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Journey's End with Jordan Hughes - 06-06-23

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This week the Mighty N.I.P.A went back across the Irish Sea for round 2 in Talbenny on the South Coast of Wales for the second channel old bird race of the 2023 season. Race marking took place on Thursday the 1st of June with the birds arriving on site in Talbenny on Friday safe and sound. 587 members of the Mighty N.I.P.A. sent 8,983 Birds to the second Talbenny Race. The Birds were liberated at 8:00 AM on Saturday morning in a Light North East Wind.  

Talbenny Pinpoint 06 06 23z

Talbenny Pinpoint

Round 2 in Talbenny for the Mighty N.I.P.A.

The Winning Bird from the Race belongs to R. Williamson of Bondhill Social H.P.S in Section E.

Many Congratulations to Ron Williamson on claiming 1st Open N.I.P.A from Talbenny 2. Also, Big Congratulations to Stephen O’Brien of Monaghan H.P.S finishing 2nd Open and S&N Maginty of Muckamore H.P.S. finishing 3rd Open. Congratulations lads great result from the channel. Overall, it was almost a clean sweep from Section E Fanciers display taking many of the top spots in the Open.


The Winner of Section C (108/1,538) from Talbenny 2 was J&D Braniff of Glen H.P.S. The Duo of Joe & David Finish 1st Club (86 Birds) 1st Section C (1,538 Birds) and 7th Open (8,983 Birds) This is the lads third Section C Win in a row. Taking the Section wins from both Talbenny races and another from land races. The boys are on fire winning back-to-back sections which is some achievement. The Section Winning bird is a yearling cock racing on the roundabout system, he also finished 29th Section last week form Talbenny 1, his sire is a son of the Griffiths cock, the sire never raced as he was just bred for stock, the Dam of the winner is another hen they purchased from Ian Stafford. Many Congratulations to Section C Winners J&D Braniff and big congratulations to all Club Winners

JD Braniff of Glen H.P.S Section C Winners from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

J&D Braniff of Glen H.P.S Section C Winners from Talbenny 2

Ballycarry & District: (9/135) 1st S. Beattie & Dtr 1244; 2nd S. Beattie & Dtr 1227; 3rd G. Davidson 1214; 4th B. McCammon 1213; 5th G. Davidson 1197; 6th W. Degnan & T. McKee 1187

Lauren McClean Sam Holding 1st 2nd Ballycarry District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. 06 06 23z

Lauren McClean & Sam Holding 1st & 2nd Ballycarry & District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. Winner is a 2 Year Old from Sticker Donkers Bloodlines. Well done guys having a steady year and finally getting there win and in style too

Ballyclare & District: (14/254) 1st A&T Agnew 1316; 2nd A&T Agnew 1308; 3rd G&R Lawrie 1282; 4th S. Shannon 1261; 5th W R Moore & Son 1260; 6th R. Duddy 1255

Carrick Social: (10/193) 1st Crawford & McDowell 1385; 2nd Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1371; 3rd D&J Armstrong & Son 1326; 4th D&J Armstrong & Son 1325; 5th W R McClean 1323; 6th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1311

Doagh & District: (9/164) 1st A&N Lewis 1312; 2nd Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1289; 3rd Mr & Mrs B. McNeilly 1269; 4th B&M Gilmore 1231; 5th J&R Scott 1228; 6th B&M Gilmore 1216

A N Lewis Winners of Doagh District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. Winners Sire is bred by Alan Darragh 06 06 23z

A & N Lewis Winners of Doagh & District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. Winners Sire is bred by Alan Darragh and was 11th National St. Malo 2021. The Dam is off 'Le Premier' won 1st Section, 5th National Lambelle 2006 a great breeder from them

Eastway H.P.S: (7/124) 1st D & J Campbell 1414; 2nd Grattan Bros 1405; 3rd G. McKenna 1403; 4th J. Burrows 1379; 5th R&W Irvine 1369; 6th D & J Campbell 1365

Davy Campbell Winners of Eastway H.P.S from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Davy Campbell Winners of Eastway H.P.S from Talbenny 2

Glenarm & District: (7/64) 1st O. O’Neill & Son 1260; 2nd O. O’Neill & Son 1245; 3rd K S McCloy 1241; 4th J&R Baxter 1175; 5th O. O’Neill & Son 1165; 6th McMullan Bros 1165

Sadie of the Owen ONeill Son prtnership proudly holding the Winner of Glenarm District H.P.S from Talbenny. The best of Danny Dixons Breeding 06 06 23z

Sadie of the Owen O'Neill & Son Partnership proudly holding the Winner of Glenarm & District from Talbenny 2. The best of Danny Dixons Breeding

Horseshoe H.P.S: (5/75) 1st K&D Hagans 1279; 2nd K&D Hagans 1263; 3rd K&D Hagans 1205; 4th J. Hastings 1157; 5th J. Hastings 1144; 6th N. Ferguson & Son 1117

Kingsmoss: (7/82) 1st J&S Graham 1229; 2nd J&S Graham 1227; 3rd G&C Lowry 1203; 4th W Gault &Son 1190; 5th Connor Bros 1182; 6th Connor Bros 1173

Jackie Sammy Graham of JS Graham Kingsmoss Winner from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Jackie & Sammy Graham of J&S Graham Kingsmoss Winner from Talbenny 2

Larne & District: (14/183) 1st Crawford & Robinson 1282; 2nd Rea & Magill 1270; 3rd Crawford & Robinson 1270; 4th D&P Harvey 1251; 5th Rea & Magill 1231; 6th D&P Harvey 1222

Crawford Robinson Winners of Larne District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. Winner is from the best of the partnerships Stock selection 06 06 23z

Crawford & Robinson Winners of Larne & District H.P.S from Talbenny 2. Winner is from the best of the partnerships Stock selection

Ligoniel & District: (20/206) 1st Bingham & Seaton 1346; 2nd C. McManus 1333; 3rd C. McManus 1324; 4th McMurray & Anderson 1320; 5th Armstrong & McAllister 1312; 6th W. Wickings 1304

Leo Bingham of Bingham Seaton Winners of Ligoniel District H.P.S from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Leo Bingham of Bingham & Seaton Winners of Ligoniel & District H.P.S from Talbenny 2


The Winner of Section D (60/964) from Talbenny 2 was S G Briggs of Lisburn & District H.P.S. Sammy Finishes 1st Club (216 Birds) 1st Section (964 Birds) and 83rd Open N.I.P.A. (8,983 Birds) (No Info to date) Many Congratulations to Section D Winner S G Briggs and big congratulations to all Club Winners

S G Briggs of Lisburn District H.P.S Winners of Section D from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

S G Briggs of Lisburn & District H.P.S Winners of Section D from Talbenny 2

Colin H.P.S: (9/133) 1st S. Finn 1317; 2nd P&K Braniff 1312; 3rd O&M Monaghan 1291; 4th Johnston Bros 1291; 5th Johnston Bros 1284; 6th Johnston Bros 1283

Derriaghy: (5/75) 1st I. Kennedy 1230; 2nd R. Benson 1226; 3rd I. Kennedy 1212; 4th D M & K. Johnston 1203; 5th W. Ringland & Son 1201; 6th R. Benson 1188

Dromara H.P.S: (8/205) 1st N. Edgar & Son 1333; 2nd N. Edgar & Son 1315; 3rd C. Rooney & Sons 1313; 4th Russell Bros 1297; 5th B. Murray 1294; 6th C. Rooney & Sons 1274

Dromore West End: D/S

Dromore H.P.S: (3/37) 1st T. Mawhinney 1329; 2nd H. Walsh & Son 1321; 3rd T. Mawhinney 1269; 4th Tomlinson & Wilson 1235; 5th T. Mawhinney 1170; 6th Tomlinson & Wilson 1168

Glen H.P.S: (6/86) 1st J&D Braniff 1441; 2nd P. Farrelly & Son 1360; 3rd J&D Braniff 1306; 4th B&K Mullan & Dunlop 1298; 5th J&D Braniff 1289; 6th J&D Braniff 1287

Glenavy & District: (5/135) 1st I. Gibb & Sons 1347; 2nd D. Coulter 1302; 3rd Lilley & Withers 1297; 4th H. McKeown 1251; 5th E E & J Cairns 1237; 6th D. Scott 1179

Ian Gibb Sons Winners of Glenavy District H.P.S from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Ian Gibb & Sons Winners of Glenavy & District H.P.S from Talbenny 2

Harmony H.P.S: (7/92) 1st W. White & Son 1221; 2nd Brown & Gardiner 1201; 3rd Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1182; 4th W. White & Son 1177; 5th Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1168; 6th Brown & Gardiner 1163

Hillsborough & Maze: (6/143) 1st Lyons & Kennedy 1397; 2nd Lyons & Kennedy 1343; 3rd I. Rollins & Son 1339; 4th G. Marsden 1322; 5th J. Greenaway 1306; 6th Lyons & Kennedy 1300

Kingswood H.P.S: D/S

Lisburn & District: (17/216) 1st S G Briggs 1365; 2nd S G Briggs 1354; 3rd G. Smyth 1276; 4th D. Ferguson 1256; 5th L. Magee & Sons 1254; 6th R. Topping & Son 1253

South Belfast H.P.S: D/S

Titanic H.P.S: D/S

Trinity H.P.S: (8/111) 1st P&K McCarthy 1360; 2nd P&K McCarthy 1330; 3rd J. McAlorum & Son 1310; 4th O. Farrelly 1299; 5th B. Shannon 1291; 6th B. Shannon 1270


The Winner of Section F (56/645) from Talbenny 2 was Burgess & Brennan of Bangor R.P.C The Lads win the Section for the third time this year in a row from Talbenny completing the double and one from land race. They finish 1st Club (99 Birds) 1st Section F (645 Birds) Their Section Winning bird is a check hen raced on the roundabout system. She was 5th section last week from the 1st Talbenny Race. Her blood lines are mainly WLG Jansens. her sire was bred by Irvine bros of Killyleagh, this cock bred their meritorious award winner when racing with the East Down Combine. The 2nd Section Bird was their Section winner from the 1st Talbenny Race a blue hen racing on the roundabout system. Her bloodlines are through Wortley Lofts McArdle’s of Armagh x Terry Rigney’s super sprint lines. Many Congratulations to Section F Winners Burgess & Brennan and big Congratulations to all Club Winners.

Burgess Brennan of Bangor R.P.C Section F Winners from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Burgess & Brennan of Bangor R.P.C Section F Winners from Talbenny 2

Ards: D/S

Annalong: D/S

Bangor R.P.C: (8/99) 1st Burgess & Brennan 1261; 2nd Burgess & Brennan 1249; 3rd Burgess & Brennan 1226; 4th Burgess & Brennan 1219; 5th Burgess & Brennan 1207; 6th Burgess & Brennan 1207  

Comber Central H.P.S: (6/65) 1st W&L Robinson 1235; 2nd C. Hutchinson 1175; 3rd W&L Robinson 1174; 4th W&L Robinson 1138; 5th W&L Robinson 1138; 6th W&L Robinson 1121  

Corrigs: (4/76) 1st R. Shaw 1247; 2nd R. Shaw 1223; 3rd R. Shaw 1209; 4th W B. Shaw 1160; 5th R. Shaw 1157; 6th R. Shaw 1123

Crossgar: (7/79) 1st McCartan & Woodside 1241; 2nd McCartan & Woodside 1230; 3rd P. Murray 1217; 4th P. Murray 1214; 5th McCartan & Woodside 1210; 6th McCartan & Woodside 1198

McCartan Woodside Winners of Crossgar H.P.S from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

McCartan & Woodside Winners of Crossgar H.P.S from Talbenny 2

Downpatrick Premier: (5/56) 1st J. Crossan 1194; 2nd Telford Bros 1187; 3rd J. Crossan 1184; 4th Telford Bros 1116; 5th Telford Bros 1114; 6th J. Crossan 1111

Killyleagh Central: (8/97) 1st C. Healy 1208; 2nd R. Straney 1198; 3rd T. Smyth 1186; 4th R. Straney 1162; 5th R. Straney 1148; 6th R. Straney 1148

Killyleagh & District: (8/61) 1st K. Murray 1191; 2nd J&R Quinn 1177; 3rd A&N McCavera 1169; 4th J&R Quinn 1145; 5th K. Murray 1140; 6th K. Murray 1139

Kircubbin: D/S

Newtownards H.P.S: (7/48) 1st McGimpsey Bros 1152; 2nd Plunket & Pollock & Nelson 1124; 3rd McGimpsey Bros 1122; 4th McGimpsey Bros 1114; 5th B. Griffiths 1101; 6th McGimpsey Bros 1094


The Winner of Section G (46/1,112) from Talbenny was R. Williamson of Newry & District H.P.S. Ron finishes 1st Club (382 Birds) 1st Section (1,112 Birds) and 27th Open (8,983 Birds)  Ron Wins Section G in Newry and Wins the Open in Portadown. This is Ronnies favourite race of the calendar year and the Talbenny master delivers yet again for another year. The Section Winner is from the best of Rons multi award winning Bloodlines. Many Congratulations to Ron Williamson and big Congratulations to all Club Winners.

Ron Williamson of Newry District H.P.S Section G Winner from Talbenny 2 also Overall 1st Open Winner in Bondhill Social in Section E 06 06 23z

Ron Williamson of Newry & District H.P.S Section G Winner from Talbenny 2 & also Overall 1st Open Winner in Bondhill Social in Section E

Ashfield: D/S

Ballyholland: (9/216) 1st Owen Markey 1384; 2nd G. Murphy 1384; 3rd G. Murphy 1334; 4th C. O’Hare & Dtr 1334; 5th C. O’Hare & Dtr 1334; 6th J. Murtagh 1327 

Owen Markey Winner of Ballyholland H.P.S from Talbenny 2.Decimals separating himself and Gary Murphy for topspot 06 06 23z

Owen Markey Winner of Ballyholland H.P.S from Talbenny 2.Decimals separating himself and Gary Murphy for topspot

Banbridge H.P.S: (7/118) 1st E G Sands & Son 1298; 2nd M. Conlon & Sons 1292; 3rd McCracken Bros 1282; 4th E G Sands & Son 1274; 5th McCracken Bros 1271; 6th F. Simpson 1263

Banbridge Social: (?/?) 1st E G Sands & Son 1298; 2nd McCracken Bros 1282; 3rd E G Sands & Son 1274; 4th McCracken Bros 1271

Drumnavady: (10/99) 1st G&S McMullan 1413; 2nd D&K Mallen 1348; 3rd McGrath & McParland 1333; 4th W. McDowell & Son 1308; 5th D&K Mallen 1306; 6th McGrath & McParland 1305        

GS McMullan Drumnavady H.P.S Talbenny 2 Winners 06 06 23z      

G&S McMullan Drumnavady H.P.S Talbenny 2 Winners

Millvale: (6/185) 1st N. Murtagh 1389; 2nd G. McLoughlin 1376; 3rd N. Murtagh 1347; 4th G. McLouhglin 1346; 5th R. McMinn & Dtr 1329; 6th R. McMinn & Dtr 1322

Noel Murtagh Winner of Millvale H.P.S from Talbenny 2 06 06 23z

Noel Murtagh Winner of Millvale H.P.S from Talbenny 2

Newry City: (5/121) 1st Thompson & Lunn 1401; 2nd Thompson & Lunn 1373; 3rd C. Duke & Sons 1368; 4th Thompson & Lunn 1360; 5th Gary Hughes & Son 1359; 6th Donnelly Bros 1350

Thompson Lunns Winning Pigeon from Talbenny 2. Winner Finished 1st Club 1st Fed 22nd Section E 25th Open and was 5th Club 06 06 23z

Thompson & Lunns Winning Pigeon from Talbenny 2. Winner Finished 1st Club, 1st Fed, 22nd Section E, 25th Open and was 5th Club, 66th Section, 128th Open last week from Talbenny

Newry & District: (10/382 1st R. Williamson 1401; 2nd R. Williamson 1401; 3rd R. Williamson 1380; 4th M. Gillan 1377; 5th J. McParland 1371; 6th R. Williamson 1370

 That’s the two Talbenny races flown as a tester for what’s to come later down the line from the channel. With a few inland races in between the channel races there is still all to play for yet before we start to look at the final curtain raisers in the French races. It was my 24th Birthday on the 4th of June, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, I’m another year older and still none the wiser lol. Big Thank you again to everybody again for their kind regards on my reports, it really means a lot and gives me a great boost hearing so many of you looking forward to my weekly reports and enjoying the read. It’s been great chatting to everyone and hearing all your birds’ stories from the build-up and after the race. I would like to thank everybody for help in gathering info for myself as it gives me a great help in completing my reports. I kindly ask for all club representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections to contact myself to be included in my weekly Reports, With Winners Photos, Winning Pigeons Info, and any other information looking to be published in my future reports.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my N.I.P.A Journey’s End Report

Yours in Sport , Jordan Hughes




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