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This weeks race from St Albans on the 29th of April 3,231 birds liberated in a Light Westerly. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Keith Walsh & Ricky Wordsworth of Hull on 1691. Topping the South Section is J. Petch of Barrow on 1686. Topping the Coastal South Section is Ken Lister of Holderness on 1685. Topping the North Section is Tankard & Bedford of Wolds Club on 1603. Well done to everyone on the result.

Central Section:


Ravenser Flying Club. 12 members sent 222 birds with the red card going to Keith Walsh & Rick Wordsworth on 1691 with a 2yr old prize winning Van Bulk x Ceuster bred by Gary Cox. Second place went to Paddy Murphy on 1689 with a yearling Syndicate loft x Van Bulk. Third place went to Paddy Murphy on 1688 with a 2yr old cock son of Champ Humberside Trophy winner. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1680 with a yearling cock off the Stafford hen.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 11 members sent 235 birds with the red card going to Franciosy & Bennett on 1673 with a Soontjen off D. Franciosy. Second place went to Bob Smith on 1663 with a Herman Ceuster sire 6 x 1st. Third place went to Williams Bros on 1661 with a Maldaert off Dave Thompson. Fourth place went to C & L Bowes on 1658 with a Van Hassle was second last race.

Hull Millennium Club. 12 members sent 285 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1676 Second place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1670 Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hall on 1663 Fourth place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1654 no details given

Buckingham F. Club. 8 members sent 111 birds with the red card Second Third & Fourth places going to Mr & Mrs P. Jacobs on 1619, 1607, 1594 & 1590 No details given.

Beverley & District Club. 2 members sent 30 birds with the red card and next three places going to T & L Smith on 1611, 1564, 1544 & 1540 with a pair of Pitt Bulls and a pair of Herman Ceusters.

Cottingham Homing Society. 10 members sent 113 birds with the red card going to Ian Bennett on 1649 Second place went to Bettney & Wainwright on 1636 Third place went to Ian Bennett on 1620 Fourth place went to Ian Bennett on 1618 no details given. 

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 115 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1582 with a Rob Mallinson Patrick de Mutter x Louis Thijs. Second place went to Gary Ringrose on 1578 with a Rob Mallinson Louis Thijs. Third place went to Ken Gladstone on 1577 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 1573 with a Vandenabeele. Nom points won by Gary Ringrose 2 George Atkinson 1.

North Hull Club. 10 members sent 138 birds with the red card going to M. Foster on 1667 with a Wayne Browlee Ceuster x Hardy Kruger. Second place went to R. Crawford on 1631 with a Ceuster bred off a B. Kipling loaned bird. Third place went to M. Foster on 1615 with A & T Nicklin x Wayne Brownlee Ceuster x Kruger. Fourth place went to M. Foster on 1593 with one of his own breed.  

Kingston Flying Club. 11 members sent 234 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1685 with a Shane Redding Better than bolt. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1683 with a self bred Gary Cox Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1683 with a previous winner a self bred F. Cox Ceuster. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor on 1683 with a self bred G. Cox Herman Ceuster which has won before.

Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 87 birds with the red card going to Barry Shaw on 1625 with a broken off yearling Van Den Buick bred by Ernie Goodyear had a win when flown by Laurie Wilson. Second place went to Horne & Plews on 1573 with a 4yr old Barry Milburn cock. Third place went to Horne & Plews on 1570 with a Willy Jacobs hen. Fourth place went to Barry Shaw on 1564 with a 2yr old Raoul Verstrate x Deweerte cock.

West Hull Flying Club. 6 members sent 116 birds with the red card going to J. Martindale on 1635 with a Van Rein cock has topped Hull fed. Second place went to  J. Martindale on 1632 with a Van Rinj cock. Third place went to D. Allen on 1623 with a Herman Ceuster out of J. Martindale stock. Fourth place went to J. Martindale on 1612 with a Martin Dawson Herman Ceuster gift bird.    

South Section

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 10 members sent 178 birds with the red card going to Keith Atherton on 1670. Second place went to K. Frail- Hewitt on 1660 Third place went to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1634. Fourth place went to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1623. No details given.  

Brigg Flying Club. 7 members sent 101 birds with the red card & Third place going to J. Simpson on 1636 & 1602. Second place went to K. Good on 1626. Fourth place went to G. Cooling on 1601. No details given.   

Barrow Homing Society. 11 members sent 245 birds with the red card and Second Third & Fourth places going to J. Petch on 1686, 1685, 1684 & 1683. No details sent.    


Coastal South Section:


Holderness Flying Club. 3 members sent 80 birds with the red card going to Ken Lister on 1685 with “Gary’s choice” Van den Bulk which has topped Fed before, Ken was talking to his son and never saw it trap. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1663 with a Premier Stud Koopman x Ceuster which was 4th last week. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1663 with a granddaughter off the “Lister Cock” Fourth place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1663 with a Premier Stud Koopman x Ceuster a sister to the one that’s 2nd it was also second last week.

Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 257 birds with the red card going to Chris Mark & Lynn Bell on 1640 with a Nathan Hoggard yearling Herman Ceusters.
Second place went to Chris Mark & Lynn Bell on 1636 with a yearling Kris Cleirbaut x Frans de Coux a gift bird off Robert Mallinson which won Huntingdon. Third place went to Chris Mark & Lynn Bell on 1633 with a 2yr old Vandenabeele off Bryan Shipley stock had a 1st Eastbourne last year. Fourth place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1633 with a S. Knowles Best Kittel.

Bridlington D.F.C. 6 members sent 69 birds with the red card going to Kian & Bradley Wilkinson on 1492 with a Gus Janssen bred by their uncle in Leeds. Second place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1462 with a Janssen. Third place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1459 with a Strickers Donkers bought at Blackpool.  Fourth place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1431 with a Janssen bred by his Grandad. 

Withernsea Homing Society. 3 members sent 45 birds with the red card going to

Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1549 with a Tonys Choice. Second place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1545 with a French x John Rawson. Third Place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1539 with a John Rawson breed. Fourth places going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1526 with a French x J. Rawson.   

Coastal North Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 4 members sent 123 birds with the red card and the next two places going to Barry Temple on 1629, 1615 & 1606 with his Lambrecht family. Fourth place went to Tankard & Bedford on 1603 

Scarborough Social Club. 11 members sent 300 birds with the red card going to  Dean Ingle & Pete & Paul Midgley on 1574 with a yearling self bred Leach Bros x Rod Sparkes cock. Second place went to Dean Ingle & Pete & Paul Midgley on 1566 with a self bred Rod Sparkes hen. Third Place went to Dean Ingle & Pete & Paul Midgley on 1565 with a self bred Trevor Taylor x Rod Sparkes hen. Fourth place went again to Dean Ingle & Pete & Paul Midgley on 1564 with a self bred Trevor Taylor hen.  

Whitby Premier Club. 7 members sent 186 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1483 with a yearling hen bred by his friends STS Loft Timmy Simper Jamie Steven & Jay Thompson thank you lads which last year had a 3rd Chelmsford. Second place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1455 with a 2yr old self bred hen off two Kris Clerbouts had a 2nd Chelmsford. Third place went to Alan Richardson on 1453 with a yearling hen off his Louis Thijs x Frans Maris family.   Fourth place went to Alan Richardson on 1453 with a yearling hen bred by Ali McLeod the UNC star from Billingham. Rob Mallinson wins the pools.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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