This weeks race was at Jubilee Park on the 15th of April were there was 3,226 birds liberated in a North East wind. Topping the Federation and the North Section is Rob Mallinson of Whitby on 1388. Topping the Central Section is George Rudd on 1369. Topping the South Section is K Frail & Hewitt of Scunthorpe on 1358. Topping the Coastal South Section is Ken Gladstone on 1352. Well done to everyone
Coastal North Section:
Whitby Premier Club. 7 members sent 220 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1388 with a yearling Patrick de Mutter x Louis Thijs yearling hen which has had 2nd open Eastbourne 2nd open Huntingdon 10th fed, 43rd fed Chelmsford, 34th fed Sleaford last year. She was 36th fed Grantham last week.
Second place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1376 with a 2yr old hen off his no 1 Louis Thijs stock which had a 1st Reed 23rd fed 2nd Eastbourne 19th fed 2nd Chelmsford 2nd fed, 3rd Eastbourne 5th fed, 7th Sleaford 7th Huntingdon all last year. Third place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1376 with a yearling Louis Thijs cock Fourth place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1375 with a 2yr old Louis Thijs hen Rob also wins the pools.
Scarborough Social Club. 11 members sent 330 birds with the red card going to Andy Moon on 1384 with a self bred Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1377 with a full sister to this years Fed winner from Grantham. Third Place went to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1366 with another Full sister to their Fed winner from Grantham this year. Fourth place went to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1366 with the Mother of the above which has had 8 x 1st prizes and sire has had 5 x 1sts. Paddy wins the Lisa Crowe Estate Agents sponsor
Wolds Flying Club. 7 members sent 164 birds with the red card going to Colin Smith on 1308 with a Walter Docx. Second place went to Colin Smith on 1293 with a Gaby Vandenabeele off Roy Wright of Doncaster. Third place went to Tankard & Bedford on 1292 with a Lambrecht. Fourth place went to Tankard & Bedford on 1291 with a Frank Sheader x Busschaert.
Central Section:
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 10 members sent 246 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1369 with a Herman Ceuster. Second place went to C & L Bowes on 1354 with a Van Hassle which won as a young bird. Third place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1338 with one off Gary Cox. Fourth place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1338 with one off their Irish stock.
Hull Millennium Club. 12 members sent 304 birds with the red card & Fourth place going to Alan Stone & Son on 1341 & 1317 with their Wain Brownley birds. Second place went to Ken Green on 1328 with one of his Ark breed. Third place went to Jamie Manuel on 1325 with a Clive Lister hen.
Buckingham F. Club. 7 members sent 131 birds with the red card and Third & Fourth places going to Michael Cooper on 1258 1257 & 1239 with his family of birds. Second place went to Graham Shaw on 1258 with one off his family of birds.
Cottingham Homing Society. 7 members sent 82 birds with the red card and Fourth places going to J. Donner on 1259 and 1204. Second & Third places went to A. Stephenson on 1237 & 1231. no details.
Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 61 birds with the red card going to Ken Gladstone on 1352 with a Vandenabeele multi prize winning hen. Second place went to G & G Ringrose on 1334 with a Rob Mallinson Louis Thijs x Frans de Coux cock. Third place went to George Atkinson on 1326 with a Vandenabeel cock. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 1308 with a Vandenabeele cock.
Ravenser Flying Club. 12 members sent 236 birds with the red card going to D.P. McCracken on 1331 with a 2yr old Van Bulk cock bred by Brian Allan of Nunheaton. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1316 with a 2yr old grandson off the Stafford hen. Third place went to John Eastburn on 1314 with a yearling Van Bulk/Pit bull cock. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1313 with a double grandson from the J. Ring cock.
Beverley & District Club. 2 members sent 33 birds with the 4 places going to T & L Smith on 1325, 1258,1256 1253 all with his Van den Bulk x Herman Ceuster family
North Hull Club. 10 members sent 148 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1303 with a Phil Wood out of R. Nicklin x J. Martindale stock. Second place went to Richard Crawford on 1296 with a self bred Shane Redding x Gary Cox stock. Third place went to Richard Crawford on 1295 with a self bred out of Gary Cox & R. Nicklin stock. Fourth place went to Richard Crawford on 1271 with a Barry Kipling self bred.
Kingston Flying Club. 10 members sent 171 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1338 with a Bulk x Ceuster bred by Wayne Brownlee won before. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1325 with a self bred Gary Cox x Shane Redding Ceuster won before. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Lenny King on 1305 with last week winner a Ceuster off Gary Cox. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor on 1302 with a Ceuster bred by Wayne Brownlee.
Hessle Flying Club. 4 members sent 78 birds with the red card going to Barry Milburn on 1306 with a yearling Lambrecht hen. Second place went to Barry Milburn on 1291 with a Sablon yearling cock. Third place went to Horne & Plews on 1283 with a 7yr hen which has won from Maidstone & Eastbourne. Fourth place went to Horne & Plews on 1267 with a Barry Milburn yearling special cock.
West Hull Flying Club. 6 members sent 124 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1308 with a Herman Ceuster gift cock from Martin Dawson. Second place went to Jamie Martindale with a Van Rinj cock. Third place went to Jamie Martindale on 1288 with a Van Rinj cock which won Hull fed. Fourth place went to D. Allen on 1279 with a Jamie Martindale Herman Ceuster cock.
South Section
Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 10 members sent 194 birds with the red card going to K. Frail & Hewitt on 1358. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Dean on 1329. Third place went to K. Frail & Hewitt on 1325. Fourth place went to D. Dawley on 1324. no details given
Brigg & District F. Club. 7 members sent 148 birds with the red card going to J. Simpson on 1326 with a Vandenabeele x Gert Heylen off winning parents. Second place went to K. Good on 1323 with a self bred Eric Cellemans cock. Third place went to T. Dawson on 1311 with a Van Bulk a gift bird off Lee Westerman. Fourth place went to J. Jacklin on 1304 with a self bred Eric Cellemans.
Barrow Homing Society. 6 members sent 111 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Cranidge on 1317 Second place went to S. Stockdale on 1260 Third & Fourth places went to Mr & Mrs Cranidge on 1243 & 1236 no details
Coastal South Section:
Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 229 birds with the red card and Third places going to C.M. & L Bell on 1342 & 1314. Second and Fourth places went to Mr & Mrs Hotham & Ellis on 1320 & 1306.
Bridlington D.F.C. 5 members sent 71 birds with the red card going to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1209 with a Janssen bred by brother in Leeds. Second place went to O & S Wilkinson on 1179 with Strickers Donkers bought from Leir market. Third place went to O & S Wilkinson on 1179 with a Janssen. Fourth place went to with a Mr & Mrs Tate on 1177 with a Cattrysse.
Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 98 birds with the red card going to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1296 with a John Wright x C & G Cooper stock (nest mate killed by Hawk last week. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1283 with a Premier Stud Sablon x Premier stud Koopman x Ceuster. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1279 with a Peter Van der Merwe. Fourth place went again to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1263 with a Premier stud Koopman x Ceuster nest mate to 2nd bird.
Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 47 birds with the red card going to Dean Adamson on 1191 with a Clive Lister bird. Second place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1128 with one off Tonys Choice. Third place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1112 with a Ken Anderson x Herman. Fourth place went to Trevor Robinson on 1048 with one of his long distance family.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.
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