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Homer's Odyssey - 22-02-24


Homer's Odyssey 

Jimmy Rock (Harryville HPS) Ballymena, Northern Ireland

Jimmy Rock began racing pigeons around 1977 just after he left school. He raced to the family home at Albert Place in the center of the Ballymena Town and still races to the same address to this day. Jimmy joined the Harryville HPS club and has been a club member ever since. Like most new starts his first birds were a gather up of pigeons from many local fancier's with the majority of them acquired from John Dunlop of Ballykeel. Jimmy's first club win was from a hard Fortwilliam YB Derby on the Scottish route in 1984 finishing around 30th Open Nipa. Jimmy has raced consistently over the season's topping the Nipa Open on three occasions which is no mean feat when racing into the Ballymena area.

Jimmy Ladies Night 22 02 24z

Jimmy Rock from Harryville collecting awards at NIPA Ladies Night.

Some of Jimmy's top results.

From the 1997 Nipa Dinard old bird Derby, 2504 birds were liberated on a Sunday morning at 7.15am in light north easterly winds. Jimmy timed at 12.02pm on the second day to record velocity 590 and win 1st Section B and 7th Open plus £1,000. Jimmy's game 3 year old chequer hen containing Verheye x Janssen bloodlines was one of only 37 birds recorded in race time.

Five years later in 2002 the Nipa liberated 1314 birds from the Fougeres Old bird Derby at 6.15am in north westerly winds. Another tough race followed with only 14 birds timed in the three day race. Jimmy clocked at 8.08am on the second morning to record 720ypm and again win 1st Section B and this time finished 3rd Open Nipa winning £2,500. Jimmy's winner a 4 year old blue hen was placed 152nd Open in the Nipa Sartilly OB derby two years previous in 2000 and won a Bronze Diploma for twice in the Open prizes in the Nipa OB Derby. The Grondelaer parents were gifted by the late Stephen McGarry of Waveney Loft's in Ballymena.

2010 St Malo 535/1695 Lib 9.15am wind Variable

4th & 5th MA Combine, 5th & 6th Section B 90/260, 29th & 52nd Open NIPA velo 1159 & 1069.

2011 St Malo 504/1597 Lib 9.30am wind south easterly

2nd & 11th MA Combine, 2nd & 15th Section B 77/222, 29th & 124th Open NIPA velo 1555 & 1300.

2012 St Malo 464/1408 Lib 6.30am wind south westerly

7th & 8th MA Combine, 8th & 9th Section B 79/208, 42nd & 57th Open NIPA velo 1278 & 1220.

In the season of 2012 Jimmy won his second Nipa Bronze Award with a blue cock bred by good friend Jimmy Smyth of Ahoghill. The cock was placed 2nd Section B & 29th Open Nipa St Malo OB National 2011 and 9th Section B & 57th Open Nipa St Malo OB National 2012.

Blue cock Bronze Diploma 22 02 24z

In 2014 Jimmy won his first major race when he scored 1st Open Nipa Talbenny YB National with just over 3000 birds competing. The winning blue cock "Rocky's Boy" was bred from a cock that won 1st Mid Antrim Combine & 2nd Section from Bude in 2012 and was a son of his good "806" Jacobs cock that won 6 x 1st and was sire of winners with five different hens. The dam was Pros Rossen breeding from late clubmate Matt Wray. "Rocky's Boy" bred Jimmy 5 x 1st prize-winners and was grandsire of many more including 1st Mid Antrim Combine Tullamore YB 2023.

The following season in 2015 Jimmy won his best Irish National Flying Club position to date when he finished 4th Muckamore Centre, 8th North Section & 11th Open INFC Sennen Cove Yearling National on velo 975 winning £353. This chequer cock went on to win five prizes in five channel races including 2nd club form both Bude and the Talbenny YB National where he was beaten by "Rocky's Boy" Jimmy's 1st Open Talbenny YB National winner. The dam was from Ian Gill of Kells and was bred from two Jos Thone birds from Ian Stafford of England and the sire was Hagen from R Strain & Son of Ballyclare. Jimmy purchased both parents at the Kings Hall charity sales. Jimmy gifted clubmate Allen McBride a son of the chequer cock and he bred Allen 10 x 1st prize-winners including Jimmy's 1st Section & 3rd Open Nipa Talbenny bird of 2018. Allen raced the nestmate of Jimmy's 3rd Open Talbenny bird and it won 15th Open Nipa Talbenny and 33rd Open in the Infc Sennen Cove Yearling National.

Rockies Boy 1st Talb YB Nat 22 02 24z

Rockies Boy the Talbenny YB National winner for Jimmy Rock.

Two years later in 2017 Jimmy was again at the top of the Nipa when he won 1st Open Nipa Penzance 6235 birds & 1st Open Nipa Penzance OB Classic 2803 birds with "Elizabeth" a two year old chequer w/f hen named after Jimmy's wife. The sire was Jacobs from the Delaney O'Roory Hill Stud x Jan Aarden from Ian Axe down from "Martina's Choice". This cock was sire of winners with five different hens and while racing won 3 x 1st. The dam of the classic winner again had Delaney's Jacobs on one side, the sire being down from "Rough Diamond" while the dam of the dam was Wildermeersch from A Cousins & Son. "Elizabeth" would also become a top stock hen being dam and granddam of many winners including dam of 5th MA Combine 52nd Open INFC St Malo Friendship National 2023 and granddam of 1st Mid Antrim Combine Tullamore 2023

Eliz 1st PZ 22 02 24z

Elizabeth 1st Penzance and st OB Classic for Jimmy Rock of Harryville.

Some of Jimmy's best performances to hand

21st Open Infc Sennen Cove Yearling National 4705 birds 1995

1st Section & 7th Open Nipa Dinard OB Derby 2504 birds, £1,000 1997

Blue Ch 1st Sect Dinard 22 02 24z

1st Section & 3rd Open Nipa Fougeres OB Derby 1314 birds, £2500 2002

43rd & 53rd Open Infc Sennen Cove Yearling National 4173 birds £550 2008

8th Section & 42nd Open Nipa St Malo OB National 1408 birds. 2012

Nipa Bronze Diploma winner 08A08782 - 2nd Section B & 29th Open Nipa St Malo OB National 2011 and 9th Section B & 57th Open Nipa St Malo OB National 2012 (bred by good friend Jimmy Smyth of Ahoghill)

1st Section B & 1st Open Nipa Talbenny YB National, 3002 birds, velo 1449. "Rocky's Boy" 2014

1st Section B 1st Open Nipa Penzance, 6235 birds, velo 1449 "Elizabeth" 2017

1st Section B 1st Open Nipa Penzance OB Classic, 2803 birds, velo 1449 "Elizabeth" 2017

1st Section B & 3rd Open Nipa Talbenny 11,411 birds. 2018

Blue cock 5 x 1sts 22 02 24z

52nd & 83rd North Section & 58th & 92nd Open Infc St Malo Friendship National 2023

Some other Nipa French Open prizes - 41st, 56th, 58th, 86th & 106th Open

Other top birds

Chequer cock "19" a winner of 4 x 1st club plus 1st Mid Antrim Combine Tullamore. The sire was Jimmy's good Mandelartz cock a winner of 3 x 1st and the dam, the 1st Section & 3rd Open Nipa Talbenny hen.

Jacobs x Jan Aarden chequer pied cock - A winner of 3 x 1st and sire of "Elizabeth" 1st Open Nipa Penzance and 1st Open Nipa Penzance Classic 2017. The cock is also the sire of 3rd Open Nipa Talbenny YB National for D & J Armstrong & Sons of Carrick in 2017

Cheq 42nd Dinard 22 02 24z

"Mandelartz Cock" winner of 3 x 1st and sire of "19" 1st Mid Antrim Combine Tullamore 2020.

Blue cock "806" Willie Jacobs

Winner of 6 x 1st and sire of winners with 5 different hens. Grandsire of "Rocky's Boy" 1st Open Nipa Talbenny YB National 2014

Jimmy has won the Top Prize winner / Top points award in Harryville in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2021 & 2023. Joint winner in 2017.

Ch Pd 2 x 1st Fermy 22 02 24z

Present day stock mainly consists of birds from the late Allen McBride, Matt Wray and Lexie Mullan who all raced in Harryville, Danny Dixon of Ballymoney, Gary Gibson and Alan Darragh of Cullybackey, good friend Jimmy Smyth of Ahoghill and of course the Jacobs from Gerard Delaney of O'Roory Hill Stud which have played a massive part in Jimmy's recent success.

Jimmy pairs his stock birds around Christmas after they've been treated for canker, cocci and respiratory. He starts tossing the old birds three weeks before the opening race and when racing commences he usually gives them one toss per week. They race roundabout and are fed mainly Beatties Champion Supreme. Mervyn Eagleson Mid Antrim PO.

*NIPA News Update

Election at the recent AGM of the NIPA included Cormac O’Hare (Ballyholland) President, Jim Ramsay (Derry & District) senior Vice President, Jimmy Hanson (Coleraine Premier) Vice President. Still quite a few committee members to be put in place. List will be published later.

Voting on the various resolutions.

Delete NIPA Rule 18 in its entirety and replace with a new rule 18.

The NIPA will issue each member who uses Race Rubbers with a master sheet for Old and Young Bird races each member shall complete, where a member uses E.T.S. a signed copy of their assignment sheet will suffice. The Master sheet and the assignment sheet must be furnished to their secretary 7 days before the commencement of racing as per RPRA rule. All birds listed must be the Bonafede property of the member as per RPRA rules 102 & 103. Failure to comply with this rule will mean that the member will not be allowed to compete for another 7 days. Carried by 50 votes to One.

Delete NIPA Rule 34 in its entirety and replace with a new rule 34.

That before race marking commences all club`s must ensure that there are at least 5 individual members present, 5 club members must be present throughout the race marking procedure including loading the Transporter.

The 5 members present when the Transporter is being loaded, their names to be recorded on the Transport envelope and forwarded via the Transporter to the NIPA headquarters. Failure to comply with this rule in its entirety will mean the club and all its members are disqualified from the race.

Carried by 53 votes to One.

Resolution number one submitted by the NIPA Committee NEW RULE


The NIPA committee are submitting their emergency rules which came into effect from 21st JUNE 2023

The NIPA as and from 21st June 2023 will only accept applications for membership of the NIPA from any Ulster Federation club subject to their resignation from the Ulster Federation.

The NIPA member club`s as and from 21st June 2023 will only accept applications from individual Ulster Federation members, subject to their resignation from the Ulster Federation.

As and from 21st June 2203 any member club of the NIPA that wishes to make application to join the Ulster Federation must tender their resignation to the NIPA immediately their application is accepted.

As and from 21st June 2023 any individual member of a member club of the NIPA who wishes to make application to join the Ulster Federation must, tender their resignation to their club and NIPA.

LOST by 28 votes against to 14 in favour.

2024 Race Programmes

Old Birds - Navan ? 13/ 04 will be decided by the longer flying members. Kilbeggan 20/ 04, Kilbeggan 27/04, Roscrea 04/05, Fermoy 11/05, Fermoy 18/05, Skibbereen OB Nat 25/05, Fermoy 25/05, Dale 01/06, Dale 08/06, Fermoy 5 Bird 08/06, Bude 15/06, Skibbereen Yling Nat 15/06, Penzance 22/06, Fermoy 22/06, St Malo / Plougastel 28/06 (Friday). There is a possibility that some of the above Fermoys may be substituted for St Patricks Well if permission to liberate is granted.

Young Birds - Kilbeggan 20/07, Kilbeggan 27/07, Roscrea 03/08, Roscrea 10/08, Fermoy 17/08, Fermoy & 5 bird 24/08, Dale Y B Nat 31/08, Roscrea 31/08, Fermoy 07/09, Skibbereen Y B Nat 14/09

As with in old bird some Fermoy Yb races may be substituted with St Patricks Well.

* INFC Annual General Meeting

The 72nd AGM will be held in the Lagan Valley Leisure Plex, Lisburn Leisure Park, Governors Road, Lisburn, Co Antrim. BT28 1LP on Saturday 2nd March 2024 at 2.00pm.


1)            Apologies

2)            Minutes of the AGM held in 2023

3)            Secretary’s Report for 2023

4)            Convoyer’s Race Reports 2023

5)            Passing of Accounts for 2022 (These accounts are in the 2023 race entry form booklet)

6)            Election of Officers for 2024

Proposed race programme for 2024- Skibbereen Old Bird Nat Tuesday 28th May 2024 (Race mark Monday 27th May), Penzance Yearling Nat Wednesday 12th June 2024 (Race mark Monday 10th June), St Allousetre Kings Cup Grand Nat Saturday 29th June 2024 (Race mark Wednesday 26th Jun), PlougastelDaoulas/St Malo Friendship Nat Friday or Saturday 5th or 6th July 2024 (Race mark Wednesday 3rd July), Penzance Young Bird Grand Nat Wednesday 4th September 2024 (Race mark Monday 2nd September), Skibbereen Young Bird Nat Saturday 21st September 2024 (Race mark Thursday 19th September).

*Kings Cup race date to be confirmed. *Friendship Nat date due to shipping.

Accounts 2022 – Queries in respect of these Accounts should be in the Secretary’s hands, in writing or by e-mail, at least three days before the AGM. Only queries in writing or by e-mail will be considered at the AGM.

Please note Annual Subscriptions for 2024. Existing member £30 or euro’s 37.50 payable through your club. New member £30.00 or euro’s 37.50 payable through your club. Any individual member paying direct £40.00 or euro’s 50.00. Any new Individual members paying direct £40.00 or euro’s 50.00. The closing date for joining is 12th April 2024. The Single Bird Challenge for Kings Cup 2024 entry is £10.00 or euro’s 12.50. Closing date is 17th March 2024. Entry Forms can be downloaded from the INFC website.

The Management Committee have decided that no notices for the meeting will be posted in 2024 due to the current situation with the postal delivery service.

Londonderry RPS fancier Billy Houston has left the sport and has a number of items for sale including a mixture of race crates aluminium and wooden different sizes and an ETS Benzing clock with Four Pads and 60 new rings. Tel (07931) 827389.

HOMER. Willie Reynolds

Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683

Mobile: 07538 238364

Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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