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The South West of England Lerwick Club - 26-09-24

The South West of England Lerwick Club

The SWELC was at Alnwick in North Northumberland on the 22/6/24 and at 09.00am into a light west south west wind Jordan and Peter liberated the birds the top twenty in the open are as follows claiming the velvet Thrown of 1st plus 9th and 19th open and 1st and 2nd Longford club was Trevor Cooke flying 244 miles his winner a 1y blue cock being a best Kittle his next a 1y blue hen of being a platteeuw and the final a 1y chequer hen being bred by Chris Templar of Bristol all were flown on the roundabout system with velocities of 1372, 1320.629 and 1293.

Trevor Cooke 26 09 24

Trevor Cooke

2nd,and 4th open was independent member Gary Carter flying 232 miles with velocities of 1344 and 1343.761.

3rd, 5th and 6th was the Walker brothers of big Phil and Steve flying 256 miles also taking a 3rd and 4th at the Longford club their first a 2y blue hen being a pure Lambrechts being bred by Chris Templar of Bristol and being their new north road amalgamation £10,000 Futurity Alnwick YB final winner 2022 she was sent on the natural system sitting 12 day old nest eggs their next a 1y blue chequer hen being a Franz Zwols crossed Jan Hooyman she's won previously this season from Penkridge she was sent on the natural sitting 8day old nest eggs and their final a 1y blue cock being purchased at their club breeder buyer in 2023 being bred by Else & Murray of Houbens bloodlines again sent on the natural system sitting 8 day old nest eggs their velocities were 1343.878, 1343.478 and 1342.

7th open and 1st Sodbury Vale club was Dave Smith flying 267 miles with a 2y blue hen being a Van Den Bulk sent sitting chipping nest eggs on the natural system with a velocity of 1326.

8th open plus 2nd Sodbury Vale club was Percy Hatherell flying  269 miles with a 2y dark pied cock doing 1320.792.

10th open was Stuart Luff flying 256 miles with a 2y chequer cock being a Jel Jellima from Dean Pallett stock flown on the widowhood doing 1320.495.

11th, 16th and 18th open was Gavin Duggan an independent member flying 231 miles with velocities of 1310, 1302 and 1295.

12th, 14th and 15th open plus 1st, 2nd and 3rd Oldland club was Adrian Bishop flying 275 miles with all three birds being bred from Brian Olver birds of Bristol the first a 1y blue cock that raced south road as a young bird and is bred from Brian's multiple winning NL Cock his second a 1y Pencil blue hen followed by a 4y chequer cock raced on the roundabout system with velocities of 1307.761, and 2 x 1306.

13th open was Chris Orchard flying 253 miles with a 1y chequer hen being of Chris's own blended family strain being flown on the natural system with a velocity of 1307.090

17th open plus 3rd Sodbury vale club was Steve Bennett flying 269 miles with a 3y blue hen being a Herman Cuesters from the Gordon Brothers of Ireland and she was sent sitting nest eggs on the natural system with a velocity of 1300.

20th open and 1st South Bristol club was Andrzej Stanowski with a 2y blue hen of H & E J Ejerkamp NL crossed a U & K Mazepa from birds via Merwick Chwedoruk flown on the roundabout system with a velocity of 1292.

The Rat Man.