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Monmouth 2 - August 16th 2014





Monmouth 2 - August 16th 2014

Hello folks,
North Liverpool Federation’s fourth young bird race of 2014 took place from Monmouth on Saturday 16th August. The strings were cut at 7.10am and the convoy of 2,777 youngsters made for home in a light south west wind. Another good race unfolded with the leading pigeons making the high 1400s and most scribes report solid returns.

Paddy Fraser & Norman Skelton take 1st and 2nd positions at the Edgehill, clocking a blue Van de Rhee cock whose sire and dam were bred by Louella, followed by a blue Mr & Mrs Duggins Janssen hen. Bobby Lane clocks a Busschaert x Walter Docx hen for 3rd position, the sire is a previous winner of 2nd Liverpool 2 Bird and 2nd Niort. Cliff & Darren Smith take 4th position with a cheq cock, a gift pigeon bred by Vin Maguire (Thanks Vin). Congratulations Pad & Norm.

Billy Fulton takes 1st position at the Pirrie and also 1st North Liverpool Federation with his homebred cheq white flight cock. Sire is a winner of 3x1st club and 1st NL Fed while the dam has always been stock and is responsible for 2x1st NL Fed. Jeff Bowman finishes in 2nd position with a Gosling & Grice bred blue cock. Tommy & Karen Hibbs take 3rd position with a dark cheq cock. Sire is a son of Whitetail and is a winner of 2x1st. John & Gary Hartless and Paul Howard take 4th position with a blue pied Heremans Ceusters. Thanks Jim.

Charlie McArdle & Terry Archbold take 1st and 2nd positions at the Netherton (7/221) on 1475 and 1471. The winner is a cheq cock direct from the loft of Heiner Mandelartz and his sire is a g‘son of the ‘50/50‘. Second timer is a mealy Walter Docx cock and he is a son of ‘19’ a winner of 6x2nd, 2nd NL Fed, 2nd Liverpool Amal open and a breeder of many winners. Mick McDonald takes 3rd position on 1467 with a hen through Charlie Davies and Charlie McArdle & Terry Archbold stock, the nest-mate topped the fed in the first race. John & John Gosling & Thomas Grice take 4th position on 1451 with a homebred Ron Williamson x Vandenabeele youngster. Thanks Stan.

John & Tony Porter take 1st position at the Bootle (6/108) on 1421 with a youngster bred by Les Pinfield of Warwickshire. Eddie Bradley takes 2nd position with a Mick Liddle bred Koopman x Jos Thone youngster on 1410. John Warren, Son & Marty Garrity take 3rd and 4th positions on 1409 and 1408, first timer is a Willy Jacobs followed by an Irish youngster. Thanks Keith.

Graham, Wendy & Connor Muirhead take 1st and 2nd positions at the Riverside (4/74) on 1413 and 1412 clocking a homebred Willy Jacobs youngster followed by one bred by clubmate Stan Brown (Thanks Stan). Brown Brothers take 3rd and 4th positions on 1409 and 1403 with two Willy Jacobs youngsters bred by Ernie Goodyear. Thanks Ian.

Miller & Sons take 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions at the Princes Park. The winner is a red pied van Reet hen pooled all the way and bred by good friend Billy Early through stock obtained from Tom out of his No1 pair. The sire to the winner has himself won 3x1st club and 1st NL Fed. Second timer is a blue De Scheemaecker cock bred at the Natural Stud in Antwerp that has now finished in the cards the last three races. Third timer is a cheq Jos Thoné hen purchased at the Hope House Sale and bred by B Cooke & Son of Wrexham out of a cock known as ‘My Fortune’ who is a winner of 1st fed Messac, 4th fed Tours and a number of good MNFC positions. Sid Powell takes 4th position with a blue cock bred out of a cock with 8x1st and known to the Princes Park lads as one of ‘the brothers’. The dam of this week’s timer is a daughter of the other brother, a winner of 6x1st. Thanks Tom and congratulations mate.

Ted Davin & Son take 1st and 2nd positions at the Litherland (9/221). The winner is a Van Loon x Walter Docx. Sire comes from Steven Goulding and the dam is the nest-mate of Lewis and she has 2nd, 3rd and 4th NL Fed to her credit. Second timer is a Busschaert x Walter Docx with the sire coming from Gerry Clements and the dam being bred from directs. Mr & Mrs Ted Davin sr & Jock McCafferty take 3rd position with a Heremans Ceusters x Walter Docx bred by son Ted. Mick Mulally takes 4th position with a Karl Boeckx x Willy Jacobs bred out of stock obtained from Davie Spackman and Graham, Wendy & Connor Muirhead. Thanks Ted and congratulations mate.

John Pugh takes 1st 3rd and 4th positions at the Crosby with three youngsters bred out of his Campbell Brothers stock, including last week‘s winner in 3rd position. Joe Pearman & Joe Rooney take 2nd position with a Heremans Ceusters hen that is the same way bred as 1st club Bath this year and 3rd Liverpool Classic, 39th Open MNFC. Thanks Joe.

Terry Hodson returns to top spot at the Central (11/187) clocking a Jimmy Roberts bred Karl Boeckx x Marcelis x van Reet youngster that was won in a raffle at one of the winter shows. Steve & Debbie Walsh take 2nd position with another Roger Maris youngster bred by Micky Lennon of Nuneaton. G Williams takes 3rd position with a Lambrecht youngster gifted to him by Tony Hawkins & Son. Mark, Daniel & Connor Pearson take 4th position with a Denis Sapin youngster bred out of stock obtained from Terry Hodson via his Andy Gregson pigeons. Thanks Terry and congratulations mate.

John Jones takes 1st position at the Kirkdale (6/173) on 1439, clocking a homebred blue white flight hen racing to the perch. Sire is the good cock bred by Vin Maguire, a winner of 4x1st while the dam is a 2011 late-bred hen bred by Graham, Wendy & Connor Muirhead. Vin Maguire takes 2nd and 4th positions on 1439 and 1426, clocking a hen out of ‘22’ who comes from ‘71’ via Ted Davin & Son (Thanks Ted - Vin) followed by a blue cock the same way bred as the first timer. Paul Caffrey & Son take 3rd position on 1433 with a blue Hardy Krueger hen bred by Premier Stud. Thanks Mark.

Eddie Spencer wins at the Spellow (5/127), taking victory with a youngster bred out of stock obtained from former club-mate, the late Tommy McFadden. John & Alan Johnson & Darren Pattison take 2nd position with a Marcelis out of J & J Campbell stock. Thomas Gilligan takes 3rd and 4th positions this week with a couple of Ste Williamson & John Murphy bred youngsters. Thanks Darren.

John Rimmer takes 1st position at the Vauxhall (10/298) with a blue hen out of a cock bred from Bill Bentley‘s ‘Young Couple‘ when paired to a hen from Wally Mellor of Birmingham. Kelly Brothers Sons & Devine take 2nd and 4th positions with a couple of homebred pigeons, a cheq hen followed by a blue cock bred out of the Fed cock when paired to a daughter of the Belgian cock. Ste Williamson & John Murphy take 3rd position with a homebred Bogaert cock. Thanks Tom.

K & M Vaughan take 1st position at the Taylors Arms (17/539) on 1452 with a homebred van der Merwe. J & J Corbett take 2nd position with a homebred Lambrecht on 1441. Jim Redfern take 3rd position on 1440 with a north east youngster bred by Up North Combine winner Chris Vasey of Cleveland. John & Tony Porter take 4th position on 1439, no further details to hand. Thanks Jim.

The federation top ten is as follows:
1st Billy Fulton - 1483, 2nd Jeff Bowman - 1481, 3rd, 4th Charlie McArdle & Terry Archbold - 1475 / 1471, 5th Mick McDonald 1467, 6th Tommy Hibbs - 1458, 7th John & Gary Hartless and Paul Howard - 1455, 8th, 10th Ted Davin & Son - 1454 / 1452, 9th Paddy Fraser & Norman Skelton - 1453.

Congratulations to all of our prize-winners this week especially to our Federation topper Billy Fulton who adds another big victory to his roster, well done mate.

A reminder from Jimmy Redfern that marking for the 2014 Tailors Arms breeder buyer will take place between 3.45 and 5.45pm on Thursday 2nd September. Prize money will be in the region of an incredible £20,000 with the breeder and buyer of 1st prize set to receive a hefty £2,500 each.

Next stop Mangotsfield, best of luck.

Thanks for reading,


