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Journey's End with Jordan Hughes - 16-11-23

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We all look to the likes of Belgium and Holland for the best as they have always been the hotbed for Pigeon Racing. I personally believe the Fanciers of Ireland have the same ability when it comes to top class birds and quality flyers. The fancy tends to look past this when we have class sitting right on our doorstep. I bring to you the reader, an insight into the top racer in Ireland Mr Owen Markey.

Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S 16 11 23z

Owen Markey of Ballyholland H.P.S

Owen is from Ballyholland in County Down just to the east of Newry City where he races in Ballyholland H.P.S. within Section G in the Mighty N.I.P.A. Owen is no stranger to success having won the N.I.P.A. Open a total of 19 times and counting against some of the hardest competition from the entire country racing against huge birdage week in week out. This particular year Owen has had a stormer of a year from Old Birds to young birds. In the Old Bird Season Owen won 1st Open N.I.P.A. Roscrea OB (17,233 Birds) Winning a total of 10x 1st Club wins in the Old Birds. In the youngbird season winning 1st Open N.I.P.A. Kilbeggan YB (9,245 Birds) taking the top 19th Open positions in the process from the youngbird season opener. 1st Section G (1,767 Birds) and the top 15 Positions in the Section also the week after. Then the following week Winning 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore YB (17,066 Birds) taking the first 8 in the Open along with 18 of the top 20 placings from 17,000 plus pigeons. And 2 weeks later 2nd Open & 4th Open N.I.P.A. Fermoy YB (15,032 Birds) Owen doesn’t just Win Opens he takes the rest of the top spots while clocking for fun. And to top it all off at the end of the youngbird campaign Owen was rewarded for his efforts by Winning the N.I.P.A. Section G Champion Young Bird 2023 with a Blue Cock called ‘Hyper’ finishing overall 2nd Open N.I.P.A. 17,066 Birds (BBLM) 23rd Open N.I.P.A. 8,977 Birds, 48th Open N.I.P.A. 9,245 Birds, 148th Open N.I.P.A. 2,633 Birds, 2nd, 9th, 27th & 44th Section G. He is Direct from ‘Mascara x ‘Miss Vervoort’.

Section G Champion Young Bird 2023 Hyper Direct from Mascara x Miss Vervoort 16 11 23z          Mascara 16 11 23z

Section G Champion Young Bird 2023 'Hyper' Direct from 'Mascara x 'Miss Vervoort'

In August I took a visit to chat with the Top Fancier in the Country and see his team of super birds at ‘Rockview Lofts’.

The best way to describe Owen in 2 words is a ‘Pigeon Perfectionist’ This best describes Owen from his family of carefully selected birds, his well thought through loft setup, right through to the way he races, he has all the elements that is a top class fancier. Owens Setup of ‘Rockview Lofts’ is literally a Pigeon fanciers heaven. With nothing out of place and everything thought of with the best of designs in mind to play about with the birds during racing and the breeding season. Every bird within the lofts have been calculated and perfected to Owens liking. This is evident when you handle the birds. The perfect sizing, fitting to your hand like a glove feathering like silk slipping effortlessly through the hand right down to the singular tail feather on each pigeon might I add too. When it comes to balance you couldn’t get any better with strong cores and holding themselves well in hand and stance wise. When looking through the stock bird’s, quality is just oozing throughout. When first opening the stock shed door, the sheer intelligence of each bird stood out straight away with their glorious heads and glamourous eyes glistening right at me leaving myself in complete awe. The youngbird shed has the exact same with the stock pigeons’ blood and features in every bird. The birds get plenty of loving care from Owen and are very tame and content around him when walking and talking through the lofts, a great trait I love to see in anyone’s loft.

I asked a few questions for an insight to Owens way of racing and his key to his success.

So, Owen, first of all congratulations on another outstanding Years Racing with truly Unbelievable Results, A Season you won’t forget no doubt.

Ill like to start off by asking on the background on your three N.I.P.A. Open Winners ?

“Yes certainly, 1st Open Roscrea Old Bird is ‘Inbound Oscar’ his Sire is ‘Moviestar’ who was 1st Open N.I.P.A. (20,042 birds) 8th Open N.I.P.A. (21,265 birds) 8th Open N.I.P.A. (1,149 birds) 15th Open N.I.P.A. (14,868 birds) ‘Inbound Oscars’ Dam is ‘652’ who is a Dtr of ‘Rockview 28’ x ‘Miss Rooney’ a full sister to ‘Breakaway’ 1st Open N.I.P.A. Corrin (5,071 birds) ‘Rockview 28’ was 2nd Open N.I.P.A. (21,500 birds) 8th Open N.I.P.A. (2,190 birds) his nestmate is ‘Rockview 27’ who also won 2nd Open N.I.P.A. (22,147 birds) 22nd Open N.I.P.A. (2,190 birds) "Miss Rooney’ is also Dam to 1st Open N.I.P.A. (5,071 birds) 2nd Open N.I.P.A. (22,899 birds), 2nd Open N.I.P.A. (21,129 birds), 7th Open N.I.P.A. (15,333 birds)

Inbound Oscar 1st Open N.I.P.A. Roscrea OB 17233 birds 16 11 23z

'Inbound Oscar' 1st Open N.I.P.A. Roscrea OB 17,233 birds

 My 1st Open N.I.P.A. Kilbeggan YB (9,245 birds) is ‘One for Ron’ I named him after my good friend the late Ron McKelvey as this in particular team performance was one Ron would have been proud of. ‘One for Ron’ is bred from 2 yearlings in the race team this year. He is a mix of the old and new lines containing the ‘63 Hen’, ‘Hail Mary’, ‘Breakaway’, ‘Superstar Seamie’, ‘Class Act’ and ‘Pencil Sagan.’

One for Ron 1st Open N.I.P.A. 1st Kilbeggan 9245 Birds 16 11 23z          Superstar Seamie 16 11 23z

'One for Ron' 1st Open N.I.P.A. 1st Kilbeggan 9,245 Birds & Superstar Seamie

 The 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore YB Winner (17,066 birds) is called ‘Whiplash’ he really is a true character around the loft. He has been the most consistent over the first 3 races and is a previous winner of 10th Open N.I.P.A. Kilbeggan 1 (9,245 Birds) 5th Section G (1,576 birds) 212th Open N.I.P.A. Kilbeggan 2 (14,079 birds) and then 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore (17,066 birds) ‘Whiplash is a mix of Markey x Boeckx x Luc Vervoort lines. His Sire is ‘739’ one of the most consistent old birds to the loft along with his nest brother ‘738’ who took 5 top 20 section positions this year only to be beaten over the trap on 2 occasions by his brother ‘739’ they are both direct children of ‘Miss Vervoort’”

Whiplash 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore YB 17066 birds 16 11 23z

Whiplash' 1st Open N.I.P.A. Tullamore YB 17,066 birds

What about your impressive loft setup can you give us an insider into your layout and functions for the birds ?

“The Youngbird loft is 44ft long with 2x 16ft sections and a middle feeding section with aviary’s and trapping to the front. I have Automatic blinds fitted for the darkness system. Also, the interior is fitted with heating plates and automatic cleaning boxes installed with Hermes boxes. It’s a great setup for youngbirds and great fun to play around in and easy managed.

Rockview Lofts 16 11 23z

The Stock Loft is 20ft long with an 8ft x 20ft Aviary to the front where my 24 pair of stock pairs are housed.

Early Sprint loft is 24ft x 8ft with aviary’s and trapping to the front and houses around 24 pair which will be raced on the roundabout system.

The Mid-Season Widower Loft is 32ft x 16 with a middle trapping and feeding section, the hens are housed to the rear with 2 widower cocks’ sections either side housing 24 pair on roundabout. All the lofts are fitted with Hermes automatic boxes along with heating plates installed in each loft.”

The impressive interior setup of Owens Stock Shed 16 11 23z

The impressive interior setup of Owens Stock Shed

How many old bird and young birds will you keep to race each season ?

“I would have approximately 100 Old Birds and 100 youngbirds to race every year.”

How many Stock Pairs would you breed off and when would your breeding begin ?

“I have a total of 24 Stock Pairs to breed off each year. I like to pair them together in the first week in January each year.”

Owens display of winners 16 11 23z

Have you any personal favourites in the loft and why ?

“Moviestar and 63 hen and Miss Perfect would be my favourite pigeons. Moviestar for his results and now his breeding the perfect pigeon

‘Moviestar’ ’63 Hen’ and ‘Miss Perfect’ would be my favourites. ‘Movistar’ for his phenomenal results for me. He has it all and is now breeding the perfect pigeon. ‘The 63 Hen’ is a fantastic pigeon for me she is also ‘Moviestar’s’ Mother. And ‘Miss Perfect’ another top pigeon of mine.”

Moviestar 1st Open NIPA 20042 birds 8th Open NIPA 21265 birds 16 11 23z        One of Owens Favourites Moviestar 16 11 23z

'Moviestar' 1st Open NIPA 20,042 birds, 8th O ... 2,980 birds, 152nd Open NIPA 5,902 birds & One of Owens Favourites 'Moviestar'

Very impressive Owen, and what would your strain/family of birds be in your loft ?

“At this stage my family is my own that I have cultivated over the years of racing. In my family I would have the best of Bert Camphuis, Henk Gerritsen crossed with Patrick Boeckx, Luc Vervoort and Gust Janssen”

Super birds from star studded names of the pigeon world. And Pigeon wise what do you look for in your ideal pigeon with all the different theories of wings and eye sign etc.

“I do tend to go for a particular type of pigeon. A small to medium size, perfect balance, strong muscles with a must for soft silky quality feathering, it must all be the complete package when selecting a good pigeon. I find a good eye 90 percent of the time comes with this package, I personally have no theories on wing, throat or any other theories, just top performances.”

Mustang Muscle 16 11 23z

Also, when it comes to the Stock birds do you like to let the hamper do the talking or do you like to introduce new strains from other fanciers ?

“First and foremost is performance. when pairing stock, I try to add as many top 10 open winners into the pedigree as possible in the effort to create another. Any new birds introduced must come from a performance winning loft.”

One of the many top pairs that Owen has gracing his stock team 16 11 23z

One of the many top pairs that Owen has gracing his stock team

What system do you race your Old Birds and Young Birds on Owen and have you any special motivational methods for success ?

“My Old birds are raced on a form of the roundabout system with a few changes to suit my lifestyle and time with the birds. Youngbirds are raced on the darkness system and flown naturally all year without being split. I do try to discourage nesting early in the season with the boxes being opened up for the last few races. I find a young hen just showing to a cock produces my best results.”

When it comes training Old Birds and Young birds how often and far do you train your birds ?

“I give my Old Birds a few 10-20 Mile tosses to get them going then I just let them out to float around the lofts and enjoy themselves, I wont force fly them with a flag or anything letting them build up a natural fitness from loft flying.

Then when it comes to the youngbird training I will start them off at 5 Mile toss and gradually build them up to 60 miles. After then I will drop them back to 20 mile tosses every night of the week. By doing this I get the most out of my youngbirds by doing short sprinting tosses they will use more energy and make an effort to get home. It also keeps them sharp rather than longer distances they will not race for home as good.”

02 Hen 16 11 23z

The '02 Hen'

Do you have a certain particular favourite feeding ?

“Yes, I use a different variety of feeding from Versele-Laga, Vanrobaeys, Beyers and Van Tilburg right throughout the season.”

Are you more of an Old Bird or Young bird lover ?

“I enjoy both equally as much, in general I just have a passion for pigeon racing just like everyone else.”

Natural Speed 16 11 23z

And of course, what has been your best triumph in your time racing ?

“I would easily say this season’s achievements with two lifetime performances in the space of two weeks, taking the 1st 19 positions from 9,425 birds and two weeks later taking the 1st 8 positions from 17,066 birds and a total of 18 birds in the top 20, a truly unbelievable experience I will never forget or possibly never repeat.”

What unbelievable racing. An unbelievable achievement in such top competition and birdage how do you make it look so easy  ?

“For me it’s the challenge...the challenge of conditioning a pigeon to produce top performances, the stress and hassle that comes with it is all part of pigeon racing, the success and the disappointment on a weekly basis makes it all worthwhile when the birds do me proud by repaying me with their super performances. In the racing season the biggest enjoyment I get is getting up in the morning making a cup of tea and a cigarette. letting the birds out and standing back watching them it just doesn’t get much better, and most off all enjoying your pigeons. it’s just a full-blown passion I have with pigeons.”

Thanks for your time Owen and once again congratulations on your success and I would like to wish you all the best in the future

Yours in Sport, Jordan Hughes - N.I.P.A. Press Officer




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