by Neil Crean
Unfortunately the winter months tend to see little action happen in the pigeon world but here in Ireland our milestone for the start of the new season is as always the Dublin Show held at the National Show Centre in Swords. This year the show was held on the 8th of November.
The Show Centre has proved to be an ideal venue for the event and is situated near Dublin Airport which is closely situated to Bewleys Hotel, a business that has always supported the show by giving show rates to anyone attending the function. The show first started in 1977 and despite being held in numerous venues including the famous Mansion House it has really found its home in the National Show Centre. It is very important to note that all proceeds from the show are distributed to various charities including Pieta House who received a generous donation last year from the fund.
Organizing such events is not easy and the show committee will never get the credit or recognition that they deserve but the unseen work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes is huge. A special mention must be given to Mick O Driscoll, Eugene Fitzgerald, Gerry Daly, J Byrne, M O Connor and Ben O Hannigan. These are the people that made it all happen.
The main sponsor of this year’s show was Sean Hunt and family, owners of the Cornstore. The committee would like to wish the Hunt family all the best over the upcoming festive period and thank them also for their continued support of pigeon racing throughout the country.
The show consisted of 18 classes so there was something there for everyone and trade stands were erected by established businesses from both Ireland and the U.K.
Every thing could be purchased from a plastic ring to a pigeon loft so as expected it was to be a busy day. Gerry McCourt’s auctions were also in full flight for anyone looking to improve their stock for the oncoming season.
The class winners went as follows:
- Old cock flown channel D Emerson
- Old hen flown channel T & K Mawhinney
- Old cock flown W & N Gilbert
- Old hen flown T & K Mawhinney
- Young cocks flown T & K Mawhinney
- Young hens flown- T & K Mawhinney
- Eyesign cock/ hen C Maples
- Old cock TTW- T & K Mawhinney
- Old hen TTW- P Mc Ardly
- Young Hen TTW-W & N Gilbert
- Young Cock TTW- T & K Mawhinney
- Matched pairs-M Douglas
- Colour Class- T & K Mawhinney
- Show Racer Young Hen- Rourke & Christy
- Show Racer Young Cock Rourke & Christy
- Latebred Cock/ Hen P Mc Cardle
- Show Racer Old Cock Rourke & Christy
- Show Racer Old Hen Rourke & Christy
A special award was given to both Sonny Galloway and Terry Craggs for their long term support of the show. This was much deserved and well done to both of them.