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Homers Odyssey - 14-02-24


Homers Odyssey 

Rasharkin & District HPS Annual Dinner & Presentation 2023 – Harold Cubitt Champion

The Rasharkin & District HPS held their 2023 dinner and presentation in the British Legion Ballymoney. After a great meal supplied by A Bite Above Ballymoney, chairman Harold Cubitt presented the prizes, and the winners were as follows.

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Officials and prize winners at the Rasharkin & District HPS presentation.

Highest prize winner Harold Cubitt had an outstanding season winning Highest Prize-winner, Mid Antrim Combine OB of the Year 2023, NIPA Section B OB of the Year 2023, Harold had an excellent old bird season with his small team of widowhood cocks winning the club on nine occasions in the old birds. The star of the loft was his yearling Cheq cock bred from his old, family of pigeons. This cock won 4 x 1st and topped the Mid Antrim Combine from Tullamore and Fermoy, and had a further five positions in the Combine and in total six positions in the Section. The best open position won was 8th in the opening race of the season from Tullamore with 14,849 birds competing. It was no surprise when the yearling cock won the Mid Antrim Combine and Section B, Old Bird of the Year Award for 2023.

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Harold Cubitt highest prize-winner for the second time and Old Bird of the Year in both MAC and NIPA Section B.

Blue Cheq cock GB22D-00411 results 2023 - 1st club, 1st Mid Antrim Combine 1311 birds, 3rd Section 2274 birds, 8th Open 14849 Birds – NIPA Tullamore. 4th club, 18th MA Combine 1686 birds, 45th Section 3551 birds, 320th Open 26104 Birds – NIPA, Fermoy (2)., 1st club, 15th MA Combine 279 birds, 21st Section 424 birds - NIPA Skibbereen OB Inland National., 5th club, 22nd MA Combine 535 birds, 41st Section 1540 birds - NIPA Fermoy (3)., 3rd club , 9th MA Combine 113 birds - NIPA Fermoy 5 Bird., 1st club, 4th MA Combine 140 birds, 13th Section 251 birds, 138th Open 2183 birds - NIPA Fermoy, Yearling National., 1st club, 1st MA Combine 315 birds, 6th Section 753 birds, 118th Open 4080 birds - NIPA Fermoy (5).

Harold also went on to win twice in the young bird season winning a total 11 x 1st prizes He also won Old bird Inland NIPA Skibbereen National, Old Bird 5 Bird Fermoy, Old Bird Yearling National NIPA, Matt Barkley Memorial Inland Average, James McFetridge Memorial Sprint Cup, Old Bird of the Year, Mamie Simpson memorial Highest Prize-winner cup.

A C & T Tweed partnership had a great season winning 5 x first prizes, Old Bird Channel Average, Penzance cup, Tweed Cup Old Bird NIPA National St Malo, the winner of this cup from St Malo, named “ Tommy’s Dream “, was timed for the third season in a row from St Malo in France to win 1st Club, 2nd Mid Antrim Combine, 3rd Section B , 30th Open NIPA and winning most sought after Silver Diploma Award for being timed 3 x times in the prizes from the Old Bird National France

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The A C & T Tweed partnership timed their favourite bird from St Malo in France and won the Silver France Diploma.

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The A C & T Tweed partnership with Tommy’s Dream won the France Silver Diploma, from St Malo the loft scored 2021 – 5th Sect B & 43rd Open, 2022 – 7th Sect B & 71st Open, 2023 – 3rd Sect B & 30th Open. “Tommy’s Dream” Cheq w/f hen is on the right of trio.

Freddie Barkley won 3 1sts, Young Bird Knock-out Cup, Bobby Torrens Memorial Cup YB Nat from new race point Dale, Best Average 2 Young Bird NIPA Nationals.

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Freddie Barkley had 3 x 1sts and won the Young Bird Knock-out.

William McFetridge won 2 x 1sts, Young Bird of The Year, Young Bird Average. Steele & McNeill won 5 x 1st , Young Bird 5 bird Fermoy. J & M Milliken won 1 x 1st.

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William McFetridge had 2 x 1sts and won Young Bird of the Year.

A great night was had by the members and friends, and the club would like to thank A Bite Above. for the great meal, plus Sammy McClements and his wife Maggie McClements for the venue.

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Rasharkin & District secretary Jackie Steele (l) with John Milligan.

Old Bird Winners 2023

Tullamore - Harold Cubitt 1st & 2nd velo 1757, 1st, 2nd, 7th, 9th & 19th MAC 46/1311, 3rd, 5th, 14th, 22nd & 35th Section 77/2274, 8th, 11th, 33rd, 61st & 115th Open 533/14849

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Old Bird of the Year in MAC and NIPA Sect B for Harold Cubitt.

1st Roscrea - Harold Cubitt 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th velo 1321, 14th MAC 51/1445, 36th Section 86/2486

2nd Roscrea - J & M Milliken velo 1402, 28th MAC 62/1875,

1st Fermoy - Harold Cubitt velo 1915, 5th MAC 53/1472, 12th Section 98/3231, 100th Open 741/22431

2nd Fermoy - W McFetridge velo 1594, 7th MAC 60/1686, 23rd Section 109/3551

Skibbereen OB Inland National - Harold Cubitt velo 1312, 15th MAC & 21st Section 56/424

Pilmore Beach - Harold Cubitt velo 1181, 3rd MAC 40/681 & 11th Section 82/1931

1st Talbenny - F Barkley velo 1298, 35th MAC 50/806

2nd Talbenny - A , C & T Tweed velo 1321, 21st MAC 52/721 & 34th Section 88/1257

3rd Fermoy - Harold Cubitt 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th velo 1359, 10th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 22nd & 27th MAC 41/535, 19th, 27th, 32nd, 33rd, 41st & 46th Section 94/1540

Fermoy 5 Bird - Harold Cubitt velo 1359, 4th MAC 25/113 & 11th Section 45/207

Bude - A, C & T Tweed velo 1178, 4th MAC 32/278, 10th Section 65/665 & 98th Open 472/5452

Fermoy Yearling National - Harold Cubitt velo 1521, 4th MAC 22/140, 13th Section 34/251 & 138th Open 250/2183

4th Fermoy - Harold Cubitt 1st & 2nd velo 1393, 1st & 5th MAC 30/315 & 5th & 13th Section 47/693

Penzance - A & C & T Tweed 1st, 2nd & 3rd velo 994. Penzance Classic - A & C & T Tweed velo 994

St Malo OB National A & C & T Tweed velo 625, 2nd Combine, 3rd Section B & 30th Open 353/1309 £438

Young Bird Winners 2023

1st Kilbeggan - Freddie Barkley velo 1212, 13th MAC 29/654 & 26th Section 55/1532

2nd Kilbeggan - Harold Cubitt velo 1901, 5th MAC 44/1341 & 15th Section 76/2603

Tullamore - Steele & McNeill velo 1428, 2nd MAC 52/1276 & 25th Section 83/2395

1st Roscrea - Steele & McNeill 1st & 2nd velo 2056, 4th & 6th MAC, 4th & 13th Section 78/2350 & 21st & 65th Open 533/17805

2nd Roscrea - Harold Cubitt velo 2068, 2nd MAC 46/1230, 3rd Section 66/1997 & 24th Open 533/16981

Fermoy - Steele & McNeill velo 1187

Fermoy 5 Bird - Steele & McNeill velo 1187, 7th MAC, 10th Section & 79th Open 192/884

Nipa Dale YB National - A & C & T Tweed velo 1355, 3rd MAC, 6th Section & 36th Open 351/2875. Harold Cubitt 7th Section & 42nd Open, Freddie Barkley 19th Section & 109th Open, William McFetridge 168th Open.

3rd Roscrea - Steele & McNeill 1st & 2nd velo 1581, 5th & 16th MAC 32/586 & 20th & 45th Section 53/1133

2nd Fermoy - William McFetridge velo 1539, 3rd MAC 32/648 & 11th Section 53/1170

Nipa Skibbereen YB National - F Barkley velo 948, 9th MAC 28/241, 13th Section & 87th Open 266/2633. Steele & McNeill 19th Section & 114th Open. Jackie Steele PO. Thanks to Mervyn for the MAC Results. Any other local club needing a season report contact Mervyn, we will soon be in a new racing season.

INFC Annual General Meeting

The 72nd AGM will be held in the Lagan Valley Leisure Plex, Lisburn Leisure Park, Governors Road, Lisburn, Co Antrim. BT28 1LP on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at 2.00pm.


1)            Apologies

2)            Minutes of the AGM held in 2023

3)            Secretary’s Report for 2023

4)            Convoyer’s Race Reports 2023

5)            Passing of Accounts for 2022 (These accounts are in the 2023 race entry form booklet)

6)            Election of Officers for 2024

Proposed race programme for 2024- Skibbereen Old Bird Nat Tuesday 28th May 2024 (Race mark Monday 27th May), Penzance Yearling Nat Wednesday 12th June 2024 (Race mark Monday 10th June), St Allousetre Kings Cup Grand Nat Saturday 29th June 2024 (Race mark Wednesday 26th Jun), PlougastelDaoulas/St Malo Friendship Nat Friday or Saturday 5th or 6th July 2024 (Race mark Wednesday 3rd July), Penzance Young Bird Grand Nat Wednesday 4th September 2024 (Race mark Monday 2nd September), Skibbereen Young Bird Nat Saturday 21st September 2024 (Race mark Thursday 19th September).

*Kings Cup race date to be confirmed. *Friendship Nat date due to shipping.

Accounts 2022 – Queries in respect of these Accounts should be in the Secretary’s hands, in writing or by e-mail, at least three days before the AGM. Only queries in writing or by e-mail will be considered at the AGM.

Please note Annual Subscriptions for 2024. Existing member £30 or euro’s 37.50 payable through your club. New member £30.00 or euro’s 37.50 payable through your club. Any individual member paying direct £40.00 or euro’s 50.00. Any new Individual members paying direct £40.00 or euro’s 50.00. The closing date for joining is 12th April 2024. The Single Bird Challenge for Kings Cup 2024 entry is £10.00 or euro’s 12.50. Closing date is 17th March 2024. Entry Forms can be downloaded from the INFC website.

The Management Committee have decided that no notices for the meeting will be posted in 2024 due to the current situation with the postal delivery service.

HOMER. Willie Reynolds

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

Mobile: 07538 238364

Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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