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NIPA Race Report by Homer - 08-08-23

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NIPA Race Report by Homer

Brendan Morgan from Coalisland 1st & 2nd Open NIPA Kilbeggan -

Northern Ireland has had its wettest July on record, many problems for the local fancy getting bird trained in preparation for the young bird race season, hopefully the weeks ahead improve before fanciers decide to pull the plug for the year.

At Kilbeggan for the second time the NIPA brought the race forward, birds marked in local clubs on Thursday and the race flown on Friday, it was our second race in five days. Brendan Morgan from Coalisland had the result of the day with the top five in Sect A and 1st & 2nd Open NIPA with 14,072 birds competing and the only loft exceeding 2000ypm. See Coalisland & District club report.  

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Brendan Morgan Coalisland great card including 1st & 2nd Open NIPA & The winners of 1st & 2nd Open NIPA for Brendan Morgan of Coalisland & District.

NIPA Race/Date

2nd Kilbeggan Friday 28th July 2023 – Liberated at 9.30am in a Southerly wind.

NIPA Open 2nd Kilbeggan 414/14,072 – 1-1A B Morgan Coalisland & Dist. 2000, 2-2A B Morgan 1993, 3-1B J Smyth & Son Ahoghill 1991, 4-3A B Morgan 1984, 5-4A B Morgan 1983, 6-5A B Morgan 1983, 7-2B T & J McDonald Coleraine Prem 1982, 8-3B T & J McDonald 1979, 9-4B D Dixon Ballymoney 1974, 10-6A B & D Coyle 1970, 11-5B Young McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1967, 12-6B D Dixon 1964, 13-7B T & J McDonald 1963, 14-7A G & S Smith Cookstown Soc 1960, 15-8B M & J Howard & Son Coleraine Prem 1959, 16-9B M & J Howard & Son 1957, 17-1C A & T Agnew Ballyclare & Dist. 1957, 18-8A B & D Coyle 1957, 19-9A B & D Coyle 1957, 20-10A B & D Coyle 1956.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section C 83/2415 – A & T Agnew Ballyclare & Dist. 1957, Bingham & Seaton Ligoniel & Dist. 1951, 1950, Ed Heaney & Son Ligoniel & Dist. 1948, Bingham & Seaton 1948, 1947, C McManus Ligoniel & Dist. 1938, J & D Braniff Glen 1934, Bingham & Seaton 1933, J & D Braniff 1926.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section D 55/1764 – Johnston Bros Colin 1941, 1940, I Gibb & Sons Glenavy & Dist. 1940, Johnston Bros 1939, G Smyth Lisburn & Dist. 1939, R Topping & Son Lisburn & Dist. 1939, Johnston Bros 1939, O & M Monaghan Colin 1938, 1937, R Topping & Son 1937.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section G 31/1576 – Owen Markey Ballyholand 1897, 1896, 1896, 1896, 1895, Sam Ogle Drumnavaddy 1889, Owen Markey 1889, 1883, 1882, 1882.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section A 32/1238 – B Morgan Coalisland & District 2000, 1993, 1984, 1983, 1983, B & D Coyle Coleraine Prem 1970, G & S Smith Cookstown Soc 1960, B & D Coyle 1957, 1957, 1956.

NIPA Sect A Clubs

Coalisland & District 10/385 – Brendan Morgan 2000, 1993, 1984, 1983, 1983, P McElhatton 1953. Congratulations Brendan Morgan - First 5 club today from 2nd Kilbeggan. First 5 Section A positions. First Second Fourth Fifth & Sixth Open

Velocity 2000.132. Brendan Morgan writes - I wud like to give a big thank you to D C& P McArdle on breeding me my 1st Open cock from Killbeggan on Friday past with also rearing me my 4th Open, and also, my 2nd Open hen is a hen coming down off a pair of the late Sam Mitchell. This pair is responsible for many 1st Section winners and good open positions. It’s a fantastic feeling getting 5 in the Top 6 in NIPA Open, so I’d like to thank all the people who rang me to congratulate me and people who called to house. thank you one and all. After my open win on Friday past I would like to thank Henry for supplying my corn and accessories throughout the past few years. A pleasure to deal with - Cheers Henry.

Coleraine Premier HPS 11/636 – T & J McDonald 1982, 1979, B & D Coyle 1970, T & J McDonald 1963, M & J Howard & Son 1959, 1957. Brilliant First, second and fourth to Trevor and Jennifer. Congratulations - Their winner today is a Gary Gibson / Rea Rocket cross. These three pigeons finish 7th, 8th and 13th Open NIPA. 2nd Grizzle Race - 1st Lawrence Hanson &Son GB23C-05534 £75. 2nd Anthony McDonnell GB23A-70480 £50. Well done lads. The following members are through to next week's Loft to Loft K Darragh, J Hanson, M & J Howard & Son, L Hanson & Son, T & J McDonald, Diamond Bros & G McLaughlin. Adrian Moffatt PO.

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T & J McDonald of Coleraine Premier had the best bird in Coleraine Triangle.

Coleraine & County Derry RPS 4/114 – T McCrudden 1894, W & W Murdock 1848, B McCrudden 1831, K Darragh 1817. Two wins on the trot for Terence McCrudden.

Cookstown Social 5/167 – G & S Smith 1960, Wm Bleeks & Son 1949, 1949, 1948, G & S Smith 1938, 1934. Two wins on the trot for G & S Smith.

Dungannon & District 3/107 – I Blair 1911, 1909, B Isbaner 1828, I Blair 1778, 1722, B Isbaner 1696.

Windsor Social 5/262 – R & J Parke 1915, 1912, 1884, 1879, 1878, R Gage 1875.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section B 76/2603 – J Smyth & Son Ahoghill 1991, T & J McDonald Coleraine Prem 1982, 1979, D Dixon Ballymoney 1974, Young McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1967, D Dixon 1964, T & J McDonald 1963, M & J Howard & Son Coleraine Prem 1959, 1957, 1950.

NIPA Sect B Clubs

Ahoghill Flying Club 5/161 – J Smyth & Son 1991, Young McManus & Sons 1967, 1883, 1881, 185, J Smyth & Son 1796. Big early bird for Jimmy Smyth, 1st Sect B & MAC plus 3rd Open NIPA.

Ballymoney HPS 14/489 – D Dixon 1974, 1964, C McCook 1900, J Connolly 1891, 1890, Young & Gibson 1873. Club winner today for Danny, is a pure Gert Heylen half-sister to (Red Lightning).

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“Bregagh Lass” 1st Open NIPA Fermoy Yearling Nat 2023 for J Hutchinson & Son of Ballymoney HPS.

Ballymena & District HPS 7/237 – Blair & Rankin 1831, K & K Kernohan & Sons 1829, 1817, Blair & Rankin 1810, 189, M Graham 1804. Loft of the late Harry Richmond for sale. 14ft x 6ft 2 sections. Nest boxes and perches in both sections. Corrugated metal roof. Good dry shed. Contact Robert Alexander Tel: 07873 816832.

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Bertie Blair best in Ballymena & Dist. and the town from Kilbeggan.

Cullybackey HPS 9/274 – J & J Greer 1849, G Gibson 1777, A Darragh 1770, 1752, 1726, 1726. Today's Cullybackey HPS winners where J & J Greer. Timing their cheq cock at 11.16am.  Today's winner is off the best of the Veermeerburgen-wilms from good friend Kenneth Kernohan. The sire is a full brother to 4th Section Gowran Park 2021 and full brother to 1st Club Fermoy Yearling National 2023. The dam is full sister to 3rd Club, 9th Centre Skibbereen YB Nat 2022. Well done to all in the result.

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Jimmy & Jamie Greer 1st Cullybackey in 2nd Kilbeggan.

Crumlin & District 6/187 – R & S Hope 1889, Fleming Bros 1873, S Thompson 1839, R & S Hope 1838, Fleming Bros 1830, D Hamilton 1809. Two on the trot for R & S Hope.

Dervock RPS – Chris McCook 1900, D & H Stuart 1869, 1863, D Devenney 1840, 1839, C McCook 1827.

Harryville HPS 4/128 – D Magill 1791, 1770, 1759, J Rock 1749, 1748, 1747.

Kells & District HPS 6/169 – Gregg Bros 1797, Surgenor Bros 1796, A Barkley & Son 1789, Gregg Bros 1762, A Barkley & Son 1761, Surgenor Bros 1743. Sizzlers 2 Bird Club - 1. A.Barkley & Son 1789, 2. A.Barkley & Son 1738, 3. Gregg Bros 1566, 4. Surgenor Bros 1276. Well done to Gregg Bros taking the top spot for Kells this week from 2nd Kilbeggan! Well done to everyone on the sheet.

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Jimmy & Mervyn Gregg best in Kells & Dist. from the 2nd Kilbeggan.

Muckamore HPS 9/332 – S & N Maginty 1872, 1871, 1871, 1869, 1869, 1868. Super card for S & N Maginty in Muckamore.  

Randalstown HPS 7/181 – Stewart Bros 1900, 1898, 1792, J McNeill & Son 1772, J Millar 1765, 1694. Two on the trot for Stewart Bros.

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Ian Stewart with his winner form Kilbeggan 1 & 2, same bird 2 x 1sts.

Rasharkin &District HPS 5/99 – Harold Cubitt 1901, W McFetridge 1859, 1858, F Barkley 1854, 1854, W McFetridge 1751. Congratulations to Harold Cubitt taking top spot from today’s race from Kilbeggan. Harold Cubitt 10 x 1st this season in Rasharkin & District HPS.

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Harold Cubitt from Rasharkin & Dist. won the Mid Antrim Combine Old Bird of the Year 2023 and also NIPA Sect B.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section E 87/3405 – D C & P McArdle Armagh 1951, C J & B Ferris Lurgan Soc 1940, G O’Dowd Gil Harold Cubitt 10 x 1st this season in Rasharkin & District & Dist. 1934, G Calvin & Son Annaghmore 1932, S & E Buckley Edgarstown 1930, 1929, David Calvin Bondhill Soc 1922, I Blair Dungannon & Dist. 1911, Tom Wilson Gilford & Dist. 1909, A & R Neill Edgarstown 1909.  

NIPA Sect E Clubs

Annaghmore 12/427 – G Calvin & Son 1932, J & E Calvin 1894, F & D McNeice 1889, G Calvin & Son 1875, F & D McNeice 1846, J & E Calvin 1846.

Armagh HPS 9/362 – D C & P McArdle 1951, 1907, G Stevenson & Son 1885, Kelly Bros 1867, A & J Kelly 1866, P Duffy 1860. I didn’t get a pic of this week winners D C & P McArdle so here is last week’s winner of the first Kilbeggan John Campbell receiving his bag of food which was sponsored by Stitch in Time Alteration shop in Armagh who have very kindly sponsored our young bird season with a bag of food for each week’s club winner. Joey Kelly PO.  

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John Campbell won 1st Club Armagh in the opening race from Kilbeggan.

Beechpark Social 5/112 – G & P Lavery 1874, 1872, 1803, D Mawhinney & Son 1770, R Bothwell 1727, S & J McCullough 715.

Bondhill Social 2/164 – David Calvin 1922, 1864, 1857, 1840, 1839, 1839.

Edgarstown HPS 6/302– 1st S & E Buckley 1930, 2nd S & E Buckley 1929, 3rd A & R Neill 1909, 4th M Hughes 1887, 5th S & E Buckley 1883, 6th S & E Buckley 1882. Well done to Simon and Eric taking the top two this week, and also a good card of birds. Their winner is down off, the partnerships “Unlucky” cock, and well done to all in the result. Simmo PO.

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S & E Buckley Edgarstown HPS had 1st Club in 2nd Kilbeggan.

Gilford & District 6/277 – G O’Dowd 1934, Tom Wilson 1909, A Feeney & Son 1895, Tom Wilson 1875, A Feeney & Son 1865, 1860. Well done Greg and all in the results.

Laurelvale 4/136 – Alan Craig 1804, 1766, C Brown 1757, G & C Topley 1729, C Brown 1714, 1711.

Loughgall 5/310 – Sam Corrigan 1881, R Calvin & Daughter 1856, S Corrigan 1825, Nelson Weir 1819, 1817, S Corrigan 1795.

Lurgan Social 14/501 – C J & B Ferris 1940, R Adamson 1905, J Barr  1892, Keelie Wright 1889, C J & B Ferris 1876, 1875.

Markethill HPS 4/88 – J & H Muldrew & McMurray 1879, Humphries & Baird 1792, G Hewitt 1774, Humphries & Baird 1767, J & H Muldrew & McMurray 1764, 1752.

Monaghan HPS 9/343 – Keit Allister 1818, 1817, 1816, 1810, P McFadden 1803, B Corley 1769.

Portadown & Drumcree 4/176 – J Whitten & Son 1890, 1882, 1872, 1856, B Creaney 1836, 1835.Young Jay and dad delighted to win today’s race from Kilbeggan making that our second YB win this season! We timed another 2 pigeons we got in this year from Dave Atkin. Well done to all members finishing in the Top 10.

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J Whitten & Son Portadown & Drumcree win both races from Kilbeggan.

Meadows 3/70 – Larkin Bros 1851, 1717, H T & J Larkin 1716, 1714, Larkin Bros 1713.

NIPA 2nd Kilbeggan Section H 50/1071 – David Booth Mourne & Dist. 1852, Barry Hart Foyle 1828, A McCrudden Derry & Dist. 1827, P Maxwell Foyle 1822, Paul Maxwell Jnr Foyle 1821, P Maxwell 1818, D Canning Derry & Dist. 1810, Mickey Rabbett Amelia Earhart 1810, J & G Ramsey Derry & Dist. 1809, D Canning 1807.

NIPA Sect H Clubs

Amelia Earhart 7/79 – Mickey Rabbett 1810, Ray McMonagle 1793, 1743, Cathal Fox 1730, Mickey Rabbett 1722, 120.

Derry & District 8/206 – A McCrudden 1827, D Canning 1810, J & G Ramsey 1809, D Canning 1807, J & G Ramsey 1807, J Diamond 1806.

Foyle RPS 5/161 – Barry Hart 1828, Paul Maxwell 1822, P Maxwell Jnr 1821, Paul Maxwell 1818. Well done to Barry Hart the Channel man who can win at any distance, 1st in the City of Derry Federation.

Limavady 7/184 – H Crawford 1741, R Witherow 1741, Robin McIlmoyle 1706, 1684, 1615, 1612.

Londonderry RPS 4/98 – Noel Murray 1752, L Flanagan 1708, 1703, N Murray 1506, H McNulty 1287, B Freeman 1174.

Maiden City 6/80 – J McGettigan 1785, P McLaughlin 1784 J McGettigan 1781, 1708, R Lyle 1703, 1515.

Mourne & District HPS 3/135 – David Booth 1852, C & C Reid 1761, 1756, J Convey 1705, C & C Reid 1684, 1674.

Omagh & District 3/45 – J Thompson 1691, 1590, 1473, A Kelly 1469, 1453, J Thompson 1278.

Strabane & District Inv RPC 6/83 – David Devine 1760, Dominic McGranaghan 1709, 1708, 1704, 1702, 1701. Congratulations David Devine, great clocking also by Dominic McGranaghan.

Jimmy Smyth & Son of Ahoghill best from 2nd Kilbeggan –

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Jimmy Smyth with his 1st Mid Antrim Combine, 1st Section B and 3rd Open NIPA Kilbeggan winner.

The second young bird race of the season was again from Kilbeggan in County Westmeath. Liberation took place on Friday 28th July at 9.30am in helping southerly winds and the birds romping home with the winning birds doing well over a mile a minute. Best bird in the local area this week was timed by Ahoghill fanciers Jimmy Smyth & Son at 11.08am to record 1991ypm and top the Mid Antrim Combine and finish 1st Section B & 3rd Open NIPA 414/14072. Jimmy's winner was a De Zot Lambrecht cross cheq hen from Mark Milliken of Rasharkin. Jimmy has had another top season having won 1st Combine, 1st Section B and 21st Open NIPA Bude and 2nd Section & 7th Open NIPA Penzance. Runner up in the Combine, and also 4th was Danny Dixon of Rasharkin on 1974 & 1964 and placed 4th and 6th Section & 9th & 12th Open NIPA. Danny's first bird was a Gert Heylen blue hen being half-sister to Red Lightning. 3rd Combine were the Ahoghill runners up Young & McManus & Sons who had a very good card placed 3rd, 8th, 9th & 12th MA Combine with their winner 5th Section & 11th Open NIPA. Paddy & William timed a grizzle hen from the best of their Van den Brande pigeons. Harold Cubitt had his 10th Rasharkin win of the season with a Fred Simpson x Harry Richmond grizzle hen, Stewart Brothers topped Randalstown for the second week running with the same blue Lambrecht cock and Jimmy & Jamie Greer had a clear 5-minute winner in Cullybackey with a cheq cock bred from the best of Keith Kernohan's Vermeerbergen-Wilms stock. The sire is full brother to 4th Section Gowran Park 2021 and the dam full sister to 9th Cullybackey Centre Skibbereen YB National 2021. Last week’s Combine runner-up Bertie Blair was best in Ballymena & District and the town with blue cheq Heremans-Cuester hen. The sire purchased from the late Lexie Mullan and Gregg Bros had the winner in Kells & District timing a chequer Lambrecht cock gifted to the brothers by Bertie Blair. Their winning cock is down from Johnston Eagleson's “Channel Queen”.

The last 32 of the Mid Antrim Combine young bird Knock-out will commence next week at Tullamore with the final at Talbenny YB National. Any member with a velocity of 1661.59 or above qualifies for the last 32 draw. The draw will be made in the Ballymena & District clubrooms on race marking night. Mervyn Eagleson PO.

Mid Antrim Combine 2nd Kilbeggan 44/1,341 - Jimmy Smyth & Son Ahoghill 1991, D Dixon Rasharkin 1974, Young & McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1967, D Dixon Rasharkin 1964, H Cubitt Rasharkin 1901, Stewart Bros Randalstown 1900, Stewart Bros Randalstown 1898, Young & McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1883, Young & McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1881, W McFetridge Rasharkin 1859, W McFetridge Rasharkin 1858, Young & McManus & Sons Ahoghill 1854, F Barkley Rasharkin 1854, F Barkley Rasharkin 1854, J & J Greer Ahoghill 1849, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 1831, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1829, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1817, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 1810, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 1809, Martin Graham Ballymena 1804, Martin Graham Ballymena 1804, Gregg Bros Kells 1797, J Smyth & Son Ahoghill 1796, Surgenor Bros Kells 1796, Stewart Bros 1792, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1792, D Magill Harryville 1791, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1790, A Barkley & Son Kells 1789, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1788, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1788, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1785, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 1783, J Eagleson & Sons Ballymena 1780, G Gibson Cullybackey 1777, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1775, Blair & Rankin Ballymena 1775, K & K Kernohan & Sons Ballymena 1775, J McNeill & Son Randalstown 1772.

Feds & Combines update 2nd Kilbeggan

Coleraine Triangle 2nd Kilbeggan – T & J McDonald Coleraine Prem 1982, 1979, B & D Coyle Coleraine Prem 1970, T & J McDonald 1963, M & J Howard & Son 1959, 1957, B & D Coyle 1957, 1957, 1956, 1955, J Hanson Coleraine Prem 1952, M & J Howard & Son 1950, B & D Coyle 1936, 1935, R & J Parke Windsor Soc 1915, L Hanson & Son Coleraine Prem 1914, 1914, B & D Coyle 1914, L Hanson & Son 1914, B & D Coyle 1913, L Hanson & Son 1912, R & J Parke 1912, B & D Coyle 1910, M & J Howard & Son 1905, 1905, J Hanson 1899, L Hanson & Son 1899, J Hanson 1899, 1899, 1899, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, T Steele Coleraine Prem 1894, T McCrudden Coleraine & Co Derry 1894, T Steele 1893, L Hanson & Son 1893, S Diamond Coleraine Prem 1886, 1880.  

City of Derry Federation 2nd Kilbeggan – Barry Hart Foyle 1828, A McCrudden Derry & Dist. 1827, P Maxwell Foyle 1822, Paul Maxwell Jnr Foyle 1821, P Maxwell 1818, D Canning Derry & Dist. 1810 Mickey Rabbett Amelia Earhart 1810, J & G Ramsey Derry & Dist. 1809, D Canning 1807, J & G Ramsey 1807, J Diamond Derry & Dist. 1806, 1804, 1803, D Canning 1797, Ray McMonagle Amelia Earhart 1793, M McGrath Derry & Dist. 1789, 1788, 1787, J McGettigan Maiden Ciy 1785, P McLaughlin Maiden City 1784.

Foyle Valley Combine 2nd Kilbeggan – Barry Hart Foyle 1828, A McCrudden Derry & Dist. 1827, P Maxwell Foyle 1822, Paul Maxwell Jnr Foyle 1821, P Maxwell 1818, D Canning Derry & Dist. 1810 Mickey Rabbett Amelia Earhart 1810, J & G Ramsey Derry & Dist. 1809, D Canning 1807, J & G Ramsey 1807, J Diamond Derry & Dist. 1806, 1804, 1803, D Canning 1797, Ray McMonagle Amelia Earhart 1793, M McGrath Derry & Dist. 1789, 1788, 1787, J McGettigan Maiden Ciy 1785, P McLaughlin Maiden City 1784.

Harold Cubitt of Rasharkin wins Mid Antrim Combine OB of the Year 2023 & NIPA Section B OB of the Year 2023

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Champion Old Bird of the Year winner for Harold Cubitt of Rasharkin.

Harold Cubitt of Rasharkin & District had an excellent old bird season with his small team of widowhood cocks winning the club on nine occasions. The star of the loft was his yearling cheq cock bred from his old family of pigeons. This cock won 4 x 1st and topped the Mid Antrim Combine from Tullamore and Fermoy and had a further five positions in the Combine and in total six positions in the Section. The best open position won was 8th in the opening race of the season from Tullamore with 14,849 birds competing. It was no surprise when the yearling cock won the Mid Antrim Combine and Section B old bird of the year awards for 2023.

Blue cheq cock GB22D00411 results 2023

1st Club, 1st Mid Antrim Combine 1311 birds, 3rd Section 2274 birds, 8th Open 14849 Birds - NIPA Tullamore. 4th Club, 18th MA Combine 1686 birds, 45th Section 3551 birds, 320th Open 26104 Birds - NIPA Fermoy (2). 1st Club, 15th MA Combine 279 birds, 21st Section 424 birds - NIPA Skibbereen OB Inland National. 5th Club (bb4lm), 22nd MA Combine 535 birds, 41st Section 1540 birds - NIPA Fermoy (3).

 3rd Club (bb2lm), 9th MA Combine 113 birds - NIPA Fermoy 5 Bird. 1st Club, 4th MA Combine 140 birds, 13th Section 251 birds, 138th Open 2183 birds - NIPA Fermoy Yearling National. 1st Club, 1st MA Combine 315 birds, 6th Section 753 birds, 118th Open 4080 birds - NIPA Fermoy (5).

Mr & Mrs Robinson of Cullybackey win

NIPA Section B Old Bird Channel Fanciers of the Year 2023

The husband-and-wife partnership of Laurence and Heather Robinson who race in the Cullybackey flying Club had another top old bird season winning the Section B channel averages and Mid Antrim Combine old bird and channel averages.

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Mr & Mrs Robinson first season racing in Cullybackey won NIPA Old Bird cross channel Fancier of the Year in Section B.  

Mr & Mrs Robinson's channel results 2023.

Talbenny (1) - 3rd, 7th & 9th club, 10th, 19th & 30th MA Combine, 13th, 28th & 44th Section & 73rd, 187th & 311th Open.

Talbenny (2) - 15th, 16th & 18th MA Combine, 27th, 28th, 30th & 44th Section & 204th, 205th, 209th & 334th Open.

Bude - 1st, 3rd & 4th club, 6th, 10th & 19th MA Combine, 13th, 20th & 33rd Section & 120th, 149th & 245th Open.

Penzance - 1st club, 3rd MA Combine, 3rd & 47th Section & 23rd & 320th Open

Penzance OB Classic - 1st club, 2nd MA Combine, 2nd Section & 12th Open.

St Malo OB National - 1st club 3rd MA Combine, 5th Section & 40th Open

The star performer in the loft at present is a 5yo chequer hen. She has 9 x 1st clubs and 12 x NIPA Open positions all from the channel. She is off a Van Herck cock from P & J Boal of Dromore paired to a Vandenabeele x DeWeerdt hen. Her impressive list of channel prizes is listed below.


Penzance - 1st club, 6th MA Combine, 9th Section & 47th Open NIPA

Penzance OB Classic - 1st club, 6th MA Combine, 8th Section & 33rd Open NIPA 2719 birds.


Penzance race cancelled.


Talbenny (1) - 1st club, 4th MA Combine, 5th Section B & 38th Open NIPA 14650 birds.

Talbenny (2) - 1st Club, 4th MA Combine, 9th Section B & 47th Open NIPA 8813 birds.

Penzance - 1st Club, 3rd MA Combine, 4th Section B & 24th Open NIPA 4644 birds

Penzance OB Classic - 1st club, 3rd MA Combine, 4th Section B & 17th Open NIPA 2090 birds.


Talbenny (2) - 5th club, 29th MA Combine, 35th Section & 158th Open NIPA 8235

Penzance - 6th club, 20th MA Combine, 31st Section & 262nd Open NIPA 3904 birds

Penzance OB Classic - 4th club & 10th Mid Antrim Combine


Talbenny (1) - 30th MA Combine, 44th Section & 311th Open NIPA 10655 birds.

Talbenny (2) - 35th Mid Antrim Combine.

Bude - 1st club, 6th MA Combine, 13th Section & 120th Open NIPA 5452 birds.

Penzance - 1st club, 3rd MA Combine, 3rd Section & 23rd Open 5019 birds.

Penzance OB Classic - 1st club, 2nd MA Combine, 2nd Section & 12th Open NIPA 1905 birds. Mervyn Eagleson PO.

Winners in the Coleraine Premier HPS - Sean Diamond wins NIPA Section A Inland Fancier of Year 2023. Paul O’Connor wins NIPA Section A Channel Fancier of Year 2023. B & D Coyle win NIPA Old Bird Champion of Year 2023. Outstanding performances from all three lofts.

“Frank’s Lady” won the Champion Old Bird for B & D Coyle. Tullamore 3rd Club, 2nd Sect A & 20th Open NIPA 14,706 birds, 1st Roscrea 1st Club, 3rd Sect A 17,233 birds. 1st Fermoy 9th Club, 20th Sect A & 20th Open NIPA 22,431 birds. 2nd Fermoy 5th Club, 6th Sect A & 17th Open NIPA 26,104 birds. 3rd Fermoy 1st Club, 1st Sect A & 13th Open NIPA 8,308 birds Fermoy 5 Bird 1st Club, 1st Sect A & 6th Open NIPA 1,189 birds. 4th Fermoy 11th Club, 19th Sect A & 137th Open NIPA 4,080 birds.

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“Frank’s Lady” Champion Old Bird of the Year in Sect A for B & D Coyle of Coleraine Premier HPS.

Jimmy Hanson wins 1st Club Penzance -

This little lady is pure class. Super performance from Jimmy Hanson of Coleraine Premier. Jimmy Hanson is no stranger to success. Always hard to beat especially on the water. If you are in front of Jimmy on the water on the North Coast you will have a decent pigeon. Congratulations Jimmy. Her breeding is Jos van Limpt mainly from Dean Pallatt. These Van Limpt pigeons have performed superbly for Jimmy with a Meritorious Award winner amongst the top performers on the channel. A Moffatt PO.

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“Little Cheryl” 1st Club Penzance for Jimmy Hanson of the Coleraine Premier. 


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“Peggy’s Boy” 1st Open NIPA St Malo 2023 for Stephen McFlynn of Castledawson.

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D W Lofts bird “Willies Legacy”, well placed in both the St Malo races for NIPA and INFC racing into the Foyle RPS in Derry, flying 504 miles.

HOMER. Willie Reynolds

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

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Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>

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