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Journey's End with Jordan Hughes - 18-07-23

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The Big Finale of the N.I.P.A. Old Bird Season held from St. Malo in the North West Coast of France. With the go-ahead given Race marking took place on Monday the 19th of June at allocated Centres. 353 members of the Mighty N.I.P.A. sent 1,309 Birds to the St. Malo Old Bird Channel National. The Birds were liberated on Thursday the 22nd at 6:30 AM in a Light North Wind. 

St. Malo Pinpoint 18 07 23x

St. Malo Here Qui Go

The Winning Bird from the St. Malo National Race belongs to S. Mc Flynn of Castledawson H.P.S in Section A. Many Congratulations to S. Mc Flynn on claiming 1st N.I.P.A St. Malo OB Channel National

 Also, Big Congratulations to J C Reid of Ballycarry & District H.P.S finishing 2nd Open. Also, Congratulations to J. Mc Maw of Carrick Social H.P.S finishing 3rd Open. Congratulations lads great result. When flying from France the Race will be confirmed as a 3-day race if Open Prizes are still there to be claimed. A total of 15 heroic birds returned home on the first day from France crossing 2 Channels and miles of Open Sea and the vast array of different terrains and obstacles along the way towards their respective lofts. It’s a tough ask for our birds with I would confidently say the toughest of flight paths out there. A total of 85 gutsy birds made the journey home over the course of the 3-day period.

St. Malo National Result

1st S. Mc Flynn Castledawson 1033;2nd J C Reid Ballycarry & District H.P.S 1027.9; 3rd J. Mc Maw Carrick Social 1027.2; 4th Cormac O’Hare & Daughter Ballyholland H.P.S 1022; 5th Gary Hughes & Son Newry City 1006; 6th J. Mc Maw Carrick Social 1000; 7th C. Mc Manus Corrigs H.P.S 983; 8th P. O’Connor Coleraine Premier 975; 9th G&S Mc Mullan Drumnavady H.P.S 965; 10th S&N Lester Laurevale H.P.S 950; 11th D. Calvin Bondhill H.P.S 904; 12th G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 900; 13th S&N Lester Laurevale H.P.S 888; 14th B. Chambers Ballyholland H.P.S 859; 15th C. O’Hare & Daughter Ballyholland H.P.S 787; 16th W. Blair Ballymoney H.P.S 723; 17th R. Adamson Lurgan Social 721; 18th R. Corey Coalisland H.P.S 701; 19th L. O’Neill & Sons Harmony H.P.S 686; 20th T. Wilson Gilford H.P.S 681;

Centre Results

Newry Centre – Cormac O’Hare & Dtr Ballyholland 1022, Gary Hughes & Son Newry City 1006, Brendan Chambers Ballyholland 859, Cormac O’Hare & Dtr Ballyholland 787, Aidan McAteer & Sons Ballyholland 659, Cormac O’Hare & Dtr Ballyholland 523, Owen Markey Ballyholland 488, Ron Williamson Newry & District 472, Leo Fallon & Son 456, Peter Murtagh & Son 433, Aidan McAteer & Sons 415

Lisburn Centre – G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 900, G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 665, G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 662, W. Begley & Son Trinity R.P.C 614, G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 589, D. Coulter Glenavy & District H.P.S 587, G. Marsden Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S 559, S&W English Lisburn & District H.P.S 528, M. Mairs 520, M. O’Reilly & Son 479, J. Waring & Son Lisburn & District H.P.S 448


The Winner of Section C (60/256) from St. Malo was J C Reid of Ballycarry & District H.P.S. He Finishes 1st Club, 1st Section C (256 Birds) and 2nd National N.I.P.A (1,309 Birds). Joe has timed a very smart looking 3-year-old checker cock. He has been a good steady racer for him, and his bloodlines are from Vandenabeele. Joe was delighted to time on the first night at 7:36PM flying 459 Miles to his lofts from France. Many Congratulations to Section C Winners J C Reid and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners. A Total of 9 birds were clocked in Section C

J C Reid Section C Winner from St. Malo 18 07 23x

J C Reid Section C Winner from St. Malo

Ballycarry & District: 1st J C Reid 1027; 2nd N J Arthurs 580

Carrick Social: 1st J Mc Maw 1027; 2nd J. Mc Maw 1000; 3rd Mr & Mrs R Reid & Son 480

Eastway H.P.S: 1st J. Burrows 491

Jeff Mc Maw of Carrick Social pictured holding his 2 St. Malo heroes. He finishes 1st, 2nd Club, 2nd, 3rd Section C, 3rd & 6th National. Jeff therefore wins the Devine Memorial Trophy which is for the Best 2 Bird Average from the St. Malo Old Bird National Race. Jeffs 2 birds are both from good friends the Donaldsons at United Lofts. Jeff also timed and finished 13th National Kings Cup

Jeff Mc Maw of Carrick Social 18 07 23x

Jeff Mc Maw of Carrick Social pictured holding his 2 St. Malo heroes He finishes 1st 2nd Club, 2nd 3rd Section C 3rd & 6th National Jeff wins the Devine Memorial Trophy for the Best 2 Bird Average from St. Malo

Nigel of N J Arthurs of Ballycarry & District pictured with his 2021 hen he timed from St. Malo. He finished 2nd Club, 6th Section C, 39th National. This hen is a Lambrechts Hen bred down from Danny Dixons Pigeons. Nigel gets a great turn out of these birds. Well Done, Nigel.

Nigel of N J Arthurs of Ballycarry District 18 07 23x

Nigel of N J Arthurs of Ballycarry & District pictured with his 2021 hen he timed from St. Malo. He finished 2nd Club, 6th Section C, 39th National. This hen is a Lambrechts Hen bred down from Danny Dixons Pigeons


The Winner of Section D (32/115) from St. Malo was S&W English of Lisburn & District H.P.S. The partnership of brothers Willie & Sam Finish’s 1st Club, 1st Section (115 Birds) and 45th National N.I.P.A. (1,309 Birds) Pictured all smiles holding their Section D winner which is a yearling blue Cheq cock. He had 2 inland races from Fermoy & Pilmore Beach and across the channel to Talbenny. He is bred from the new bloodline that Mark Gilbert races to a Dam from good friend and clubmate Michael O’Reilly who also timed.  He was just let out on the open trap flying round the loft and not paired just calling a hen prior to the race. The duo was fortunate enough to time from all 3 French races which is a great achievement they are both great clubmen and great craic for the sport and well deserved. Many Congratulations to Section D Winners S&W English and Big congratulations to all Club Winners. A Total of 4 birds were clocked in Section D

Pictured all smiles holding their Section D winner from St. Malo Sam Willie English of Lisburn District 18 07 23x

Pictured all smiles holding their Section D winner from St. Malo Sam & Willie English of Lisburn & District

Dromore H.P.S: 1st Tomlinson & Wilson 484

Glenavy & District: 1st D. Coulter 587; 2nd D. Coulter 261

Harmony H.P.S: 1st L. O’Neill & Sons 686; 2nd R&S Malcomson 660; 3rd L. O’Neill & Sons 515

Hillsborough & Maze: 1st G. Marsden 900; 2nd G. Marsden 665; 3rd G. Marsden 662; 4th G. Marsden 589; 5th G. Marsden 559; 6th G. Marsden 319

Lisburn & District: 1st S&W English 528; 2nd M. Mairs 520; 3rd M. O’Reilly & Son 479; 4th J. Waring Sons 448

Trinity R.P.C: 1st H. Begley & Son 614

Gary Marsden’s 2 Children proudly displaying their first bird of a total of 6 in a super tough race from St. Malo which is a unbelievable achievement especially when finding out its only their 2nd old bird season and sending to France for the first time, they clocked 6 birds: First one on the day at 21:14 Next day arrivals 07:59, 08:04, 10:32, 11:46 and 6th on the 3rd day at 11:04am. All pigeons sent were raced on the roundabout system.

Gary Marsdens 2 Children proudly displaying their first bird of a total of 6 in a super tough race from St. Malo 18 07 23x

Gary Marsden’s 2 Children proudly displaying their first bird of a total of 6 in a super tough race from St. Malo which is a unbelievable achievement for only their 2nd old bird season and sending to France for the fisrt time

R&S Malcomson of Harmony H.P.S Mealy Grizzle sitting tight on her nest in cracking order after flying home from France on the 2nd morning after spending the night alone timing home at 7:49AM. From the best of his old lines, and it was well spotted from the picture that even the wood on the box says Class. 

RS Malcomson of Harmony Hps Mealy Grizzle 18 07 23x

R&S Malcomson of Harmony Hps Mealy Grizzle sitting tight on her nest in cracking order after flying home from France on the 2nd morning at 7.49 am From the best of his old lines the label on the wood says it all

James Tomlinson’s wee woman GG of Tomlinson & Wilson proud as punch displaying their prized bird from St. Malo timing at 2:52PM on the second day. James and GG set a goal this year to time a pigeon from France his dream to do it and the pair done it and our both delighted your dad would be super proud of you both congratulations to you both well deserved.

James Tomlinsons wee woman GG of Tomlinson Wilson proud as punch displaying their prized bird from St Malo 18 07 23x

James Tomlinson’s wee woman GG of Tomlinson & Wilson proud as punch displaying their prized bird from St Malo timing at 2.52pm on the second day your dad would be super proud of you both

Liam O’Neil & Sons Martin & Gareth from Larne are buzzing after timing from all 3 French Races. The lads train and set their stalls out for these races. They timed at 7.56AM from St. Malo and take top spot in Harmony H.P.S. breeding is from their good Jack Jones Cock from good friends Geoff and Clayton. The dam being ‘Dawn’ 3rd Open St. Malo bird.

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Liam O’Neil & Sons Martin & Gareth from Larne picture with good friends are buzzing after timing from all 3 French Races. The lads train and set their stalls out for these races

breeding is from their good Jack Jones Cock from good friends Geoff and Clayton. The dam being Dawn 3rd Open St. Malo bird. 18 07 23x    Dam of the ONeill lads St Malo bird 18 07 23x

breeding is from their good Jack Jones Cock from good friends Geoff and Clayton. The dam being ‘Dawn’ 3rd Open St. Malo bird & Dam of the O'Neill lads St Malo bird


The Winner of Section F (22/69) from St. Malo was Charlie McManus of Corrigs H.P.S. He finishes 1st Club, 1st Section F (69 Birds) and 7th National N.I.P.A (1,309 Birds). Charlie is pictured proudly displaying the Section F Winning Pigeon from St. Malo. The winner is a 2-year-old roundabout hen. She had 3 races, 2 inlands and a Talbenny. Her Sire was bred by his good friend Geordie McIntosh Downpatrick from his ace distance birds. Her Dam is a hen he purchased from former BHW scribe the late John ‘Dixy’ Dixon from Wales. Many Congratulations to Section F Winners C. McManus and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners. A Total of 4 Birds were clocked in Section F

Charlie McManus Section F Winner from St.Malo 18 07 23x

Charlie McManus Section F Winner from St.Malo

Bangor R.P.C: 1st Burgess & Brennan 429

Corrigs: 1st C. McManus 983

Killyleagh Central: 1st J. Linden & Son 256


The Winner of Section G (34/142) from St. Malo was Cormac O’Hare & Daughter of Ballyholland H.P.S. Cormac finishes 1st Club, 1st Section (142 Birds) and 4th National N.I.P.A (1,309 Birds) The Section winner is a blue hen purchased from Alan McDonald of Portadown from the S.O.S. Sale in Banbridge. Many Congratulations to C. O’Hare & Dtr and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners. A Total of 11 birds were clocked in Section G

Cormac OHare Dtr Section G Winner from St. Malo 18 07 23x

Cormac O'Hare & Dtr Section G Winner from St. Malo

Ballyholland: 1st C. O’Hare & Dtr 1022; 2nd B. Chambers 859; 3rd C. O’Hare & Dtr  787; 4th A. McAteer & Sons 659; 5th C. O’Hare & Dtr 523; 6th Owen Markey 488; 7th Peter Murtagh & Son 433; 8th A. McAteer & Sons 415

Drumnavady: 1st G&S McMullan 965

Newry City: 1st Gary Hughes & Son 1006

Newry & District: 1st Gary Hughes & Son 1006; 2nd Ron Williamson 472; 3rd Leo Fallon & Son 456

Brendan Chambers of Ballyholland was another member who timed on the day from St. Malo timing his 2-year-old Blue Cheq Cock to finish 14th National 3rd Section G. This bird is from the house of Arden padfields invincible an Jellema top bloodlines and top result.

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Brendan Chambers of Ballyholland was another member who timed on the day from St. Malo timing his 2-year-old Blue Cheq Cock to finish 14th National 3rd Section G. This bird is from the house of Arden padfields invincible an Jellema top bloodlines

Geoff & Stan McMullan of Drumnavady HPS timed GB 21 D 02163. The Sire inbreed drum cock of Sammy Olges Dam granddaughter of Herman cuesters Olympic 003 Making him a half-brother of Sammy's Ogles good, pied stock cock. He wasn't raced are trained as a young bird been a summer breed. As a yearling he picked up a couple minor prizes. This year he was very consistent from the first race. they finished 29th Section E and 68th open Bude two weeks earlier before winning 1st sec E 9th National St. Malo

Geoff Stan McMullan Drumnavady displaying theri St. Malo bird finished 29th Section E and 68th open Bude 18 07 23x    The Sire inbreed drum cock of Sammy Olges 18 07 23x

Geoff & Stan McMullan Drumnavady displaying theri St. Malo bird finished 29th Section E and 68th open Bude two weeks earlier before winning 1st sec E 9th National St. Malo & The Sire inbreed drum cock of Sammy Olges Dam granddaughter of Herman cuesters Olympic 003 Making him a half-brother of Sammy's Ogles good pied stock cock He wasn't raced are trained as a young bird been a summer breed

Gary Hughes & Son Jordan of Newry City 3-year-old blue hen just home from France after flying 434 Miles to sit on her two 2-day old ybs fighting to protect her young. They finish 1st Club Newry City, 1st Club Newry & District, 2nd Section G, 5th National also Winning £565 in Prize Money.  She has been newly named as "Titan" she is bred from 2 Racers bred by our great friend Alan Massey of Newtown Kilpedder in Co. Wicklow from his top Distance Bloodlines originating to the best of G. O'Reilly & Sons, Liam McCall, Pat Lambert French lines. Her Sire was 222nd National from N.I.P.A. St. Malo Old Bird National in 2020. She was Trained with the Newry & Mourne Channel Club Transporter in Skerries on the Coast 2-3 times a week. Her first race of the season was from Bude 246 Miles and then she was sent to St. Malo

Gary Hughes Son Jordan of Newry City 18 07 23x

Gary Hughes & Son Jordan of Newry City 3-year-old blue hen 'Titan' finishing 1st Club Newry City, 1st Club Newry & District, 2nd Section G, 5th National also Winning £565 in Prize Money

And that brings an end to the 2023 N.I.P.A. Old Bird Season. It has been a season to remember for all from the First Race to the Last. I would like to thank everybody for their kind regards on my weekly reports over the course of the Old Bird Season I thoroughly enjoyed writing them and chatting to you all every week. I have made a lot of new friends right from the get-go and it’s great to be building up friendships all over the country and afar over the love of the sport. I would like to thank everybody that took the time to take photos and gather info for myself I really appreciate it.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners in the old bird season and I would like to wish you all the very best of luck in the upcoming 2023 N.I.P.A Youngbird Season.

P.S I will be posting some Loft Reports I have in the pipeline and will be looking to publish soon. Please feel free to contact myself about looking any info/loft reports to be published for your great racing and breeding success to date.


On the 29th of June the fancy learnt of the sad passing of Mr Stephen McGarry best known as ‘New Kid on the Block’. Stephen sadly passed away in Hospital after a battle with illness. Stephen was a one in a million character and known so well around the UK and Ireland and further afield. The Ballymena native was a man ahead of his time with the best of progressive thinking ideas and always looking to put his trademark on things which he did so well from his website ‘Pigeon Craic’, his skills as an auctioneer and his great informative hard work that went into his scribing articles in the BHW ‘Abit of Craic’. When I was very young, I would have sat in many auction rooms bored to tears but as soon as I went to one that Stephen was Auctioneer in, it was straight away different and better than the auction. His witty and funny way of controlling the room was hilarious. No matter how hard the bidder tried to hide away secretly you just could pick them out as Stephen would have them breaking their poker face with a witty line or two.

After race day there was always a phone call from Stephen to Dad without fail, he would say ‘make sure that wee younging of yours has his hair done for a photo by god he has some head of hair’ There is a massive void left in the sport that cannot be replicated. He was a great friend and even bigger role model to look up to in scribing. May he Rest in Peace

 Thank you for taking the time to read through my N.I.P.A Journey’s End Report

 Yours in Sport , Jordan Hughes




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