Tom Harris
Messac - June 2014
Thursday 12th June and once again basketing was under way for the club’s latest French adventure from the town of Messac, an average distance of approx 275 miles to most lofts.
With the welsh contingent once again meeting up with the West of England Combine transporter the birds had a swift and safe crossing and were soon reported on site at 4.45pm on Friday afternoon, with nothing out of the ordinary to report. The convoyer highlighted the high temperatures during the trip and with that in mind constantly replenished the drinkers with a supply of fresh water throughout, with the birds fed and left to rest, and with yet another scorching day forecast on Saturday there were high prospects that a 5.30am liberation was on the cards to try and aviod the pigeons having to not only overcome the distance but avoid the most warmest part of the day .
Saturday morning and with the drinkers once again freshened up and after a final check on the conditions the 2,500 (approx) pigeons were liberated at 06.30 into a light warm northerly wind and clear blue skies, reported to be turning more north /north easterly over the channel and onto the south coast of the UK.
Leading the field for the second time this year is the on form loft of Scammel and Peploe of Pontypool timing in at 12.58 59 with a winning velcity of 1082. The partnership’s pigeon is a 2yr old light cheq roundabout cock which is bred down from their well known pigeon "The Nearly Cock" which has become something of a celebrity after siring many high profile pigeons not only for this partnership but for many others in various organisations. Added to this pigeon’s bloodlines is a cross with the Vandenabeele of M & D Evans. This cock has flown in every overseas race this year and has now joined an elite group of loftmates that have recorded a highly successful season to date with results inc 2x1st Welsh NFC, 1st WSRN, 2x2nd and 4th.
Scammell & Peploe
The National winner
It’s just a short drive from the winner, for 2nd open at another Pontypool loft, that of Mr & Mrs Ian & Tracey Bromley who timed at 12.02 with a velocity of 1067. Ian informs me that there’s not a lot to say about the background of their pigeon which hasn’t already been published, as it is bred down through the lines of "The Nearly Cock" from their good friends Scammel and Peploe. All that could be noted is that with this cheq hen being a four year old she has flown consistanly over the years taking many club and federation honours.
Mr & Mrs Bromley
For 3rd open its west over the valley to our 2014 Maidstone winners Mathew and Joseph Hughes from Treharris who timed in thier 3 yr old mealy cock at 13.02.22 with a vel 1065. The origin of their arrival originates from pigeons purchased from Marc and Lilly Verheyde crossed with the same family from past combine and national winning loft of Wyn Jenkins of Neath. This cock has been to every race this year including three channel races with some outstanding performances for the partnership inc 30th WNFC Carentan, 8th Fougeres and now 3rd Messac.
M&J Hughes
4th open it’s the Bargoed loft of Iddy Davies who timed in at 13.09 with a vel of 1050.14. This pigeon originates from John Sparry of Newport and was gifted to Iddy along with few others to try out. As locals well know, John no longer races at any level but breeds a few for various one loft events for his enjoyment, with the remainder of his annual youngsters gifted out for other local fanciers to try to see how well they perform. The bloodlines of this pigeon originate from Jack Walker of Cannock and is bred down through the "HOLLYWOOD CLASSIC" and "ANDREA" lines of Syndicate Lofts. To date this game pigeon has gained many minor club and federation and now highlights its 2014 season with 1st club 4th WNFC Messac.
Iddy Davies
Once again there were mixed feelings on clock checking in light of the returns, when once again some fared better than others, however what has been noticed by many, and I have been asked to pass it onto the transporting organisation the WoESRC and their convoyers, is the outstanding condition that the pigeons returned home in. Considering the temperatures reaching 24+ degrees at times throughout the day and the head wind, the pigeons looked in excellent condition after flying the 275 miles, a tribute to all concerned and a job well done.
So with four of the six old bird races now flown, we now head off further south with the Central Southern Classic taking control to Pau and Bergerac in the weeks that follow. Remember each event regardless of the number of entries has to have a winner, and added to this, the distance is a lot greater, so to those who have or intend to give it a whirl and take on these extreme races of 580 and 500 miles, we wish you all the success and hopefully good returns. On from there we also three young bird races to compete in later in the year from Maidstone, Hastings and Ramsgate, so it’s never too late to join. Applicaton forms can be downloaded via our website at www.welshnational.co.uk
Early times
scammell & peploe 13.58.39 v 1082.860, m/m bromley 14.02.45, m & j hughes 14.02.22, davies 14.09.47, gardener 14.22.01, lambert 14.27.16, lewis 14.36.39, holpin 14.32.29, hall & macullam 14.16.09, picton br son 14.54, bevan 14.32.22, hawkins fam 14.52.13, vaughan 14.51.47, watkins & son 14.39.01, davies & coombes 15.02.45, m/ m russell 14.43.57, newbury 15.07.45, mayo 15.07 43 m & j burrigde & s 15 52 19.
This week’s top 10
1 Scammel&peploe,C 1082.860 7:28:39 276,65 W12N08477 £100.00
2 Mr&mrsBromley,C 1067.223 7:32:45 274,945 W10N01731 £75.00 £75.00
3 M&jHughes,C 1065.655 7:32:22 273,1587 W11K05240 £50.00 £50.00
4 IDavies,C 1050.142 7:39:47 274,598 W13T00077 £35.00 35.00
5 Scammel&peploe,C 1042.245 7:46:8 276,65 W10N13297 £35.00 ABCDE £73.75 £108.75
6 RLambert,N 1041.556 7:57:16 282,780 W12T04045 £30.00 £30.00
7 Mr&mrsBromley,C 1041.123 7:44:6 274,945 W11N03375 £30.00 £30.00
8 WHolpin,C 1039.525 8:2:29 284,1729 NWHU13C2222 £25.00 £25.00
9 Mr&mrsBromley,C 1036.692 7:46:5 274,945 GB11V41050 £25.00 £25.00
10 Hall&macullum,C 1034.386 7:46:9 273,1699 W13K00209 £15.00 £15.00