The South West of England Lerwick Club
The SWELC was racing from Worksop on the far northern tip of Nottinghamshire on the Yorkshire borders on the 19/8/23 when Peter and the team liberated the birds on their way at 10.30am into a south west head wind. The top open twenty positions are as follows; claiming top spot of 1st open SWELC plus 1st Longford club was Trevor Cooke flying 110 miles with a chequer cock being a Jelleman crossed Padfield Jan Arden and was bred by Mike Bullingham of Nailsworth south Gloucestershire he was raced on the darkness system just flying back to his perch his winning velocity was 1102.
Trevor Cooke 1st open Worksop
2nd, 3rd, and 20th open was Dave Smith flying 134 miles plus claiming 1,2,3 in the Thornbury club His first a blue chequer hen being a Herman Cuesters bred by Leighton Goledge of Newport and was purchased at the international championship clubs presentation gala evening in 2023 as Leighton being a championship club winner on 2022 donated a young bird to be sold on the presentation evening in which Dave won the bid his next a blue chequer cock being also a Herman Cuesters and his third a blue chequer Soojen hen purchased at the new north road amalgamations Futurity sale all were raced on the darkness system paired up sitting nest eggs with velocities of 1093, 1090 and 1056.
4th, 6th and 12th open plus 2nd 3rd and 4th Longford club was Ray Bevan flying 110 miles Rays first a blue chequer hen being a Van Den Bulk bred down from Expensive Kittle crossed Bro Goede Rode lines from the P & D Stud Rays next a chequer hen bred from off Rays number one race cock the Dominator and is already a winner from Coventry and Rays final a mealy hen being a Rudy Van Reeth Crossed Van Den Bulk all were left together on the darkness system with velocities of 1086, 1080 and 1074.246.
5th open was David Caudle plus 1st Cheltenham parklands flying 105 miles with a chequer cock doing 1081. 7th open plus 1st South Bristol Club was Andrezj Stanowski flying 145 miles with a red hen that’s already carded many times this season being a Van Den Bulk flown naturally on the traditional young bird system with a velocity of 1079.
8th and 17th open plus 1st and 4th Sodbury Vale club was Percy Hatherell flying 136 miles with a dark cock and a blue pied cock doing 1077 and 1062.
9th open and 2nd South Bristol club was Steve Moseley flying 146 miles with a blue hen being a Van Den Bulk bred by the Adams Brothers and was purchased at the New North Road amalgamations Futurity sale flown on the darkness system doing 1075.
10th and 13th open plus 2nd and 3rd Sodbury Vale club was the Adams Brothers flying 137 miles with two Van Den Bulks on the darkness system flying back to just their perches with velocities of 1074.532 and 1074.057.
11th open was Barry Chaplin flying 140 miles and also claiming 3rd South Bristol club with a blue pied cock being a Jan Arden sent on the traditional young bird system paired up sitting 12 day old nest eggs with a velocity of 1074.466.
Barry Chaplin
14th open plus 2nd Cheltenham parklands was Else Lofts partnership flying 105 miles with a mealy cock doing 1073.
15th open plus 4th South Bristol club was Steve Bryant flying 145 miles with a blue cock being a Rudy Van Reeth crossed with a hen daughter of better than Bolt and this hen has bred Steve other winners on the north road and south road routes the cock was flown in the darkness system with a velocity of 1070.
16th open plus 1st Nailsworth club was Chris Orchard flying 118 miles with a blue cock being a Franz Zwols of Formula one lofts lines and was bred by Mike Bullingham and was purchased at the South West of England Lerwick Clubs 2023 breeder buyer sale by Chris the cock was sent feeding a big youngster in the nest with a velocity of 1065.
18th open was Fred Cauruna flying 110 miles with a blue cock being a Franz Zwols crossed Van Den Bulk flown on the chaos system on the darkness system with a velocity of 1060.
Fred Caurana
19th open plus 2nd Nailsworth club flying 118 miles was D & K Bullingham with a red hen doing 1057.
The Rat Man.