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Monmouth 1 - 09/08/14





Monmouth 1 - 09/08/14

Hello folks,
North Liverpool Federation’s third young bird race of 2014 took place from Monmouth on Saturday 9th August. The strings were cut at 8am and the convoy made for home in a light south west wind. Judging by the winning velocities, the wind turned stronger on route and a good race unfolded with many of the leading lofts recording multiple timings.

Brian & Terry Snagg take 1st position at the Edgehill with a cheq hen bred out of ‘40‘, a winner of 2x1st club and 2nd NL Fed when paired to the ’69’ whose wins include 1st and 4th NL Fed. Paddy Fraser & Norman Skelton take 2nd position with a blue Vandenabeele hen bred out of stock obtained from Crowe & Worrall. Alan & Colin Baker 3rd and 4th positions this week. First timer is a dark cheq white flight Jan Aarden cock bred by Ralph Wheatley of Galway which finished 2nd club, 27th NL Fed last week, followed by a Jos Thoné x de Klak youngster whose sire was 1st NL Fed earlier this season. Congratulations Brian & Terry.

John & John Gosling and Thomas Grice take 1st and 4th positions at the Netherton on 1673 and 1664 a result which also sees the lads land top spot in the federation. The winner is bred by John & Tony Porter out of the ‘Classic Cock’ a winner of 3x1st club and 1st Liverpool Classic Club when paired to a Mike Ganus hen out of the Hollywood bloodlines. Second timer is a homebred Frans de Meyer. Charlie McArdle & Terry Archbold take 2nd and 3rd positions on 1665 (x2) First timer is bred from ‘02’ a winner of 7x1st club and 1st NL Fed when paired to a daughter of 19 and this pairing is responsible for many winners. Second timer is a direct Heiner Mandelartz youngster. Thanks Stan.

Miller & Sons take 1st and 4th positions at the Princes Park. The winner is a blue De Scheemaecker cock bred at the Natural Stud in Antwerp that was selected for Tommo by father Les on a visit to Belgium and he follows on from his 4th club finish at Hereford. Second timer is a mealy van Reet cock whose sire is a son of Tom’s no1 stock pair and the dam is a red hen purchased from Lane Head House Lofts in 2013. Billy Dooley, Paddy Rowan & Sid Chapman take 2nd and 3rd positions with a Louella van Lint youngster followed by a white Camiel Cardon hen, a grandaughter of White Wonder. Thanks Tom and congratulations mate.

Stevie Willo & John Murphy take the first three positions at the Vauxhall. The winner is a Timmermans Janssen youngster bred from a pair of stock via friends Taylor & E|dwards that are now responsible for 6 separate 1st prize-winners. Next in the clock are a pair of direct Mandelartz youngsters that were brought across by John Gerrard (Thanks John - Willo & Muff). John Rimmer takes 4th position with a dark cheq Lambrecht hen bred by his good friend JG. Thanks Tom.

John & Lee Maguire take 1st 2nd and 4th positions at the Taylors Arms (18/485) on 1655, 1654 and 1638. The winner is a homebred Heremans Ceusters with the sire coming from Ype Hemstra and the dam via good friend Paul Beaumont, followed by a young cock bred by club-mate and yellow expert Lee Morris, followed by last week’s winner, a Vandenabeele x Lambrecht hen. John & Tony Porter take 3rd position on 1640 clocking the nest-mate of this week’s fed topper for Gosling & Grice. Sire is their John Blundell bred ‘Classic Cock’ a winner of 3x1st club and 1st Liverpool Classic Club when paired to a Mike Ganus hen out of the Hollywood bloodlines. Thanks Jim.

Freddie Lloyd, Kev Moran & Ashley Healey take 1st and 4th positions at the Litherland (8/275). The winner is bred by Kelly Brothers, Sons & Devine out of Burger & Ruby Gold. Second timer is bred by good friend Micky Collins. Ted Davin & Son take 2nd and 3rd positions, clocking a couple of Walter Docx youngsters. First timer is out of a cock responsible for 2x2nd NW Combine while the second timer’s sire and dam have carded many times at club & fed level. Thanks Ted.

Reece Brothers & Caples take 1st and 2nd positions at the Central (12/234) clocking a Mr & Mrs Muirhead bred Willy Jacobs cock sent driving his hen, followed by a Micky Lennon bred Roger Maris youngster and the lads would like to thank Steve & Debbie Walsh for obtaining this youngster for them and also Graham, Wendy & Connor for breeding the winner . Mark, Daniel & Connor Pearson take 3rd position with a Denis Sapin youngster bred out of stock obtained from Terry Hodson & Lee Davison. Steve & Debbie Walsh take 4th position with a Roger Maris youngster bred by Micky Lennon of Nuneaton. Thanks Terry.

Graham, Wendy & Connor Muirhead take the first three positions at the Riverside (6/155) on 1650, 1610 and 1605. All three timers are of Willy Jacobs bloodlines, the winner was last week‘s 2nd club, 21st NL Fed winner, followed by a hen bred in the stock loft at Paddy Cousins, followed by a homebred youngster which takes the pools and ladies nom. Warham Brothers & Sons take 4th position on 1596 with a Stickers Donkers youngster bred out of stock obtained from A & R Kay of Rotherham, the lads also win the club nom. Thanks Ian.

John Warren, son & Marty Garrity take 1st and 2nd positions at the Bootle (7/180) on 1614 and 1596, clocking a Willy Jacobs x Roger Maris youngster followed by a Willy Jacobs. Alan Hardaker takes 3rd and 4th positions on 1586 and 1583, no further details to hand. Thanks Keith.

John Pugh takes the first 4 positions at the Crosby with four youngsters bred out of his Campbell Brothers stock. Congratulations John. Thanks Joe.

Roy Reid takes 1st position at the Spellow. Sire of the winner is a full brother to Lenny Turford’s ’37’ a winner of 30x1st, 12x1st fed and 5x1st combine, when paired to a daughter of ’17’ a winner of 17x1st club, multiple fed wins and 1st combine, again for Lenny Turford of Alverley, Birmingham. John & Alan Johnson & Darren Pattison take 2nd position no further details to hand. Thomas Gilligan takes 3rd and 4th positions this week, no further details to hand. Thanks Roy.

There’s another top sprint loft shutting out the first four positions at the Pirrie this week, this time it is the turn of Tommy & Karen Hibbs who clock a Leo van Rijn youngster for the red card, sire is a direct while the dam comes from Mr & Mrs Duggins, followed by a red de Meyer cock whose sire comes direct while the dam is a winner of 2x1st and 2x3rd NL Fed in 2009 and was also crowned NW Combine bird of the year. Third timer is a Belgian rung youngster followed by a blue cock which is bred from a cock with a number of victories to his name including 1st NL Fed in 2013 and he is another winning pigeon bred down from the goldmine ‘Whitetail’. Congratulations Tom & Karen on a great team performance. Thanks Jim.

Tony Owens takes 1st and 3rd positions at the Kirkdale (6/166) on 1604 and 1588. The winner is a cheq pied hen bred by Davey Burns through his Mandelartz x Tips bloodlines, followed by a mealy hen bred by Tommy Hibbs (thanks lads - Tony). Paul Caffrey & Son take 2nd position on 1590 with a blue pied cock bred by Lee Ogden (thanks Lee - Paul). John Jones clocks a homebred blue hen for 4th position on 1587. A message that scribe Mark Carroll received from Roy Reid reads as follows: ‘Tony’s on the Baileys and Jim Reeves is on, welcome to my world!’. Thanks Mark.

The federation top ten is as follows:
1st John & John Gosling and Thomas Grice - 1673, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Stevie Williamson & John Murphy - 1671, 1670 (x2), 1669, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Tommy & Karen Hibbs - 1666 (x4), 10th Charlie McArdle & Terry Archbold 1665.

Some insane trapping going on in that first ten don’t you agree! Congratulations to all of our prize-winners this week, especially our federation toppers John & John Gosling and Thomas Grice who take their season tally to 3x1st federation with a very closely fought victory, great stuff.

Secretary Irene Hartless requests any members yet to settle payment for youngsters purchased at the Federation auction please do so at your earliest convenience.

Don’t forget the Pirrie Gold Ring marking is this weekend, further details if required from Irene on 07505 232 783.

Four races to go and still all to play for folks, see you next week.

Thanks for reading,

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