Newsfrom S M D F 17-05-19 May 17, 2019 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 708 ARE RULES & REGULATIONS REALLY NECESSARY? The answer, to the above question is obviously ?YES? of course they are but having said that all sorts of…
S M D F 07-11-17 November 07, 2017 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 547 PRESS RELEASE BTS 25 6 November 2017 THREE ON THE TROT It’s not often that any fancier can claim to have won the same major race in a Federation for…
S M D F 23-10-17 October 23, 2017 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 518 PRESS RELEASE BTS 24 20 October 2017 ONWARDS AND UPWARDS ?. Yesterday, 19 October, the Staffordshire Moorlands & District Federation Management…
Are Todays Birds Any Match For Those of Yesteryear Jul 20, 2017 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 504
Staffordshire Moorlands Fed. Make Some Changes Jan 15, 2016 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 547
Staffordshire Moorlands Federation Appoints New President Dec 08, 2013 Staffordshire Moorlands Dist Fed Hits: 654