So far so good for the N.I.P.A. Youngbird Season. Up next was a race from Tullamore in County Offaly. This time round Section F sent their birds for a full Liberation instead of being on the Trailer to a different liberation site. Race marking took place in clubrooms on Thursday the 3rd of August. 523 members of the Mighty N.I.P.A. sent 17,066 Birds to Tullamore for the third race of the 2023 Youngbird programme. The Birds were liberated in Tullamore Liberation site at 9:15 AM on Friday morning the 4th of August in clear skies and with a Light South West Wind.
The Winning Bird from the third youngbird race of the season belongs to Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S in Section G.
Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S. 1st N.I.P.A. Tullamore 17,066 Birds
It just keeps getting better and better for Owen and his team of birds in Rockview Lofts. With an Open Winning Start followed up by a Section Clean Sweep Win, Owen has only gone and added another N.I.P.A. 1st Open Win to the tally racking up a dream start to the youngbird programme. The Ballyholland man’s time and hard work has paid off tremendously by the show of quality his team of youngbirds have shown in only a short period of time. And reading through the breeding and the way Owen Conditions each and every one of his birds there is no surprise as to how well he is doing.
Owen has named the Tullamore 1st Open Winning Bird as ‘Whiplash’. He is a Blue Cheq and is a true character around the loft and is now the most consistent over the 3 races and a previous winner. His Record so far from 3 races is; 10th Open N.I.P.A. (9,245 Birds) from the 1st Kilbeggan. 5th Section G (1,576 Birds) from the 2nd Kilbeggan and now is 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore (17,066) 1st Section G (1,767 Birds) ‘Whiplash’ is a mix of Owens own Lines x Boeckx x Luc Vervoort. His Sire is ‘739’ one of the most consistent old birds to the loft along with his nest brother ‘738’ who took 5 top 20 Section positions this year only to be beaten over the trap on 2 occasions by his brother ‘739’ they are both direct children of ‘Miss Vervoort’.
'Whiplash' 1st Open Winning Pigeon from Tullamore
2nd Open Winner is a direct daughter of ‘Mascara’ x ‘Miss Vervoort’. 3rd Open Winner is a Son of ‘Striker’ a direct son of ‘Strik’ of Patrick Boeckx x ‘83’ a super producing daughter of the ’63 Hen’.
Many Congratulations to Owen Markey on claiming yet another N.I.P.A. Open from Tullamore from 17,066 Birds.
The Winner of Section C (86/2,640) from Tullamore was Bingham & Seaton of Ligoniel & District H.P.S. Leo, Billy & Dora Finishes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Club (473 Birds) 1st, 2nd & 3rd Section C (2,640 Birds) and 27th, 28th & 29th Open (17,066 Birds) The 2nd Section Winner named as ‘Karls Rocket’ is a gift bird from good friend Karl Donnelly having been 2nd Section C the previous race. 1st & 3rd Section Winning birds are down from ‘Kittle’ Lines from birds obtained from good friend Sheldon Leonard Many Congratulations to Section C Winners Bingham & Seaton and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Leo Bingham of Bingham & Seaton 1st,2nd,3rd Section C Winners from Tullamore
Ballycarry & District: (6/162) 1st E. Arthurs 1494; 2nd E. Arthurs 1477; 3rd E. Arthurs 1470; 4th B. McCammon 1466; 5th B. McCammon 1449; 6th E. Arthurs 1446
Eddie Arthurs taking the first 3 in Ballycarry & District. Winner is a grizzle from A. Beggs of Larne
Ballyclare & District: (7/204) 1st Higginson & Fasciola 1500; 2nd A&T Agnew 1498; 3rd Higginson & Fasciola 1494; 4th Higginson & Fasciola 1494; 5th A&T Agnew 1492; 6th A&T Agnew 1489
Higginson & Fasciolo Ballyclare & District HPS Winners
Carrick Social: (8/287) 1st Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1566; 2nd Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1550; 3rd Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1548; 4th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1538; 5th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1538; 6th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1538
Mr & Mrs Reid & Hugh Bigger taking top 3 spots in Carrick Social and 1st & 2nd cut and nom goes to 'Money bags' Geo Robinson
Doagh & District: (7/251) 1st A&N Lewis 1517; 2nd A&N Lewis 1516; 3rd J&R Scott 1476; 4th J&R Scott 1475; 5th J&R Scott 1472; 6th A&N Lewis 1457
A & N Lewis Winners of Doagh & District H.P.S
Eastway H.P.S: (9/388) 1st G. McKenna 1539; 2nd J. Burrows 1528; 3rd D. McElhone 1527; 4th G. McKenna 1526; 5th Foster & Larkin 1525; 6th R. Francey & Son 1524
Glenarm & District: D/S
Horseshoe H.P.S: (4/118) 1st N. Ferguson & Son 1461; 2nd J. Hastings 1432; 3rd N. Ferguson & Son 1432; 4th N. Ferguson & Son 1431; 5th K&D Hagans 1414; 6th J. Hastings 1399
Kingsmoss: (7/184) 1st J. Dawson & Son 1546; 2nd J. Dawson & Son 1485; 3rd J. Dawson & Son 1465; 4th J. Dawson & Son 1465; 5th J. Dawson & Son 1465; 6th J. Dawson & Son 1464
J Dawson & Son Kingsmoss HPS Winners
Larne & District: (15/449) 1st D&P Harvey 1479; 2nd D&P Harvey 1479; 3rd D&P Harvey 1463; 4th Crawford & Robinson 1461; 5th Crawford & Robinson 1461; 6th Rea & Magill 1453
David & Paul Harvey Larne & District HPS Winners & Larne & District Winning Bird from Tullamore a cheq cock bred by Wayne Doonan of Cockcrow Lofts taking the first share of the 2 bird also.
Larne & District Members picking out their pools and 2bird pigeons for the Tullamore yb race
Ligoniel & District: (19/473) 1st Bingham & Seaton 1583; 2nd Bingham & Seaton 1582; 3rd Bingham & Seaton 1582; 4th Bingham & Seaton 1565; 5th Bingham & Seaton 1564; 6th Bingham & Seaton 1563
The Winner of Section D (60/2,152) from Tullamore was G. Smyth of Lisburn & District H.P.S. Finishes 1st Club (315 Birds) 1st Section D (2,152 Birds) and 21st Open N.I.P.A. (17,066 Birds) The Section D Winning Bird last week was 6th Club, 18th Section and 68th Open. A Danny Van Dyke blue pied cock, bred from a pair of D.V.D. birds from Mickey and the late Archie McConville of McConville Brothers. This is not the first prize winner coming down from this pair. Gary would like to thank Mickey for the Quality stock that has done so well forhim Many Congratulations to Section D Winners Johnston Bros and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Gary Smyth of Lisburn & District HPS Section D Winner from Tullamore
Colin H.P.S: (6/224) 1st Johnston Bros 1566; 2nd Johnston Bros 1566; 3rd O&M Monaghan 1558; 4th O&M Monaghan 1539; 5th O&M Monaghan 1539; 6th O&M Monaghan 1539
Derriaghy: (2/55) 1st R. Benson 1476; 2nd D M & K Johnston 1416; 3rd D M & K Johnston 1408; 4th R. Benson 1380
Dromara H.P.S: (6/243) 1st Russell Bros 1558; 2nd D. Aiken 1541; 3rd D. Aiken 1541; 4th D. Aiken 1541; 5th Russell Bros 1538; 6th M. Russell 1534
Dromore West End: D/S
Dromore H.P.S: (7/287) 1st H. McAvoy 1578; 2nd H. McAvoy 1575; 3rd P&J Boal 1566; 4th Aiken Bros 1563; 5th H. McAvoy 1551; 6th H. McAvoy 1551
Herman McAvoy Dromore HPS Winner
Glen H.P.S: (4/141) 1st J&D Braniff 1581; 2nd M. McManus 1538; 3rd P. Farrelly & Son 1526; 4th J&D Braniff 1522; 5th J&D Braniff 1522; 6th B&K Mullan & Dunlop 1517
J&D Braniff Glen H.P.S Winners
Glenavy & District: (3/125) 1st I. Gibb & Sons 1573; 2nd I. Gibb & Sons 1546; 3rd I. Gibb & Sons 1529; 4th I. Gibb & Sons 1526; 5th I. Gibb & Sons 1519; 6th I. Gibb & Sons 1517
Ian Gibb & Sons Winners of Glenavy & District H.P.S
Harmony H.P.S: (9/261) 1st Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1542; 2nd Abernethy & Turner 1536; 3rd Abernethy & Turner 1525; 4th Abernethy & Turner 1515; 5th J&V Abernethy 1514; 6th W. White & Son 1500
Hillsborough & Maze: (7/338) 1st Lyons & Kennedy 1591; 2nd J. Greenaway 1583; 3rd Lyons & Kennedy 1553; 4th J. Greenaway 1549; 5th J. Greenaway 1543; 6th J. Greenaway 1535
Kingswood H.P.S: D/S
Lisburn & District: (10/315) 1st G. Smyth 1589; 2nd R. Topping & Son 1528; 3rd S G Briggs 1527; 4th G. Smyth 1517; 5th G. Smyth 1517; 6th G. Smyth 1517
South Belfast H.P.S: (3/82) 1st T. McNally 1566; 2nd T. McNally 1529; 3rd T. McNally 1501; 4th T. McNally 1497; 5th T. McNally 1484; 6th T. McNally 1470
Titanic H.P.S: D/S
Trinity H.P.S: (7/245) 1st J&L Smyth 1577; 2nd J&L Smyth 1572; 3rd J&L Smyth 1536; 4th P&K McCarthy 1525; 5th O. Farrelly 1523; 6th J&L Smyth 1522
The Winner of Section F (64/1,727) from Tullamore was Adair & McCombs of Crossgar H.P.S. The Duo of Gerard Adair & Paddy McComb Finish 1st Club (269 Birds) 1st Section F (1,727 Birds) and 55th Open N.I.P.A. (17,066 Birds) The Section F Winning Bird is racing paired, he is from Phillip Boal lines and he was also clocked as the lads first bird in the East Down Combine (EDC) on Sunday 6th and finished up 3rd Club and 48th West Section from Kilbeggan. Many Congratulations to Section F Winners Adair & McCombs and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Ards: D/S
Annalong: D/S
Bangor R.P.C: (7/230) 1st D. Shaw 1494; 2nd Lambert & Stewart 1490; 3rd R. Moore & Son 1478; 4th R. Moore & Son 1477; 5th R. Moore & Son 1477; 6th D. Shaw 1477
Cloughey H.P.S: (6/257) 1st Gordon Bros & Sons 1561; 2nd Gordon Bros & Sons 1560; 3rd Gordon Bros & Sons 1560; 4th Gordon Bros & Sons 1560; 5th Mark Adair & Sons 1539; 6th Gordon Bros & Sons 1538
Gordon Bros & Sons Cloughey HPS Winners
Comber Central H.P.S: (4/57) 1st D. McQuade 1467; 2nd C. Hutchinson 1465; 3rd C. Hutchinson 1403; 4th G. Marshall 1403; 5th C. Hutchinson 1400; 6th C. Hutchinson 1393
Corrigs: (5/76) 1st S. Foster, Connor & Parry 1556; 2nd P. Brown & Son 1409; 3rd P. Brown & Son 1391; 4th P. Brown & Son 1391; 5th P. Brown & Son 1380; 6th S. Foster, Connor & Parry 1361
Crossgar: (9/269) 1st Adair & McCombs 1570; 2nd Adair & McCombs 1542; 3rd P. Murray 1530; 4th P. Murray 1530; 5th P. Murray 1527; 6th Adair & McCombs 1515
Downpatrick Premier: (4/117) 1st T. Burns 1538; 2nd T. Burns 1532; 3rd Telford Bros 1516; 4th T. Burns 1508; 5th Mrs E. Wynn & Dtr 1503; 6th T. Burns 1475
Killyleagh Central: (8/181) Gordon Bros & Sons 1560; 2nd McComb Bros 1545; 3rd Gordon Bros & Sons 1544; 4th McComb Bros 1544; 5th Gordon Bros & Sons 1544; 6th Gordon Bros & Sons 1543
Killyleagh & District: (7/189) 1st D. Grieves 1542; 2nd D. Grieves 1540; 3rd D. Grieves 1529; 4th Morrisson Bros 1516; 5th D. Grieves 1506; 6th Morrisson Bros 1502
Dean Grieves Winner of Killyleagh & District HPS
Kircubbin: D/S
Millisle & District H.P.S: (7/176) 1st J&J Hollinger 1453; 2nd Duffy & Murphy 1452; 3rd Duffy & Murphy 1411; 4th Duffy & Murphy 1411; 5th Duffy & Murphy 1410; 6th Duffy & Murphy 1409
John & Jean Hollinger Winners of Millisle & District HPS from Tullamore. The winner is bred from the Late Sid Graingers Belgium imports
Newtownards H.P.S: (7/169) 1st H&S Muckle 1491; 2nd H&S Muckle 1489; 3rd H&S Muckle 1481; 4th W. Leckey 1476; 5th H&S Muckle 1465; 6th H&S Muckle 1464
The Winner of Section G (38/1,767) from Tullamore was Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S. (See Opening Report for more info) Owen takes the top 18 places in the Club (539 Birds) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th along with the top 15 Positions in Section G totalling to 18 of the top 20 placings (1,767 Birds) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th,18th, 19th & 20th Open N.I.P.A. (17,066 Birds). Many Congratulations to Owen Markey and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Ashfield: D/S
Ballyholland: (8/539) 1st Owen Markey 1635; 2nd Owen Markey 1635; 3rd Owen Markey 1634; 4th Owen Markey 1627; 5th Owen Markey 1625; 6th Owen Markey 1593
Banbridge H.P.S: (6/166) 1st McCracken Bros 1539; 2nd McCracken Bros 1538; 3rd T. Mallon 1531; 4th E. McAlinden 1519; 5th McCracken Bros 1515; 6th McCracken Bros 1508
Banbridge Social: D/S
Drumnavady: (10/313) 1st S. Ogle 1574; 2nd J. Brush 1550; 3rd J. Brush 1550; 4th J. Brush 1549; 5th S. Ogle 1522; 6th S. Ogle 1522
Sammy Ogle Drumnavady Winner
Millvale: (4/206) 1st JJ McCabe 1579; 2nd JJ McCabe 1560; 3rd N. Murtagh 1557; 4th JJ McCabe 1536; 5th JJ McCabe 1535; 6th JJ McCabe 1533
J J McCabe Millvale H.P.S Winner from Tullamore pictured with his loft manager a real poser
Newry City: (5/249) 1st Thompson & Lunn 1588; 2nd Donnelly Bros 1571; 3rd Donnelly Bros 1548; 4th Donnelly Bros 1546; 5th Donnelly Bros 1534; 6th Donnelly Bros 1533
Darren Thompson of Thompson & Lunn Newry City Winners
Newry & District: (7/367) 1st W. Chambers 1587; 2nd Chloe Chambers 1587; 3rd W. Chambers 1587; 4th W. Chambers 1568; 5th W. Chambers 1566; 6th W. Chambers 1566
Another week over and onto the next, which sees the N.I.P.A. in Roscrea as we get further down the calendar year and further down Ireland with great racing and experience on offer for the fanciers teams of youngbirds. I would like to kindly ask for all club representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections to contact myself to be included in my weekly Reports, With Club , Section & Open Winning Photos, With the Winning Pigeons Info.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my N.I.P.A Journey’s End Report
Yours in Sport , Jordan Hughes
Mobile: 07713808554
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