’Hare thanked all the members who had assisted during the year, especially during the major races and congratulated the winners. INFC Patron Ronnie Johnston was then invited to conduct the presentation, assisted by INFC officials. What a fantastic job, which Ronnie has done for several years.   

As is the tradition last season’s winner of the Kings Cup Mark Maguire, came forward to present the award to this season’s winner Dinny Kinsella from Gorey RPC.

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This season winner Dinny Kinsella collects the 2024 INFC Kings Cup from the previous season winners, Mark Maguire & Son from Millvale in Newry.

Irish National Flying Club - Trophy and Award Winners 2024

King George V Challenge Cup Saint Allouestre. Grand National old bird race winner.

D. Kinsella Gorey R.P.C. Vel. 1195

Nelson Vase - Saint Allouestre O.B. - 1st RPRA member after winner in the Kings Cup race. Ronnie Williamson Newry & District H.P.S. Vel. 1082

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Jim McCrory (r) the special guest presents the Nelson Vase to Ron Williamson from Newry & District.1st RPRA Member after the Kings Cup winner of which Ron is already a winner and close again.

Gilliland Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B. - 1st IHU member after winner in the Kings Cup race. G. & M. Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1122

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Gilliland Cup for 1st IHU Member after the Kings Cup winner was won by G & M Doyle of Arklow United. 

East Down Combine Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B. -1st E.D.C. member in the Kings Cup race. J. Cleland Annsborough H.P.S. Vel. 1044

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James Cleland from Annsborough won 1st East Down Combine in the Kings Cup St Allouestre. He bred the winner for Johnny Murtagh. James collected the EDC Diploma at their presentation held recently.

Ulster Federation Cup 0 Saint Allouestre O.B. - 1st Ulster Federation member in the Kings Cup race. Johnston Bros. Fortfield Vel. 906.

N.I.P.A. Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B - 1st NIPA member in the Kings Cup race. Ronnie Willianson Newry & District H.P.S. Vel. 1082

Joe Cullen Memorial Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B.-1st East Coast Fed. member in the Kings Cup race. Devine & Hilmi Skerries R.P.C. Vel. 954

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Joe Cullen Memorial Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B. 1st East Coast Fed. member in the Kings Cup race. Won by Devine & Hilmi of The Skerries RPC. The loft also won 1st Open OB Skibbereen.

Billy Ingle Trophy - Saint Allouestre O.B.-1st Irish South Road Federation member in the Kings Cup race. P. Rock & Son Dublin North East R.P.C. Vel. 1060

S.L.F. Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B. -1st South Leinster Fed. member in the Kings Cup race. D. Kinsella Gorey R.P.C. Vel. 1195

Duddy Extreme Distance Trophy - Saint Allouestre O.B. Furthest flying member in the King’s Cup open prizes. J. Walker Ballymoney H.P.S. 523 Miles 70th Open Vel. 719

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Duddy Extreme Trophy Old Birds won by James Walker of Ballymoney.

Harkness Rose Bowl - Saint Allouestre O.B. - Best two bird average Kings Cup. A. Thompson Ballyclare & District H.P.S. Vel. 983

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Harkness Rose Bowl 2 Bird Ave Kings Cup won by Arnold Thompson of Ballyclare.

Joe Doheny Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B. Single bird challenge Kings Cup race. E. Murtagh & Sons Individual North Vel. 1028

Robinson Trophy - Saint Allouestre O.B. 14th position in the Kings Cup. Gordon Bros. & Sons Killyleagh Central Vel. 976

McCloud Cup - Saint Allouestre O.B.- 1st Yearling in the Kings Cup. D. Kinsella Gorey R.P.C. Vel. 1195

Ronnie Johnston Challenge Cup - Skibbereen O.B Inland National. Devine & Hilmi Skerries R.P.C. Vel. 1606

Gerald Delaney Trophy - Skibbereen O.B. - Best section winning velocity after winning section. Byrne & Bradley Newtown Kilpedder R.P.C. Vel. 1542

Framed Diploma – Skibbereen O.B. - Lowest section winning velocity. J. Trimble & Grandson Annalong H.P.S. Vel. 1511

Friendship Cup - Penzance O.B. - Friendship National. G. Douglas Meadows H. P.S. Vel. 1141

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Geoffrey Douglas from The Meadows in Lurgan won the Friendship Nat Cup for 1st St Penzance Old Bird.

British Barcelona Club Trophy - Penzance O.B. - 2nd position in the Friendship National. McCracken Bros. Banbridge H.P.S. Vel. 1128

John Millar Logistics Trophy - Penzance O.B. -1st member in the section not winning the open Friendship National. D. Cummins Finglas R.P.C. Vel. 1119

Henry Beattie & Son Trophy - Penzance O.B.- Best two bird average Friendship National. Ron Williamson Bondhill Social H.P.S. Vel. 1121

Irvine Trophy - Best Average O.B. Nationals Penzance Friendship and Saint Allouestre. G. & M. Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1096

Nelson Corry Trophy - Penzance Yearling National. D. Mooney Dublin North County R.P.C. Vel. 1317

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D Mooney from Dublin North County won the Nelson Corry Trophy for 1st Yearling Nat Penzance.

James McGrugan Memorial Cup - Penzance Yearling National - Section winner not winning the open. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1304

Sam Buckley Memorial Cup - Best two bird average Penzance Yearling National. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1304

Charles Ingle Memorial Trophy - 10th Open position Penzance Yearling National. K. Murray Killyleagh & District H.P.S. Vel. 1274

J.M.K. McGugan Perpetual Cup - PenzanceY.B. Channel Grand National. D. Dixon Ballymoney H.P.S. Vel. 1515

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Danny Dixon from Ballymoney wins the J M K McGugan cup for the second time, 1st Blue Riband YB Grand National Penzance.

William Erwin Memorial Cup Penzance -1st South Section in Channel Y.B. National. R. Mulligan Monaghan Vel. 1474

De-Scheemaecker Trophy - Penzance Y.B - Best two bird average in Channel Y.B. National. Martin Graham Ballymena & District H.P.S. Vel. 1501

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Martin Graham from Ballymena won the De Scheemaecker Trophy 2 Bird Ave YB Penzance. He won this race last season.

Tom Marshall Trophy – Skibbereen Y.B. Inland National - G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1307

Framed Diploma Skibbereen – Y.B. Inland National Middle section winner. K. Allister Monaghen Vel. 1238

Framed Diploma Skibbereen - Y.B. Inland National South section winner. D. Walsh St. Paul’s R.P.C. Waterford. Vel. 1210

 J. Gilmour Memorial Cup. Best average Saint Allouestre O. B. and Penzance Yearling Nationals. G. & M. Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1176

A. Darragh Cup Best average Penzance Yearling and Penzance Friendship Nationals. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1174

Jarvis Cup - Best Average Penzance and Skibbereen Y.B. Nationals. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1403

Rhead Trophy Best Average - Saint Allouestre O.B. and Penzance Y.B. Nationals. G. & M Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1212

Diamond Cup - Best Average Saint Allouestre O.B. Penzance Yearling and Penzance Y.B. Nationals. G. & M Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1233

Harkers Trophy - Best Average Penzance Yearling and Penzance Y. B. Nationals. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1389

Robin Duddy Trophy. Penzance Y. B. Furthest flying member in the Penzance Young Bird channel national open prizes. D. & H. Stuart Ballymoney. 24th Open 346 miles Vel. 1469

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Duddy Extreme Trophy Young Birds won by D & H Stuart of Ballymoney.

Charles Hunniford Memorial Trophy - Best average (North Section) Skibbereen O.B. & Y.B. nationals. I. Rollins & Son Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Vel. 1329

The New North Cup - Best Average Penzance Yearling, Saint Allouestre Kings Cup, Penzance Friendship, Penzance Young Bird Nationals. G. & M. Doyle Arklow United R.P.C. Vel. 1190

President’s Cup- Best Average Saint Allouestre Kings Cup, Penzance Yearling, Penzance Y.B. and Skibbereen Y.B. Nationals. G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1192

De-Scheemaecker Trophy- Runner up best average all races. P. Rock & Son Dublin North East R.P.C. Vel. 1137

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Runner-up for the National Champion and De Scheemaecker Trophy were former Kings Cup winners P Rock & Son from Dublin North-east.

Erwin Trophy - Best Average all races (National Champion). G. Buckley & Son Annaghmore H.P.S. Vel. 1179

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National Champions (Best Ave all races) 2024 were Glen Buckley & Sons from Annaghmore. Patron Ronnie Johnston presented the award.  

LADIES PRIZES WON BY Devine & Hilmi - D. Mooney - D. Kinsella - G. Douglas - D. Dixon - G. Buckley & Son


SAINT ALLOUESTRE SINGLE BIRD CHALLENGE.1st E. Murtagh & Sons Individual North. 2nd McCartan & Woodsides Crossgar H.P.S. 3rd A. Thompson Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

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Single Bird Challenge for Kings Cup was won by E Murtagh & Sons. 

I had to miss the presentation this year, that’s the first for a while, I hear it was the usual top-class night with many visitors from across Ireland. The new design for the Dinner Card is very impressive and thanks to Trevor Topping for sending me same. Gary Donaldson done a terrific job covering the photos on my behalf well done Gary. I will cover the Merit Awards and Hall of Fame Diploma presentations in my next column.

Willie Reynolds – INFC Press Officer

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