The Mighty N.I.P.A. had the annual Fermoy and Fermoy 5 Bird Championship located in County Cork. A Total of 519 members of the Mighty N.I.P.A. sent 15,060 Birds to Fermoy. And 192 Members nominated 884 Birds in the 5 Bird Limit Fermoy 5 Bird Championship
The Birds were liberated in Fermoy Liberation site at 8:15 AM on Saturday morning the 26th of August in great conditions with a North Westerly Wind.
Fermoy Result
The Winning Bird from the sixth youngbird race of the season belongs to J F McCabe & Son of Newry & District H.P.S in Section G.
The Fermoy Open Winner ‘Champion Jeanetta’ is a Blue Hen. Sire is from Cock Crow Breeding Lofts who is a Grandson of ‘Kanibaal’ Dam is from McKinstry Bros of Dromara who is from the best of ‘Donkere Leo’ & ‘De Jan’ Bloodlines.
'Champion Jenetta' 1st Open N.I.P.A. Fermoy YB 15,060 Birds
Many Congratulations to John F McCabe & Son on claiming 1st Open N.I.P.A. from Fermoy from 15,060 Birds. 2nd Open was Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S & 3rd Open was Mark Maguire & Son of Newry & District H.P.S. in Section G. It was a successful day for the Newry Area in Section G taking many of the top spot positions. Congratulations to all.
J F McCabe & Son 1st Open Winners
The Winner of Section C (86/2,292) from Fermoy was Ed Heaney & Son of Ligoniel & District H.P.S. Tom Finishes 1st Club (334 Birds) 1st Section C (2,292 Birds) and 6th Open (15,060 Birds) Many Congratulations to Section C Winners Ed Heaney & Son and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Ed Heaney & Son of Ligoniel & District H.P.S Section C Winner from Fermoy
Ballycarry & District: (7/169) 1st Lynch Bros 1276; 2nd Lynch Bros 1210; 3rd B. McCammon 1208; 4th N J. Arthurs 1200; 5th S. Beattie & Dtr 1180; 6th S. Beattie & Dtr 1169
Chris Lynch 1st & 2nd Winner in Ballycarry & District HPS Winner is from good friend Jeff McMaw
Ballyclare & District: (8/193) 1st W R Moore & Son 1284; 2nd W R Moore & Son 1278; 3rd A&T Agnew 1276; 4th G&R Lawrie 1275; 5th Horner Bros & Son 1273; 6th A&T Agnew 1272
Wilbert & 9 year old Hunter holding this weeks 1st & 2nd Winner in Ballyclare & District. Winner is from Harmony Lofts & Hunter with his own Hereman Ceuster
Carrick Social: (7/236) 1st D&J Armstrong & Son 1338; 2nd Mr & Mrs Robinson 1334; 3rd Mr & Mrs Reid & Son 1325; 4th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1298; 5th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1298; 6th Mr & Mrs Robinson 1298
Carrick Social Club members congratulating Jim Armstrong on his win from Fermoy
Carrick Social Hampers ready to go to Fermoy
Doagh & District: (8/226) 1st A&N Lewis 1290; 2nd A&N Lewis 1279; 3rd J&R Scott 1247; 4th J&R Scott 1238; 5th A&N Lewis 1227; 6th J&R Scott 1226
A & N Lewis Winners of Doagh & District H.P.S.
Eastway H.P.S: (9/400) 1st G. McKenna 1302; 2nd G. McKenna 1291; 3rd D&J Campbell 1289; 4th G. McKenna 1289; 5th D&J Campbell 1287; 6th G. McKenna 1287
Glenarm & District: (2/27) 1st G. McWhirter 1191; 2nd G. McWhirter 1124; 3rd O. O’Neill & Son 1113; 4th G. McWhirter 1098; 5th O. O’Neill & Son 1086; 6th G. McWhirter 1081
George McWhirter Glenarm & District H.P.S. Winner
Horseshoe H.P.S: (4/91) 1st J. Hastings 1271; 2nd J. Hastings 1259; 3rd N. Ferguson & Son 1237; 4th N. Ferguson & Son 1211; 5th J. Hastings 1196; 6th K&D Hagans 1180
Kingsmoss: (8/172) 1st J. Dawson & Son 1254; 2nd Knowles & Hill 1249; 3rd J. Dawson & Son 1242; 4th T. Cairns & Sons 1214; 5th J&S Graham 1206; 6th W. Gault & Son 1205
Larne & District: (11/257) 1st G K & 1 Moxham 1269; 2nd Rea & Magill 1240; 3rd Crawford & Robinson 1225; 4th Crawford & Robinson 1225; 5th Rea & Magill 1211; 6th A S Mc Naghten 1202
G K & I Moxham Winners of Larne & District HPS. Winner is a cheq hen sitting ten days on eggs. she is of the good 45 cock who has won numerous prizes in the club & G K & I Moxham Sweeping up the competition. There will be a fight over who uses the sweeping brush next week
Ligoniel & District: (16/334) 1st Ed Heaney & Son 1353; 2nd Bingham & Seaton 1350; 3rd Bingham & Seaton 1345; 4th Bingham & Seaton 1341; 5th McMurray & Anderson 1336; 6th Ed Heaney & Son 1323
Darren McMurray Section C Winner from Fermoy 5 Bird. Blue Hen '007' Sire is from Wayne Doonan and Dam is from Herbie Thorpe breeding Van Den Bulck.
The Winner of Section D (64/1,816) from Fermoy was Jeff Greenaway of Hillsborough & Maze H.P.S. Jeff Wins the Section for the second week in a row and Finishes 1st & 2nd Club (371 Birds) 1st Section D (1,816 Birds) and 9th Open N.I.P.A. (15,060 Birds) The Section D Winning Birds Sire is ‘The Tax Man’ a double section winner. The Dam is a daughter of Pit boy, herself a winner of 3x firsts. This is Jeffs 5th Section D Win of the year. Many Congratulations to Section D Winner Jeff Greenaway and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Jeff Greenaways Section D Winner from Fermoy
Colin H.P.S: (6/238) 1st O&M Monaghan 1354; 2nd O&M Monaghan 1343; 3rd Johnston Bros 1333; 4th Johnston Bros 1326; 5th J. Gregory & Sons 1321; 6th Johnston Bros 1318
Owen and Michael Monaghan Colin H.P.S Winners
Derriaghy: (4/115) 1st R. Benson 1144; 2nd R. Benson 1139; 3rd W. Ringland & Son 1101; 4th D M & K Johnston 1097; 5th K. Johnston 1053
Dromara H.P.S: (7/142) 1st M. Russell 1317; 2nd Russell Bros 1291; 3rd M. Russell 1288; 4th M. Russell 1283; 5th Mr & Mrs Stevenson 1264; 6th Mr & Mrs Stevenson 1244
Dromore West End: D/S
Dromore H.P.S: (10/278) 1st H. McAvoy 1358; 2nd H. McAvoy 1357; 3rd H. McAvoy 1328; 4th Tomlinson & Wilson 1322; 5th R. Keegan & Son 1320; 6th H. McAvoy 1316
Glen H.P.S: (9/258) 1st J&D Braniff 1326; 2nd J&D Braniff 1303; 3rd J&D Braniff 1301; 4th J&D Braniff 1288; 5th B+K Mullan & Dunlop 1281; 6th J&D Braniff 1273
Glenavy & District: (3/104) 1st I. Gibb & Sons 1327; 2nd I. Gibb & Sons 1292; 3rd I. Gibb & Sons 1286; 4th I. Gibb & Sons 1256; 5th I. Gibb & Sons 1239; 6th H. McKeown 1223
Harmony H.P.S: (7/154) 1st Abernethy & Turner 1304; 2nd Abernethy & Turner 1299; 3rd Abernethy & Turner 1292; 4th Abernethy & Turner 1272; 5th Abernethy & Turner 1268; 6th Mr & Mrs S. McAllister 1266
Hillsborough & Maze: (8/371) 1st J. Greenaway 1361; 2nd J. Greenaway 1333; 3rd G. Marsden 1322; 4th Lyons & Kennedy 1317; 5th G. Marsden 1314; 6th J. Greenaway 1313
Kingswood H.P.S: D/S
Lisburn & District: (11/282) 1st G. Smyth 1327; 2nd R. Topping & Son 1272; 3rd G. Smyth 1257; 4th G. Smyth 1250; 5th G. Smyth 1249; 6th W. Joss 1246
Gary Smyth Lisburn & District HPS Winner
South Belfast H.P.S: (3/46) 1st B. Hutchinson 1243; 2nd B. Hutchinson 1200; 3rd M. Fleming 1175; 4th B. Hutchinson 1150; 5th B. Hutchinson 1098; 6th T. McNally 1087
Brett Hutchinson Winner of South Belfast H.P.S
Titanic H.P.S: D/S
Trinity R.P.C: (6/200) 1st P&K McCarthy 1353; 2nd J&L Smyth 1319; 3rd P&K McCarthy 1309; 4th P&K McCarthy 1309; 5th P&K McCarthy 1292; 6th P&K McCarthy 1283
Paul of P&K McCarthy from Trinity R.P.C 1st Open N.I.P.A. Fermoy 5 Bird Championship Winner
The Winner of Section F (53/1,111) from Fermoy was Paddy Byrne & Son of Crossgar H.P.S. Paddy Finished 1st Club (174 Birds) 1st Section F (1,111 Birds) and 13th Open N.I.P.A. (15,060) The Section F Winning Bird is a chequer hen bred down from pigeons that he purchased from Kevin & Christopher Rooney. Paddy would like to thank the Rooney’s for the brilliant quality of the birds they were able to give. In the last couple of years, they have won 2 N.I.P.A. Sections and 1 EDC Section with their bloodlines. Many Congratulations to Section F Winners Paddy Byrne & Son and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners
Paddy Byrne Section F Winner from Fermoy
Ards: D/S
Annalong: D/S
Bangor R.P.C: (6/172) 1st Lambert & Stewart 1308; 2nd Lambert & Stewart 1252; 3rd D. Shaw 1248; 4th Lambert & Stewart 1240; 5th Lambert & Stewart 1225; 6th Lambert & Stewart 1221
Lambert & Stewart Winners of Bangor R.P.C
Cloughey H.P.S: (2/7) 1st C. Angus 1330; 2nd C&H Cully 1225
Chris Angus Section F Winner from Fermoy 5 Bird. He also won the Grizzle Race winning £500 in Prizemoney. Dam is from Teery Owen of Bromwich and Sire is from Wortley Lofts
Comber Central H.P.S: (2/27) 1st W&L Robinson 1261; 2nd W&L Robinson 1229; 3rd W&L Robinson 1158; 4th W&L Robinson 1119; 5th W&L Robinson 1118; 6th W&L Robinson 1086
Corrigs: (6/172) 1st R. Shaw 1304; 2nd R. Shaw 1249; 3rd R. Shaw 1249; 4th R. Shaw 1249; 5th R. Shaw 1249; 6th Toner Bros 1241
Crossgar: (8/174) 1st P. Byrne & Son 1357; 2nd L&R Barr 1269; 3rd P. Murray 1229; 4th C. McManus & Dtr 1201; 5th P. Byrne & Son 1182; 6th P. Byrne & Son 1182
Downpatrick Premier: (3/62) 1st T. Burns 1309; 2nd Telford Bros 1176; 3rd T. Burns 1165; 4th Telford Bros 1118; 5th Telford Bros 1103; 6th Telford Bros 1088
Killyleagh Central: (4/120) 1st C. Healy 1258; 2nd R. Watson & Son 1222; 3rd C. Healy 1199; 4th R. Watson & Son 1179; 5th Gordon Bros & Sons 1176; 6th C. Healy 1172
Killyleagh & District: (5/133) 1st D. Grieves 1287; 2nd D. Grieves 1201; 3rd D. Grieves 1189; D. Grieves 1175; 5th Morrisson Bros 1170; 6th D. Grieves 1161
Dean Grieves Winner of Killyleagh & District HPS
Kircubbin: D/S
Millisle & District H.P.S: (10/144) 1st J&J Hollinger 1219; 2nd Duffy & Murphy 1130; 3rd Duffy & Murphy 1118; 4th Rainey Bros 1101; 5th J&J Hollinger 1053; 6th J. Rankin 1045
John Hollinger being congratulated by Secretary Adam Muckle on Winning Millisle & District. The winner is bred of Gary Donaldosn birds of Utd Lofts
Newtownards H.P.S: (7/100) 1st W. Leckey 1257; 2nd H&S Muckle 1253; 3rd W. Leckey 1212; 4th W. Leckey 1188; 5th H&S Muckle 1184; 6th W. Leckey 1175
The Winner of Section G (43/1,806) from Fermoy was J F McCabe & Son of Newry & District H.P.S. (See Opening Report) The father & son duo finish 1st Club (379 Birds) 1st Section G (1,806 Birds) 1st Open N.I.P.A. (15,060 Birds) Many Congratulations to J F McCabe & Son and Big Congratulations to all Club Winners.
Ashfield: D/S
Ballyholland: (8/476) 1st Owen Markey 1383; 2nd Owen Markey 1375; 3rd C. O’Hare & Dtr 1375; 4th Owen Markey 1353; 5th M. Peters 1351; 6th Owen Markey 1350
Owen Markey Winner of Ballyholland H.P.S
Banbridge H.P.S: (6/184) 1st E. McAlinden 1342; 2nd F. Simpson 1333; 3rd R. Carson & Son 1322; 4th F. Simpson 1321; 5th F. Simpson 1313; 6th F. Simpson 1299
Banbridge Social: D/S
Drumnavady: (12/362) 1st S. Ogle 1357; 2nd B. McAvoy 1347; 3rd S. Ogle 1320; 4th S. Ogle 1314; 5th D&K Mallen 1311; 6th J. Smyth & Sons 1311
Millvale: (4/161) 1st N. Murtagh 1369; 2nd JJ McCabe 1362; 3rd JJ McCabe 1348; 4th JJ McCabe 1347; 5th JJ McCabe 1340; 6th JJ McCabe 1320
Noel Murtagh Winner of Millvale H.P.S
Newry City: (6/234) 1st Donnelly Bros 1353; 2nd Donnelly Bros 1350; 3rd Donnelly Bros 1342; 4th Donnelly Bros 1340; 5th Donnelly Bros 1326; 6th Donnelly Bros 1325
Newry & District: (7/379) 1st J F McCabe & Son 1389; 2nd Mark Maguire & Son 1377; 3rd W. Chambers 1359; 4th R. Williamson 1351; 5th W. Chambers 1350; 6th J F McCabe & Son 1345
Fermoy 5 Bird Championship
192 Members nominated 884 Birds in the 5 Bird Limit Fermoy 5 Bird Championship
The Winning Bird from the Fermoy 5 Bird Championship belongs to P & K McCarthy of Trinity R.P.C.
Paul & Kathleens Fermoy 5 Bird Open Winner is now named ‘Jackie Daniels’. The sire is through Peter Fox Syndicate Lofts, Embregts/Theunis Lines. With the syndicate loft lines of Mr Ernie Rigby. The Dam is from their own Leo Van Rijn pigeons from B&K Hawes in Essex. Many Congratulations to P & K McCarthy on Claiming 1st Open N.I.P.A. Fermoy 5 Bird Championship.
Also, Big Congratulations to Ron Williamson of Newry & District H.P.S on finishing 2nd Open. And Congratulations to O&M Monaghan of Colin H.P.S on finishing 3rd Open.
Fermoy 5 Bird Championship Result
1st P&K McCarthy 1353 Trinity R.P.C; 2nd Ron Williamson 1351 Newry & District H.P.S; 3rd O&M Monaghan 1343 Colin H.P.S; 4th Johnston Bros 1333 Colin H.P.S; 5th Chris Angus 1330 Cloughey H.P.S; 6th J. Whitten & Son 1330 Portadown & Drumcree; 7th D. Calvin 1327 Bondhill; 8th R. Carson & Son 1322 Banbridge H.P.S; 9th R. Keegan & Son 1320 Dromore H.P.S; 10th Johnston Bros 1318 Colin H.P.S; 11th D. Mawhinney & Son 1314 Beechpark Social; 12th S. Ogle 1314 Drumnavady; 13th O. Markey 1313 Ballyholland H.P.S; 14th J. Barr 1312 Lurgan Social; 15th McMurray & Anderson 1310 Ligoniel H.P.S; 16th G&C Simmons 1307 Edgarstown; 17th C. McManus 1306 Ligoniel H.P.S; 18th F. Simpson 1299 Banbridge H.P.S; 19th D. Calvin 1298 Bondhill; 20th R. Carson & Son 1293 Banbridge
Well done to all in the Result
Newry City Gold Ring Race
Newry City Gold Ring Race coming this weekend from the Dale Youngbird National. A Greta payout again this year and to top it off a lot of prizes sponsored by Cest Pharma Products. Products can be seen highlighted by Newry City’s honourable members Richard Donnelly & Clive Duke. The best of Luck to everyone who supported the race this year.
That’s the first Centre Race of the Young bird programme over along with more miles on the members youngbirds as we move into the month of September. Next week sees another Centre Race this time from across the water to Wales complemented with a comeback race from Roscrea on what promises to be a busy weekend. I would like to kindly ask for all club representatives/race secretaries within the covered sections to contact myself to be included in my weekly Reports, With Club , Section & Open Winning Photos, With the Winning Pigeons Info.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my N.I.P.A Journey’s End Report
Yours in Sport , Jordan Hughes
Mobile: 07713808554
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