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This week the race from Huntingdon on the 14th of May 2,516 birds were liberated in a West South West wind. Topping the Federation and the North Section is Colin Smith of Filey on 1727. Topping the Coastal South Section is Dave Fussey of Bridlington on 1722. Topping the South Section is J. Jacklin of Brigg on 1720. Topping the Central Section is R. Crawford of Hull on 1720. Well done to everyone members reporting having a good race.

Coastal North Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 51 birds with the red card going to Colin Smith on 1727 with a Vandenabeele hen g/dt Barnaby Roy Wright Doncaster. Second place went to Colin Smith on 1723 with a Jimmy Richardson Durham x Albert Derwa Gift hen off Kerry Mellonby. Third & Fourth places went to Barry Temple on 1718 & 1718 with a pair of Lambrecht’s.  

Scarborough Social Club. 11 members sent 226 birds with the red card going to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1684 with a roundabout Alister Tankard gift Bulk hen. Second place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1684 with a Roundabout Herman Ceuster hen. Third Place went to A. Moon on 1678 with a K. Skelton x D. Thompson Hereman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Walt Agar on 1671 with a prize winning Andrew Lawley from Elsimere       

Whitby Premier Club. 7 members sent 157 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1656 with a yearling Stefan Lambrecht’s x Patrick Boeckx x Lambrecht’s off his good friend David Parker of Clitheroe. Second place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1652 with a yearling a Louis Thijs x Van den Brande bros from Peter & David Hughes of Wales. Third place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1645 with a 2yr old Gert Heylen x Van den Brande bros x a Louis Thijs. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1645 with a 3yr old Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs x Louis Thijs. Robert also takes the pools good race on a difficult day.  

Coastal South Section:

Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 205 birds with the red card going to Dave Fussey on 1722 with a Steve Sellars x Martin Staffi. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & Ellis on 1720 with a 2yr old Multi prize winning Vandenabeele. Third place went to C. M & L Bell on 1698 with a G/son off B. Shipleys Bob Bat. Fourth place went to K & L Mellonby & Knowles with one of his Best Kittles which scored on first race.  

Holderness Flying Club. 3 members sent sent 69 birds with the red card going to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1712 with one off Simon Parkinson stock which was 1st club last week as well also taking 10th fed. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1709 with a multi Prize Winning Sablon off Premier Stud. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1706 with a Multi prize winner off the ‘Lister cock’ x Stuart Ward Van der Merwe. Fourth places went again to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1705 again off the ‘Lister cock’ x Stuart Ward Van der Merwe. 

Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 44 birds with first Second Third and Fourth places going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1617 1617 1611&1597 all bred from French family x John Rawson x George Atkinson.

South Section

Brigg Flying Club. 7 members sent 87 birds with the red card going to J. Jacklin on 1720  Second place went to J. Jacklin on 1696 Third place went to K. Good on 1681 Fourth place went to A. Masters on 1662  no details.

Barrow Homing Society. 9 members sent 211 birds with the red card and Second places going to A. Jacklin on 1673 & 1665 with a pair of Lambrecht yearlings having their first ever race. Third place went to A. Jacklin on 1665 with a very consistent Zwols. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Cranidge on 1645 no details. The members would like to say what fantastic condition the birds where after the holdover

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 8 members sent 142 birds with the red card going to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1662 Second place went to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1662 Third place went to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1644. Fourth place went to K. Frail& Hewitt on 1642 no details.

Central Section:

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 8 members sent 170 birds with the red card going to P. Irving on 1717 with a David Sara Cornwall Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Bri Rowson on 1711 with a Soontjen. Third place went to George Rudd on 1707 with a Herman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Bob Smithy on 1698 with a Busschaert.

Hull Millennium Club. 10 members sent 205 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1709 with one off the many from the Guinness factory. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Hall on 1701 with a gift bird off Ted Crane has had a 6th this year.

Third & Fourth places went to K H Green on 1695 & 1688 with a pair off the ark family. 

Buckingham F. Club. 8 members sent 89 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Paul Jacobs on 1680. Second place went to Michael Cooper on 1667. Third place went to Dave Mills on 1641. Fourth place went to Graham Shaw on 1635 no details given

Cottingham Homing Society. 11 members sent 98 birds with the red card & second & Third places going to Ian Bennett on 1697, 1697 & 1692 with three Shane Redding Herman Ceusters all on roundabout. Fourth place went to Ian Bennett on 1683 with a Graham Foster Smith van Winkle on roundabout. This is a 3rd club win on the trot.  

Driffield Homing Society. 4 members sent 91 birds with the red card second and third place going to Ken Gladstone on 1690, 1674, 1661 & 1652 no details given

Ravenser Flying Club. 13 members sent 191 birds with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1709 with a yearling cock off fed winners a J. Ring x Stafford hen. Second place went to Paddy Murphy on 1708 with a 2yr old multi club & Fed winner and 3 x two bird. Third place went to graham Rouse on 1708 with a 2yr old Dave Beadle Ceuster x Hardy Kruger roundabout hen won 2bird. Fourth place went to Paddy Murphy on 1705 with a cock bred from champ Humberside trophy winner.

Beverley & District Club. 1 members sent 14 birds with the red card and Second and third places going to T & L Smith on 1692, 1678 and 1651

North Hull Club. 10 members sent 149 birds with the red card going to R. Crawford on 1720 with a Ceuster off a man from Chester. Second place went to M. Foster on 1689 with a Wayne Brownlee x Ronnie Nicklin hen. Third place went to Richard Crawford on 1682 with a Van Bulk cross. Fourth place went to Richard Crawford on 1678 with one of his Ceusters.   

Kingston Flying Club. 9 members sent 159 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1672 with a self bred Gary Cox Herman Ceuster scored before. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1671 with a G. Cox Herman Ceuster bred by W. Brownlee stock. Third place went to A & K Hajduk on 1671 with a Wright Bros x Van Reet. Fourth place went to Harry Wallace on 1671 with a Bulk x Ceuster bred by Gary Cox.

Hessle Flying Club. 7 members sent 137 birds with the red card going to S & M Horne & Plews on 1687 with a very consistent 2yr old hen. Second & Third place went to S B Millburn on 1644 one was a previous winner 2 weeks ago.  Fourth place went to Trev Tasker on 1622 with a Pete Carmichael Vandenabeele.

West Hull Flying Club. 6 members sent 103 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1688 with a Van Rein gift bird off Vanessa Colby. Second place went to Jamie Martindale on 1682 with a Van Rein hen. Third place went to George Hall on 1639 with a self bred Ian Tutty Herman Ceuster stock. Fourth place went to Terry Mussered on 1633 with a self bred J. Martindale Van Rein cock     

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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