by Tom Harris
1st Open R. E. Cooke & Son (Newport)
With all Welsh organisations at different distances the opportunity became available to stage an open race from Maidstone in Kent, an average distance of 155 miles. We opened the doors for any fancier flying within the Welsh boundaries to participate and enjoy an added race to their current 2014 race programme. Basketing took place at most of the Welsh north road clubs with fanciers from other organisations such as the South West Glamorgan Fed, Rhondda Valley Fed and Welsh South Road Federation also utilising the race to train their entries for future channel races in the weeks that followed.
The race winner
With transport arranged with the WNR Fed the pigeons arrived on site and at 7.15 the strings were cut releasing the convoy of both federation and open pigeons into a light south westerly wind turning more north westerly towards the home front with the threat of the occasional shower expected along the line of flight. The birds made hard work of the conditions and were well split and it seemed as though a number of pigeons got through prior to the showers with the remainder turning in during the afternoon once the weather had settled, with the eventual winner after finalising the result being at the newport loft of R. E. Cooke & Son timing in at 10.37 with a winning vel of 1355.
May we take this opportunity of thanking everyone who supported the race and Chris Sutton for once again offering his sponsorship of a photo of the winning pigeon. It shows that whilst Welsh organisations have gone their different ways over the past years, fanciers themselves are more than prepared to get together and enjoy their hobby when the opportunity arises.
Following on from this successfull event there may well be the prospect of another open from Guildford during the young bird programme. Here is the top ten for this race.
1 |
R.E.Cooke&Son,S |
1355.104 |
3:22:38 |
156,48 |
W13N02298 |
£100.00 |
£100.00 |
2 |
Hall&Macullum,C |
1345.628 |
3:36:43 |
165,1220 |
GB13Z59231 |
£65.00 |
£65.00 |
3 |
MBevan,C |
1340.499 |
3:41:58 |
169,106 |
GB13J17544 |
£35.00 |
£35.00 |
4 |
DSeargent&son,C |
1337.945 |
3:37:33 |
165,670 |
W12K01894 |
£25.00 |
£35.00 |
£60.00 |
5 |
WilliamsBr&Son&Burgham,C |
1335.811 |
3:40:17 |
167,337 |
W13N09708 |
£20.00 |
£35.00 |
£55.00 |
6 |
CoppBros&g.dtr,C |
1335.612 |
3:43:29 |
169,1047 |
W13B02983 |
£10.00 |
£10.00 |
7 |
DSeargent&son,C |
1334.775 |
3:38:4 |
165,670 |
W13K02828 |
AB |
£4.75 |
£4.75 |
8 |
DFlowers,C |
1331.298 |
3:28:43 |
157,1544 |
W10R11651 |
9 |
AKidd,S |
1327.182 |
3:21:59 |
152,567 |
W13N00654 |
10 |
DFlowers,C |
1325.792 |
3:29:35 |
157,1544 |
W13N04757 |