The South West of England Lerwick Club
The SWELC kicked off its 2024 season with its first old bird race being held from Wollaston the birds were liberated at 13.00 on the 4/5/24 into a light south west wind the top open twenty positions in the club are as follows; claiming 1st and 2nd open were the renowned brother partnership of Chris and John Adams also claiming 1st and 2nd Sodbury vale club flying 66 miles their winner a 1y blue chequer cock being a Wall Lunt & Green bred bird originating from birds from Mike Bullingham of Stroud and their second bird a 1y dark cock also being a Wall Lunt & Green cross Coreman cock both being flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1341 and 1336.
Ready to go at Wollaston
3rd 8th and 18th open plus 1st and 3rd in the Oldland club was Adrian Bishop flying 71 miles his first a 1y blue hen being a Kees Boshua being bred by Mr & Mrs Graham Watkins of Bristol and now has achieved 3 x 1st Oldland club wins his next a 2y cock being bred from Brian Olver of Bristol birds and his third a 1y chequer hen of his own breed created all were flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1327, 1294.211 and 1268.
4th and 5th open plus 3rd and 4th Sodbury Vale club was Percy Hatherell flying 66 miles with a 2y dark pied cock and 3y blue cock with velocities of 1302 and 1301.
6th 15th and 16th open plus 2nd and 4th Oldlands club was Mr & Mrs Graham Watkins flying 69 miles their first a 3y pied cock being a Kees Boshua and their next two being 2 x 1y dark cocks being Lambrechts crossed Brian Milkins of Bristol birds flown on the widowhood system with velocities of 1299, 1275 and 1272.931.
7th, 9th, 13th and 14th open was Dave Smith flying 63 miles his first a 1y blue chequer cock that was purchased as a youngster at the SWELC 2023 breeder buyer sale and was bred by Steve Bennett of Bristol his next two birds were both Lambrechts being bred by Shaun Pilgrim of Hucknall Nottingham and his fourth a 1y pied Soojen cock all were flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1294.538, 1293, and 2 x 1279.
10th open plus 1st South Bristol club was Paul Kennington flying 74 miles with a 3y blue pied hen flown on the natural system sitting 8day old eggs she is a daughter of Paul's good 38 hen that achieved 4 x 1st clubs and a 1st Bristol SR Federation when flying south road and was a gift to Paul from the late Alan Degainis and her parents originate from Soderland and Marston birds from the north east who Alan was friends with Paul's scoring velocity was 1289.602.
11th and 12th open plus 2nd and 3rd South Bristol club was D & M Moore flying 77 miles their first a 1y blue cock from the new north Road amalgamations Futurity sales birds and the second a 2y blue cock that was bred by C & J Adams of Bristol both were flown on the celibacy system with velocities of 1289.204 and 1285.
17th open plus 1st Longford club was Fred Caruna flying 40 miles with a 3y blue hen that's carded many times for Fred her breeding being of Herman Cuesters flown on the Chaos system with a velocity of 1272.749.
19th and 20th open plus 4th South Bristol club was Andrezj Stanowski flying 74 miles his first a 1y blue hen from R & D Faber of Titan 558 X Tyson X August Jansen and his second 1y chequer hen being bred by Team UK of Nottingham being both flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1267 and 1266.
Well that's the first report done of many to come.
The Rat Man.