This week seen the first Channel Race of the 2023 season commencing on Saturday the 27th of May. Race marking took place on Thursday the 25th of May with the birds arriving on site in Talbenny in the Coast of Wales on Friday. The Mighty N.I.P.A. had a total of 587 Members sending 12,357 Birds to Talbenny. The Birds were liberated at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning in an East Wind turning Southeast enroute.
Talbenny Pinpoint
‘Konver Girl’ Triumphs from Talbenny
The Winning Bird from the Race belongs to C. McArdle & Sons of Newry City H.P.S in Section G.
Stephen & Bru McArdle of C. McArdle & Sons 1st N.I.P.A Open Winners from Talbenny
The Current I.N.F.C Kings Cup Winners have only gone and added an N.I.P.A Open Channel Win to their name. The Open Winner has been named as ‘Konver Girl’. ‘Konver Girl’ is yearling hen gifted from Glen Buckley. The boys would like to thank Glen for this gift. As you can see from the picture the McArdle’s have a sign ‘Kings Cup Winners 2022’ on the door of the lofts just to remind themselves of that momentous achievement, but I also see another door to the right that has space for a ‘Talbenny Open Winners 2023’ sign delighted for you lads.
Many Congratulations Bru & Stephen on claiming 1st Open N.I.P.A from Talbenny. Also, Big Congratulations to R. Calvin & Daughter of Loughgall H.P.S finishing 2nd Open and F. Simpson of Banbridge H.P.S. finishing 3rd Open. Congratulations lads great result for the start of the channel racing. Overall, it was a great display from the Section E Fanciers claiming many of the top spots in the Open.
The Winner of Section C (121/1,960) from Talbenny was J&D Braniff of Glen H.P.S. The Duo of Joe & David Finish 1st Club (201 Birds) 1st Section C (1,960 Birds) and 8th Open (12,357 Birds) This is the lads second Section C Win in a row from land and channel races. The Section Winning bird has previously won on the channel last year and was consistent right through to Penzance. Her Sire is a son of ‘The Griffiths Cock’ he won 3rd Rosscarbery OB N.I.P.A National before going to stock. Her Dam was purchased from Ian Stafford. Many Congratulations to Section C Winners J&D Braniff and to all Club Winners
J&D Braniff Section C Winners 2 weeks on the trot from land and channel races
Ballycarry & District: (10/168) 1st E. Arthurs 1309; 2nd S. Beattie & Dtr 1292; 3rd B. McCammon 1287; 4th S. Beattie & Dtr 1282; 5th S. Beattie & Dtr 1275; 6th S. Beattie & Dtr 1273
Eddie Arthurs Winner of Ballycarry & District on a roll now.
Ballyclare & District: (15/245) 1st W R Moore & Son 1332; 2nd R. Webster 1330; 3rd Horner Bros & Son 1323; 4th J&R Blair 1321; 5th Horner Bros & Son 1313; 6th G&R Lawrie 1311
Carrick Social: (10/193) 1st Crawford & McDowell 1385; 2nd Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1371; 3rd D&J Armstrong & Son 1326; 4th D&J Armstrong & Son 1325; 5th W R McClean 1323; 6th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1311
Doagh & District: (9/203) 1st Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1413; 2nd Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1359; 3rd D&S Suitters & Sons 1342; 4th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1332; 5th D&S Suitters & Sons 1320; 6th Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1316
Mr & Mrs McNeilly Winners of Doagh & District from Talbenny. Winner is a yearling widowhood hen and is from the line of double top
Eastway H.P.S: (6/144) 1st G. Dickie 1416; 2nd D & J Campbell 1376; 3rd D. McElhone 1352; 4th D & J Campbell 1339; 5th D & J Campbell 1326; 6th D & J Campbell 1326
Geoff Dickie Winners of Eastway H.P.S from Talbenny. Winner is Sticker Donckers x Vandebrande. The dam is from Bobby Coyles 1st Open Winner from Roscrea
Glenarm & District: (6/72) 1st K S McCloy 1279; 2nd J&R Baxter 1276; 3rd O. O’Neill & Son 1263; 4th O. O’Neill & Son 1238; 5th McMullan Bros 1230; 6th J&R Baxter 1215
Kevin McCloy Winner of Glenarm & District. Winner is a Red Kirkpatrick Cock both parents bred by Scottish National Champion Norman Renton. This pair has already bred a St Malo Winner
Horseshoe H.P.S: (5/77) 1st J. Hastings 1301; 2nd K&D Hagans 1226; 3rd K&D Hagans 1212; 4th K&D Hagans 1195; 5th J. Hastings 1189; 6th R. Liddle 1165
James Hastings Winner of Horseshoe H.P.S
Kingsmoss: (7/79) 1st J&S Graham 1315; 2nd J&S Graham 1276; 3rd W. Gault & Son 1238; 4th J&S Graham 1229; 5th J&S Graham 1219; 6th J&S Graham 1215
Larne & District: (17/285) 1st Crawford & Robinson 1404; 2nd Crawford & Robinson 1350; 3rd M. Witherspoon 1322; 4th Rea & Magill 1321; 5th D&P Harvey 1320; 6th T. Mullen 1313
Crawford & Robinson Winners of Larne & District from Talbenny. Gary & Rab take the first two spots. These birds are out of Gary & Rabs good stock selection they are on the roundabout system. Also well done to Sam McGarel & Sons of getting first share of the two bird and also to Gary & Rab getting the second share
Ligoniel & District: (21/288) 1st Bingham & Seaton 1350; 2nd Bingham & Seaton 1327; 3rd Armstrong & McAllister 1326; 4th Armstrong & McAllister 1326; 5th C. McManus 1313; 6th McMurray & Anderson 1308
Leo Bingham of Bingham & Seaton Winners of Ligoniel & District from Talbenny
The Winner of Section D (74/1,218) from Talbenny was Jeff Greenaway of Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Jeff Finishes 1st Club (243 Birds) 1st Section (1,218 Birds) and 29th Open N.I.P.A. (12,357 Birds) The Section Winner is yearling check cock, he flew the Penzance Young Bird National in 2022 and yesterday was his 3rd race of the season. His breeding is Mark Gilbert Bloodlines with the Dam being a full sister to his very own ‘Nightrider’ which is the 2019 St Malo National Winner. This is Jeffs third Section D win of the old bird season. Many Congratulations to Section D Winner J. Greenaway and to all Club Winners
Jeff Greenaway Section D Winner from Talbenny
Colin H.P.S: (6/114) 1st O&M Monaghan 1355; 2nd Johnston Bros 1343; 3rd O&M Monaghan 1331; 4th Johnston Bros 1323; 5th O&M Monaghan 1311; 6th Johnston Bros 1308
Owen & Michael Monaghan Winners of Colin H.P.S on fire this season
Derriaghy: (5/62) 1st D M &K Johnston 1244; 2nd D M &K Johnston 1224; 3rd K. Johnston 1204; 4th K. Johnston 1175; 5th W. Ringland & Son 1160 ; 6th Belshaw & Anderson 1133
Dromara H.P.S: (7/151) 1st N. Edgar & Son 1340; 2nd N. Edgar & Son 1327; 3rd C. Rooney & Sons 1325; 4th N. Edgar & Son 1312; 5th N. Edgar & Son 1302; 6th Russell Bros 1292
Dromore West End: D/S
Dromore H.P.S: (7/106) 1st H. Walsh & Son 1324; 2nd H. Walsh & Son 1291; 3rd Tomlinson & Wilson 1285; 4th T. Mawhinney 1283; 5th Tomlinson & Wilson 1279; 6th Tomlinson & Wilson 1247
Glen H.P.S: (11/201) 1st J&D Braniff 1418; 2nd M. McGuigan & Son 1378; 3rd J&D Braniff 1375; 4th J&D Braniff 1338; 5th J&D Braniff 1326; 6th P. Farrelly & Son 1326
Glenavy & District: (4/70) 1st I. Gibb & Sons 1319; 2nd I. Gibb & Sons 1277; 3rd I. Gibb & Sons 1238; 4th D. Coulter 1212; 5th E E & J Cairns 1212; 6th D. Coulter 1207
Ian Gibb & Son Winners of Glenavy & District from Talbenny
Harmony H.P.S: (12/155) 1st M. McCabe 1286; 2nd D. George 1247; 3rd Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1232; 4th Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1231; 5th Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1231; 6th Abernethy & Turner 1224
Matt McCabe & Daughter Sophie McCabe Winners of Harmony H.P.S from Talbenny. Sophie will be one to watch in future racing
Hillsborough & Maze: (8/243) 1st J. Greenaway 1390; 2nd G. Marsden 1368; 3rd G. Marsden 1362; 4th G. Marsden 1356; 5th G. Marsden 1356; 6th I. Rollins & Son 1354
Kingswood H.P.S: D/S
Lisburn & District: (16/227) 1st G. Smyth 1380; 2nd S&W English 1313; 3rd R. Topping & Son 1305; 4th R. Topping & Son 1302; 5th H. Dalzell 1295; 6th G. Smyth 1280
South Belfast H.P.S: (4/35) 1st B. Hutchinson 1373; 2nd Lavery & Nesbitt 1315; 3rd T. McNally 1222; 4th R. Kenna 1208; 5th B. Hutchinson 1170; 6th T. McNally 1125
Brett Hutchinson Winner of South Belfast H.P.S from Talbenny. Brett is having a super season winning the last 4 races in the club including this week. Brett would like to thank his good friend & fellow club member Tucker McNally for breeding his winners
Titanic H.P.S: (3/21) 1st W. Mosgrove & Sons 11126; 2nd W. Mosgrove & Sons 1122; 3rd W. Mosgrove & Sons 1087; 4th E. Gilland 1021
Trinity H.P.S: (12/209) 1st P&K McCarthy 1378; 2nd B. Shannon 1365; 3rd B. Shannon 1340; 4th P&K McCarthy 1333; 5th J. McAlorum & Son 1329; 6th J&L Smyth 1328
The Winner of Section F (62/743) from Talbenny was Burgess & Brennan of Bangor R.P.C The Lads win the Section for the second time this year and this week they finish 1st Club (103 Birds) 1st Section F (743 Birds) 74th Open (12,357) Their Section Winning bird is a blue hen racing on the roundabout system. Her bloodlines are through Wortley lofts McArdle’s of Armagh x Terry Rigney super sprint lines. Many Congratulations to Section F Winners Burgess & Brennan and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Section F Winners Burgess & Brennan
Ards: D/S
Annalong: D/S
Bangor R.P.C: (8/103) 1st Burgess & Brennan 1368; 2nd Burgess & Brennan 1346; 3rd Burgess & Brennan 1315; 4th Burgess & Brennan 1273; 5th Burgess & Brennan 1244; 6th Burgess & Brennan 1220
Comber Central H.P.S: (4/36) 1st D. McQuade 1248; 2nd G. Marshall 1183; 3rd D. McQuade 1161; 4th F&J Croskery 1100; 5th G. Marshall 1083; 6th G. Marshall 1071
Corrigs: (6/144) 1st J. McMurrough & Son 1282; 2nd P. Brown & Son 1276; 3rd W B. Shaw 1236; 4th R. Shaw 1229; 5th W B. Shaw 1213; 6th R. Shaw 1201
Crossgar: (7/90) 1st McCartan & Woodside 1261; 2nd P. Murray 1258; 3rd McCartan & Woodside 1247; 4th McCartan & Woodside 1244; 5th McCartan & Woodside 1239; 6th McCartan & Woodside 1212
McCartan & Woodside Winners of Crossgar H.P.S
Downpatrick Premier: (8/76) 1st J. Crossan 1248; 2nd J. Crossan 1228; 3rd M. McCoubrey & Dtr 1217; 4th Telford Bros 1215; 5th J. Crossan 1205; 6th P. McCullough & Dtr 1195
Killyleagh Central: (11/116) 1st R. Straney 1348; 2nd R. Straney 1348; 3rd R. Straney 1277; 4th C. Healy 1228; 5th R. Straney 1199; 6th R. Straney 1195
Killyleagh & District: (8/76) 1st J&R Quinn 1291; 2nd J&R Quinn 1266; 3rd K. Murray 1224; 4th J. Cochrane 1214; 5th J&R Quinn 1212; 6th J&R Quinn 1179
Kircubbin: (3/35) 1st C&H Cully 1235; 2nd C&H Cully 1225; 3rd C&H Cully 1212; 4th C&H Cully 1208; 5th C&H Cully 1132; M. Adair & Sons 1122
Newtownards H.P.S: (6/51) 1st B. Griffiths 1162; 2nd J. Orr 1156; 3rd W. Leckey 1146; 4th B.Griffiths 1139; 5th B. Griffiths 1114; 6th McGimpsey Bros 1104
The Winner of Section G (43/836) from Talbenny was C. McArdle & Sons of Newry City Inv. The brothers finish 1st Club (157 Birds) 1st Section (836 Birds) and 1st Open (12,357 Birds) (See Opening Report) Many Congratulations to Bru & Stephen McArdle and Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Ashfield: D/S
Ballyholland: (9/248) 1st C. O’Hare & Dtr 1405; 2nd G. Murphy 1388; 3rd G. Murphy 1380; 4th P. Murtagh 1369; 5th C. O’Hare & Dtr 1364; 6th B. Chambers 1361
Cormac O'Hare & Dtr Winners of Ballyholland H.P.S
Banbridge H.P.S: (8/112) 1st F. Simpson 1427; 2nd D&K Mallen 1412; 3rd D&K Mallen 1348; 4th M. Conlon & Sons 1319; 5th M. Conlon & Sons 1303; 6th D&K Mallen 1299
Banbridge Social: (3/?) 1st McCracken Bros 1288; 2nd R. Carson & Son 1277; 3rd R. Carson & Son 1259; 4th E. McAlinden 1243; 5th McCracken Bros 1236; 6th McCracken Bros 1235
Drumnavady: (13/155) 1st G&S McMullan 1407; 2nd G&S McMullan 1400; 3rd J. Brush 1361; 4th J. Smyth & Sons 1330; 5th G. McBride & Son 1317; 6th G&S McMullan 1298
G&S McMullan Drumnavady Winners from Talbenny & G&S McMullan Winning Pigeon
Millvale: (6/155) 1st R. McMinn & Dtr 1370; 2nd JJ McCabe 1348; 3rd D. Carroll 1343; 4th R. McMinn & Dtr 1337; 5th N. Murtagh 1327; 6th D. Carroll 1293
Newry City: (5/157) 1st C. McArdle & Sons 1439; 2nd Donnelly Bros 1360; 3rd Donnelly Bros 1357; 4th C. McArdle & Sons 1356; 5th Thompson & Lunn 1348; 6th Donnelly Bros 1334
Newry & District: (5/245 1st R. Williamson 1423; 2nd R. Williamson 1420; 3rd Mark Maguire & Son 1394; 4th Mark Maguire & Son 1378; 5th R. Williamson 1370; 6th R. Williamson 1370
Ron Williamson Winner of Newry & District H.P.S from Talbenny
The races are coming in fast even more so now that the first channel race has been flown. I had a bit of a free weekend as I didn’t send my distance team this week and just kept them back for another week’s training and then starting them in next week’s Talbenny fingers crossed. Also, Big Happy Birthday to (The Oul Fella) Dad big 57 today Monday 29th May. Be lost without him. And Big Thank you again to everybody again for their kind feedback on my reports, it really means a lot and gives me a great boost, it’s been great chatting to everyone and hearing all your birds’ stories from the build-up and after the race. I would like to thank everybody for help in gathering info for myself as it gives me a great help in completing my reports. I kindly ask for all club representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections to contact myself to be included in my weekly Reports, With Winners Photos, Winning Pigeons Info, and any other information looking to be published in future reports.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my N.I.P.A Journey’s End Report
Yours in Sport , Jordan Hughes
Mobile: 07713808554
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