Homers Odyssey
INFC Annual General Meeting
The 72nd AGM for Irish Nat Flying Club was held in the Lagan Valley Leisure Plex, Lisburn Leisure Park, Governors Road, Lisburn, Co Antrim. BT28 1LP on Saturday 2nd March 2024. A very poor attendance although it was good to see a few members had travelled up from the South of Ireland. The Chairman Cormac O’Hare welcomed the members and firstly requested we stand for a moment in memory of those members and family members who had passed away in the last year.
The Secretary Trevor Topping read the minutes of the previous A.G.M. held in 2023. As this was the first A.G.M since 2020 (due to Covid 19 restrictions) it was strange to cover three years which included the 2020 season when no racing took place. The minutes were accepted as a true record as to what took place.
Secretary’s Report for the 2023 season.
I would firstly like to thank the following sponsors during the past season, Bamford’s Top Flight, Frazer’s Animal Feeds, H. Beattie & Son / Beattie’s Bird and Pet Foods and Danny Dixon Dunloy, also to the British Homing World for a discount on the publishing rates for all the national race results. The sponsorship special prizes are greatly appreciated by all the club members.
The club had a mixed seasons racing with the weather playing a big part in all the races. The Summer weather pattern has definitely changed, and is now at times very unpredictable. Thank you to the race advisors who had to make some very difficult decisions during the season.
Winner of 1st Open INFC Old Bird Nat Skibbereen. |
Winner of 1st Open INFC Yearling Nat Penzance. |
Winner of 1st Open INFC Grand Nat |
Winner of 1st Open INFC Friendship Nat St Malo. |
Winner of 1st Open INFC Grand Nat Penzance YB Nat. |
Winner of 1st Open INFC Young Bird Nat Skibbereen. |
The Single Bird Challenge was won by
INFC National Champion was won by |
I wish to congratulate all the national race winners and prize winners during 2023 season.
The annual prize distribution was held in November with the attendance slightly lower than normal. The awards were presented by Mr. L. McCavery club chairman 2012 to 2023 and John Wheatcroft R.P.R.A. Olympiad Show team manager. Ronnie Johnston conducted the presentation to his usual high standard and positive feedback has been received on the evening.
Thanks to the committees of the East Down Combine and Ulster Federation for assistance with transport during the 2023 season. On behalf of the members, I thank all of those committee members and club members who helped at the race marking’s, clock setting’s and checking’s. Also thanks to Jim McCrory convoyer, Sean McCann, Vincent and Brian McCrory for their great work and assistance in transporting the pigeons along with Paddy Cullen. Thanks to the new management of Danescroft Equestrian Centre Lisburn for the use of the centre and all their assistance.
The Maguire Family from Millvale HPS in Newry with the famous Kings Cup. |
The Donaldson team from Edgarstown HPS in Portadown with |
A happy Martin Graham from Ballymena & District (r) with good friend |
Fitan Moran from Malahide & District won the Joe Doheny Cup |
I personally thank the officials, committee members, press officer and any members who helped me during the 2023 season. The unseen time, sacrifice, effort, and work that takes place to organise races and race markings, with the overall priority the safe arrival at the release site of the transporter, would be an education for the few who only see what suits them.
The 2024 season is fast approaching, and I appeal for help at the marking centre if only for a few hours as those members of the committee and club members who faithfully attend the race marking are struggling to cope. I hope we all have a successful 2024 season. Trevor Topping.
Convoyer’s race reports.
The convoyer’s race reports were available for inspection. The reports cover travel route taken and times of rest and feeding and watering of the pigeons. The weather conditions at the release site at time of release and observations at the release site and on the return journey.
Accounts for 2022.
The audited accounts for 2022 were sent out to all members in the 2023 race entry form booklet. A deficit of £3,606 was recorded for the 2022 financial year. The running costs of the club mostly remained constant but the number of pigeons being entered in the races is reducing, which is a reflection of pigeon racing in general. The Finance Committee met and put forward recommendations to the Management Committee which were implemented for the 2023 season. The accounts for 2022 were adopted by those present at the meeting. Thanks was expressed to Mr. Paul Alister who carried out the audit at short notice due to the passing of the late Ron McKelvey.
Election of officers for 2024.
Patron Mr Ronnie Johnston President Mr W. Sawyers. Senior Vice President Mr T. Marshall I.H.U. Junior Vice President Mr J. Serplus R.P.R.A. Life Vice Presidents Mr J. Doheny, Mr J. Hughes, Mr R. Johnston, Mr D. Black, Mr S. Collins, Mr E. Fitzgerald and Mr C. Browne.
Chairman Mr C. O’Hare Ballyholland, Secretary Mr Trevor Topping Lisburn & District.
Press Officer Mr W. Reynolds Ballymena & District.
Race advisors: Mr P. McKeown Dundalk, Mr J. Armstrong Carrick & Mr N. Gordon Castlebellingham. Auditor Mr P. Alister Lisburn.
Management committee from R.P.R.A.
A. Thompson Ballyclare, E. McGimpsey Ards, R. Duddy Ballyclare, J. Serplus Laurelvale,
C. O’Hare Ballyholland, C. Lyons Hillsborough & Maze, G. Donaldson Edgarstown, R. Service Ballymena, A. Bradley Dromara, N. Lewis Doagh, P. Dunlop Edgarstown, G. Simmons Edgarstown, R. Topping Lisburn, R. McCracken Markethill, R. Turkington Doagh.
Management committee from I.H.U.
J. Trimble Annalong, D. Coleman Castlebellingham, T. Marshall Newtownbreda, W. Waite Shankill, B. Marshall Newtownbreda, B. McLoughlin Annalong, L. Wilson Shankill, P. McKeown Dundalk, R. Trimble Ballylesson, A. Smith Ardee, B. O’Leary Cork, N. Gordon Dundalk, K. O’Brien Malahide, D. Walton Skerries.
Appeals Committee.
R.P.R.A. : J. Burrows Eastway, W. Knowles Kingsmoss and G. Delaney Dromore.
I.H.U. : M. Roche Blanchardstown, J. Albert Ballylesson and H. McCann Ballymun.
Finance Committee.
T. Topping, J. Hughes, R. Trimble, R. Johnston, R. Duddy, D. Black, C. O’Hare, B. McLoughlin, C. Lyons, D. Coleman, R. Topping, W. Reynolds.
Race programme agreed for 2024.
Skibbereen Old bird Tuesday 28th May 2024 - race marking Monday 27th May.
Penzance Yearling Wednesday 12th June 2024 - race marking Monday 10th June.
St. Allouestre Kings Cup Saturday 29th June 2024 - race marking Wednesday 26th June.
Plougastel-Daoulas / St. Malo Friendship Saturday 6th July 2024 - race marking Wednesday 3rd July.
Penzance Young bird Wednesday 4th September 2024 - race marking Monday 2nd September.
Skibbereen Young bird Saturday 21st September 2024 - race marking Thursday 19th September.
Please note Annual Subscriptions for 2024.
Existing member £30.00 or euro’s €37.50 payable through your club. New member £30.00 or euro’s €37.50 payable through your club. Any Individual member paying direct £40.00 or euro’s €50.00. Any New individual members paying direct £40.00 or euro’s €50.00. Closing date 12th April 2024.
* Londonderry RPS fancier Billy Houston has left the sport and has a number of items for sale including a mixture of race crates aluminium and wooden different sizes and an ETS Benzing clock with Four Pads and 60 new rings. Tel (07931) 82389.
Patron: Mr. Diamond Carson (Banbridge HPS), President: Mr. Cormac O'Hare (Ballyholland HPS)
Senior Vice President: Mr. Jim Ramsey (Derry & District)
Vice Presidents: Mr. D Mawhinney (Beechpark Social), Mr. A. McDonnell (Coleraine Prem), Mr. D. Carson (Banbridge HPS), Mr. M. Livingstone (Portadown & Drumcree HPS), Mr P Murray (Killyleagh Cent), Mr. Alan Darragh (Cullybackey), Mr. H. Boyd (Coalisland), Mr. S. Briggs (Lisburn) Mr J Hanson (Coleraine Prem)
Chairman: Mr. P. McLaughlin (Maiden City), Vice-Chairman: Mr.W Seaton (Ligoniel HPS)
Financial Secretary: Mr. Fred Russell (Dromore West End)
Assistant Secretary: Mr. Joe Vage (Dromore HPS)
Fleet Supervisor: Mr. Paul Howard, Convoyer: Mr. Paddy McNeice (Annaghmore)
Section A - H. Boyd (Dungannon) / J. Hanson (Coleraine Premier)
Section B - K. Kernohan (Ballymena & District) / S. Murphy (Kells) / J. Greer (Cullybackey HPS)
Section C - C. Lynch (Ballycarry & Dist) / D. Campbell (Eastway) / G. Robinson (Carrick Social)
Section D - D. Aiken (Dromara) / M. Mairs (Lisburn & District) / I. Gibb (Glenavy)
Section E - G. O'Dowd (Gilford & District) / S. Corrigan (Loughall) / G. Donaldson (Edgarstown)
Section F - P. Murray (Killyleagh) / C. Watson (Killyleagh Central)
Section G - J. F McCabe (Newry & Dist)/ G. Delaney (Ashfield)
Section H - P. McLaughlin (Maiden City) / J. Ramsey (Derry & Dist.)
Press Officers: Mr. W. Reynolds / Mr J. Hughes
Race Advisor - Mr. J. Ramsey Assisted by Messrs G. Hughes, W. Seaton
Auditors - G McG, Portadown
NIPA delegates to the Irish Region RPRA: Cormac O’Hare (Ballyholland), Samuel Briggs (Lisburn)
Club Subscription – £35.00 - Administration Fee – £37.00
Transport Fees: £TBA Per Crate Inland £TBA Per Crate Channel
2024 NIPA Race Programmes
Old Birds - Navan 13/ 04 will be decided by the longer flying members. Kilbeggan 20/ 04, Kilbeggan 27/04, Roscrea 04/05, Fermoy 11/05, Fermoy 18/05, Skibbereen OB Nat 25/05, Fermoy 25/05, Dale 01/06, Dale 08/06, Fermoy 5 Bird 08/06, Bude 15/06, Skibbereen Yling Nat 15/06, Penzance 22/06, Fermoy 22/06, St Malo / Plougastel 28/06 (Friday). There is a possibility that some of the above Fermoys may be substituted for St Patricks Well if permission to liberate is granted.
Young Birds - Kilbeggan 20/07, Kilbeggan 27/07, Roscrea 03/08, Roscrea 10/08, Fermoy 17/08, Fermoy & 5 bird 24/08, Dale Y B Nat 31/08, Roscrea 31/08, Fermoy 07/09, Skibbereen Y B Nat 14/09
As with in old bird some Fermoy Yb races may be substituted with St Patricks Well.
HOMER. Willie Reynolds
Tel/Fax: (028) 256 44683
Mobile: 07538 238364
Twitter: willie reynolds@homerbhw>
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