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INFC Update - Hall of Fame Diploma - 18-12-24


INFC update - Hall of Fame Diploma

The 2025 racing season will be one to look forward to after a record number of awards were achieved racing in 2024 a massive 26 Merit Awards for birds making the Kings Cup prize list on two occasions and no less than eight birds achieving Hall of Fame Diploma status for three times in the Kings Cup prize list. There will be at least 26 birds available for the Hall of Fame test while a record number of 8 will be available to compete for a Gold Medal for four times in the Kings Cup prizes. Ronnie Johnston proposed the Hall of Fame Diploma, and it was first won in 1970 and then Homer proposed the Gold Medal and it was first won in 1982 with two individual winners and it looked then as if it was going to be easy. It was another 10 years before we had the next winner and just 15 have been won up to date. The INFC History Section on is being updated and its worth keeping an eye on for updates and changes. Hall of Fame winners in 2024 were as follows.



F. Moran Malahide & District R.P.C.

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Fintan Moran from Malahide & District  won the Hall of Fame Diploma.

Little Darling Red Hen IHU20S-005774

St. Allouestre    2022 - 71st Open Velocity  927.38  Distance  408 Miles 1413 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre     2023 - 3rd  Open Velocity  955.96   Distance  408 Miles 1413 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre     2024 - 42nd Open Velocity  845.40   Distance  408 Miles 1413 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

R. Duddy Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

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Robin Duddy from Ballyclare & District wins the Hall of Fame Diploma and for good measure 2 Kings Cup Merit Awards & Flo Pat the Robin Duddy Hall of Fame winner. 

Flo Pat Blue Tic Hen GB20B-18012

St. Allouestre    2022 - 130th Open Velocity   734.71  Distance  493 Miles 1391 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre     2023 - 39th    Open   Velocity 630.64 Distance 493 Miles 1391 Yards    Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre     2024 - 27th    Open   Velocity 905.99 Distance 493 Miles 1391 Yards     Members 425 Pigeons 1961

E. Murtagh & Sons Individual North

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E Murtagh & Sons Individual North won the Hall of Fame Diploma and the Joe Doheny Cup for the Single bird Challenge & L’Murt the Hall of Fame winner for E Murtagh & Sons.

 L. Murt Blue Bar w/f Cock GB18H-12149

St. Allouestre    2022 - 179th  Open  Velocity    668.82  Distance  475 Miles 1649 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre 2023 - 43rd  Open Velocity   610.27   Distance 475 Miles 1649 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre     2024 - 8th    Open  Velocity  1028.86  Distance 475 Miles 1649 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

A. Thompson Ballyclare & District H.P.S.

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Arnold Thompson from Ballyclare & District wins the Hall of Fame Diploma & Colin Hall of Fame winner for Arnold Thompson of Ballyclare.

 Colin Pencil Blue Pied Cock GB20B-18578

St. Allouestre    2022 - 34th Open   Velocity 1098.93     Distance   493 Miles 1359 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre     2023 - 86th Open   Velocity    342.40    Distance  493 Miles 1359 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre     2024 - 11th Open   Velocity    979.58    Distance  493 Miles 1359 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

G. & C. Simmons Edgarstown H.P.S.

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G & C Simmons from Edgarstown HPS wins the Hall of Fame Diploma & Derrycrush the Hall of Fame winner for G & C Simmons of Edgarstown.

Derrycush Ted  Blue Chequer Cock GB21E-28739

St. Allouestre      2022 - 133rd Open Velocity     729.50  Distance 483 Miles 553 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre      2023 - 35th   Open Velocity     652.70  Distance 483 Miles 553 Yards    Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre      2024 - 221st Open Velocity    240.67  Distance 483 Miles 553 Yards    Members 425 Pigeons 1961

Donnelly Bros Newry City H.P.S.

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Donnelly Bros from Newry City former Nat Champions won the Hall of Fame Diploma & Sophie the Hall of Fame winner for Donnelly Bros of Newry City.

 Sophie Pencil Pied Hen GB20C-39696

St. Allouestre 2022 - 15th   Open  Velocity    1172.80  Distance  462  Miles  1392 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre  2023 - 22nd   Open  Velocity       748.47  Distance  462  Miles  1392 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre 2024 - 194th Open  Velocity       423.68  Distance 462   Miles  1392 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

G. Buckley & Son  Annaghmore H.P.S.

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G Buckley & Son from Annaghmore HPS won the Hall of Fame Diploma, 1st Open Skibbereen YB and several average cups & Hall of Fame winner for G Buckley & Son of Annaghmore.

 Blue Chequer Hen GB19A-29817

St. Allouestre 2022 - 42nd Open   Velocity    1080.71  Distance   480 Miles    842 Yards   Members 492 Pigeons 2118

St. Allouestre  2023 - 45th Open   Velocity  590.15 Distance    480 Miles    842 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre      2024 - 13th Open Velocity  977.11 Distance   480 Miles     842 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

N. Black & Son Dromara H.P.S.

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N Black & Son from Dromara win the Hall of Fame Diploma, numerous awards inc Kings Cup and Nat Champion.

Blue Chequer Hen GB19D-26141

St. Allouestre 2021 - 33rd   Open Velocity    339.35   Distance 471 Miles   1026 Yards   Members 495 Pigeons 2511

St. Allouestre 2023 - 83rd  Open  Velocity    359.53   Distance 471 Miles   1026 Yards   Members 460 Pigeons 1913

St. Allouestre  2024 -176th Open Velocity    485.93   Distance 471 Miles   1026 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

History and Hall of Fame Diploma winners -

When it was first introduced in 1970, I believe it was a result of a suggestion of Ronnie Johnston, that some form of award of merit should be given to birds getting into the National Blue Riband Kings Cup result on several occasions. Some great pigeons had put up fantastic performances over a number of seasons but at the end of the day had nothing to show for their courage. The type of birds I was thinking about are a number from my own area in Ballymena ie. “Rennes Queen”, “Leading Lady” and “Wee Albert” raced by the very famous lofts of Smyth Bros and Barr Bros. Rob Smyth of Larne had “National Queen” and “Continental Queen” and do forgive me for others I have not mentioned. It was decided that the Hall of Fame Diploma be awarded to any pigeon which was recorded three times in the Kings Cup prize list and, at the time was the most coveted and the most difficult to win. Race points flown since then have been wide and varied including from the early days the famous names of Nantes, Rheims, Rennes and Les Sables.

1970 – Nantes

Sutherland & Devoy, Killyleagh and W M Thompson, Muckamore

1971 – Nantes

H Elliott, Lisburn

1972 – Nantes

R Law, Ballymena & District and H Hayes, Portstewart

1973 – Nantes

G Burrell & Sons, Lurgan

1974 – Nantes

A Simpson & Son, Randalstown and Reynolds & Creighton, Dollingstown

1975 – Rheims

A McCartney, Crumlin

1976 – Rennes

J Irvine & Son, Ballyclare

1978 – Rennes

P Flannagan, Killyleagh

1979 – Rennes

Hamilton & Burke, Portstewart, B Madden & Son, Dublin, W B Shaw, Newcastle, H Elliott, Lisburn & Dist. and G Kilpatrick, Lisburn

1980 – Les Sables

J Shaw & Son, Randalstown, McCartney Bros, Moira and McCartney Bros, Moira

1981 – Les Sables

J O’Neill, Dublin, Connor Bros, Dundrumm S Bunting, Belfast, J McCartan, Annalong, R & W McBride & Son, Lisburn, Smyth Bros, Ballymena & Dist. and Smyth Bros, Ballymena & Dist.

1982 – Les Sables

G Kilpatrick, Lisburn and W Harrison, Belfast

1989 – Rennes

W Clements & Son, Edgarstown, J Logan, Ballyclare and Gilmour & Beattie, Newtownbreda

1990 – Rennes

W V Troughton, Gilford, S Bell, Dundonald and Gilmour & Beattie, Newtownbreda

1991 – Rennes

W Erwin, Ballymena & Dist., W Catherwood & Son, Ballynahinch, and R Kernaghan & Son, Dromore

1992 – Rennes

B & H Marshall, Newtownbreda, V McDonald, Antrim, and M Conlon & Son, Banbridge

1993 – Rennes

R McIlvenna, Chimney Corner, R Williamson, Bondhill, G Kilpatrick, Ballymacbrennan, Belshaw & Anderson, Derriaghy, and B McKeown & Son, Derriaghy

1994 – Rennes

Hammond Bros, Cookstown, F McMaster, Kircubbin, F Scott & Son, Dromore, and Burns Bros, Comber Soc

1995 – Rennes

Mr & Mrs Flanagan, Downpatrick, J Waring & Son, Lisburn & Dist., J Cullen, Dublin, G Killops, Drumcree, N Black & Sons, Dromara, and N Black & Sons, Dromara

1996 Rennes

T Marshall & Son, Newtownbreda, W Hardy & Son, Annsborough, J Nelson, Milltown, and E Matchett & Son, Edgarstown

1997 – St Nazaire

R McCallum & Son, Ballymena & Dist., D Moore, Cullybackey, B E & L McNeilly, Ballynure, W Tollerton, Dunmurry, Lavery Bros, Hillsborough & Maze, Harper Bros, Dollingstown, Mr & Mrs Swann, Harryville, and T Flanagan, Malahide & Dist.

1998 – Rennes

A Murray & Son, Dundrum, P J Corcoran, Balbriggan, T Marshall & Son, Newtownbreda, S Corrigan, Loughgall, Gilmour & Beattie, Newtownbreda, and K Halliday, Newry

2000 – Redon

E J Campbell, Milltown

2002 – Redon

John Greenaway, Bondhill

2004 – Messac

R Telford, Annaghmore, and McCracken Bros, Banbridge

2005 – Messac

L McCall, Wicklow South Road

2006 – Vannes

G Benson, Lisburn, Burns Bros, Comber, S Corrigan, Loughgall, and Stewart Bros, Randalstown

2009 – Plaudren-Vannes

P Rock & Son, Skerries, Stewart Bros, Randalstown

2010 – Plaudren-Vannes

J Waring & Son, Lisburn & Dist., D Croskery & Son, Annsborough, and W McClure, Kells & Dist.

2011 – Plaudren-Vannes

W McClure, Kells & Dist., Rev TAB Sawyers & Son, Banbridge

P McCullough & Daughter, Downpatrick, S Corrigan, Loughgall, G Buckley & Son, Annaghmore, Ward & McIntosh, Downpatrick, N Black & Sons, Dromara, W McCaw, Ballymoney, G & J O’Hare, Crossgar, A Darragh, Cullybackey, R Williamson, Bondhill

2012 – Plaudren-Vannes

W G Neill, Annaghmore, John Greenaway, Bondhill, and Adamson & Anderson, Gilford

2013 – Saint Allouestre

M Robinson, Bondhill, W McCaw, Ballymoney, and C & L Woodside, Ballyclare

2014 – Saint Allouestre

W English, Lisburn & Dist., and J Cullen, Bray Invitation

2015 – Saint Allouestre

Dando & Bennett, Beechpark Social

2016 – Saint Allouestre

E Murtagh & Sons, Individual North

2017 – Saint Allouestre

A McAteer & Sons, Ballyholland, and Arnold Thompson, Ballyclare

2018 – Saint Allouestre

McKeown & McEvoy, Castlebellingham, Fintan Moran, Malahide & District, Noel Lusty, Muckamore HPS

2019 – Saint Allouestre

G Benson, Lisburn & District, E. E. & S Kavanagh, Arklow United RPC, Parkin & Cairns, Castlebellingham RPC, J Doheny, Malahide & District, and P Dunlop, Edgarstown

2024 – Saint Allouestre

F Moran, Malahide & District, E Murtagh & Son, Individual North, R Duddy, Ballyclare & District, A Thompson, Ballyclare & District, G & C Simmons, Edgarstown, G Buckley & Son Annaghmore, Donnelly Bros, Newry City, and N Black & Son Dromara

The only Pigeon so far to win 2 x Hall of Fame Diplomas is the great “HERMES” - Owned and Raced by Gordon Kirkpatrick.

Triple Crown Award

The latest award the members of the INFC fly for is known as the Triple Crown Award, to win this award a single pigeon must be an Open prize-winner from Penzance YB Grand National, Sennen Cove Yearling National and finally the Kings Cup OB Grand National as a two year old racer. The first year that the award could be won was 2009 and immediately it was to cause controversy. It could have been my mistake as I had put the idea of this award to the Committee and had it accepted.

The brilliant Annaghmore loft of Glen Buckley & Son won 134th Open INFC Grand Nat YB in 2008 with a lovely Blue w/f hen “64”. The following year she was sent to the INFC Sennen Cove Yearling Nat and went on to win 29th Open. Glen had the hen in great form and it was decided to send her to the Kings Cup flown from Vannes and “64” won 1st North Sect & 2nd Open INFC plus pools and prize money of £2,500. I had her down as a Triple Crown award winner but the INFC Committee would not approve it as they decided it should be consecutive years. Three seasons on the trot. Glen was offered the £100 prize but would not accept it and decided to try again.

In 2009 we had two Triple Crown award winners, Tommy McClean of Annaghmore Blue hen “49” winning 49th Open Sennen Cove YB Nat, 5th Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat then 138th Open Vannes Kings Cup. J McLoughlin & Son of Blanchardstown scored with Cheq Pied (h) “57” in YB Nat Sennen Cove 49th Open 223rd Open in the Yearling Nat Sennen Cove and then 55th Open Vannes Kings Cup.

The 2010 season saw three Triple Crown awards and believe it or not Glen Buckley & Son did not take long to win the award they missed out on in 2009. Blue w/f (h) “64” won 134th Open Sennen Cove YB Nat, 29th Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat and 201st Open Kings Cup Vannes. The hen that was 2nd Open Kings Cup in 2009 went back and won the award that was so richly deserved.

Willie Neill of Annaghmore, the same club as Glen won his award with a Blue hen “06”. 89th Open Sennen Cove YB Nat, 62nd Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat and then 53rd Open Vannes Kings Cup. This brilliant hen was in the first 100 of all three National races.

 Former Kings Cup winner Ronnie Williamson of Bondhill won the third award of 2010, his Blue Pied (h) “63” won 32nd Open Sennen Cove YB Nat, 194th Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat and then finally 72nd Open Vannes Kings Cup. Did you notice? - All 3 winners were Hens!

The East Down Combine won their first Triple Crown award when the EDC Secretary Sammy Duke clocked his Blue Cheq (h) “38” to win 75th Open Penzance YB Nat, 83rd Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat, 94th Open Vannes Kings Cup. This was the second winner to be in the first 100 Open positions in all three National races. Willie Corrigan from Loughgall collected his award with the first cock to win the Triple Crown. His Blue (c) “63” was 135th Open Penzance YB Nat, 126th Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat, 143rd Open Vannes Kings Cup.

No Triple Crown Award was won in 2012 but the following season 2013 saw two awards won and by two former Kings Cup winners. Geoffrey Douglas of Wilton Cross timed Blue (c) “69” to win 186th Open Penzance YB Nat, 259th Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat, and then 86th Open St Allouestre Kings Cup. Joe Doheny from Malahide scored with his Blue Cheq (h) “30”, 61st Open Penzance YB Nat, 133rd Open Sennen Cove Yearling Nat and 203rd Open St Allouestre Kings Cup.

In 2014 once again, no Triple Crown Award was won, it has been in the race programme for six years and only nine have been won – 7 hens and 2 cocks. Ronnie Johnston Patron.

Triple Crown Award winners -

2009: J McLoughlin & Sons, Blanchardstown; T McClean, Annaghmore.

2010: G Buckley & Son, Annaghmore; W G Neill, Annaghmore; R Williamcon, Bondhill.

2011: S & K Duke, Crossgar; W Corrigsn, Loughgall.

2013: G Douglas, Wilton Cross; J Doheny, Malahide & Dist.

2013 – Joe Doheny, Malahide & District

2018 – John Greenaway, Bondhill Social

2019 – Glen Buckley & Sons, Annaghmore

2024 – McCracken Bros, Banbridge HPS



McCracken Bros. Banbridge H.P.S.

 Ella Red Chequer Hen GB22X-11973

Triple Crown bird 18 12 24A

Ella the Triple Crown winner for McCracken Bros of Banbridge HPS. 

Penzance YB 2022 - 50th    Open   Velocity    985.89    Distance 294 Miles   303 Yards   Members 250 Pigeons 1483

Penzance Yearling 2023 - 295th Open    Velocity    662.65   Distance 294 Miles   303 Yards   Members 485 Pigeons 3070

St. Allouestre Kings Cup 2024 - 103rd Open    Velocity    638.75   Distance 470 Miles    798 Yards   Members 425 Pigeons 1961

Gold Medal History – Gold Medals Winners in the INFC - Four Times in the Result in the Grand National Kings Cup

1982 – G M Kirkpatrick, Ballymacbrennan

1979 – 119th, 1980 – 83rd, 1981 – 62nd, 1982 – 14th

1982 – J McCartan, Annalong

1979 – 84th, 1980 – 97th, 1981 – 149th, 1982 – 17th

1992 – W Catherwood & Sons, Ballynahinch

1988 – 26th, 1989 – 133rd, 1991 – 7th, 1992 – 48th

1993 – M Conlon & Sons, Banbridge

1990 – 26th, 1991 – 14th, 1992 – 89th, 1993 – 68th

1994 – Ron Williamson, Bondhill Soc

1989 – 22nd, 1992 – 126th, 1993 – 113th, 1994 – 147th

1995 – F Scott & Son, Dromore HPS

1992 – 31st, 1993 – 67th, 1994 – 62nd, 1995 – 8th

1995 – Gordon Kirkpatrick, Ballymacbrennan

1991 – 47th, 1992 – 79th, 1993 – 49th, 1995 – 77th

1995 – Burns Bros, Comber Social

1992 – 114th, 1993 – 73rd, 1994 – 95th, 1995 – 188th

2011 – J Waring & Son, Lisburn & District

2005 – 24th, 2006 – 53rd, 2010 – 25th, 2011 – 163rd

2012 – Rev T.A.B. Sawyers & Son, Banbridge

2005 – 107th, 2010 – 134th, 2001 – 58th, 2012 – 41st

2012 – N Black & Son, Dromara

2009 – 241st, 2010 – 153rd, 2011 – 200th, 2012 – 52nd

2013 – John Greenaway, Bondhill Soc

2010 – 145th, 2011 – 241st, 2012 – 34th, 2013 – 159th

2018 – A McAteer & Sons, Ballyholland

2015 – 107th, 2016 – 27th, 2017 – 162nd, 2018 – 47th

2019 – J Doheny, Malahide & District RPC

2016 – 62nd, 2017 – 60th, 2019 – 112th, 2021 – 39th

2022 – P Dunlop, Edgarstown

2017 – 141st, 2018 – 69th, 2019 – 54th, 2022 – 156th.

Willie Reynolds – INFC Press Officer

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

Mobile: 07538 238364

Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>;

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