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This week from St Albans on the 3rd of June 2,017 birds were liberated in another North East Wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Jon Leskiiewicz of Beverley on 1357. Topping the South Section is Keith Atherton on Barrow on 1355. Topping the North Section is S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby on 1333. Topping the Coastal South Section is Paul & Helen Johnson of Hull on 1309. Well done to everyone on the result. The Federation would like to send their Condolences to Ken Gray’s Family he will be very sadly missed.

Central Section:

Beverley & District Club. 12 members sent 171 birds with the red card going to Jon Leskiewicz on 1357 with a yearling David Sara roundabout cock. Second place went to Mick Mallinson on 1349 with a 2yr old cock which topped the fed last year. Third place went to Nigel Perry on 1327 with a yearling Louella Vanden Bulk cock which has already had 2 x 2nds in 4 races and takes the pools again. Fourth place went to Secretary/Treasurer Mr & Mrs Keith Haldenby on 1322 with a very consistent 3yr old Bob Carter of Epsom cock.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 12 members sent 168 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1321 with a Herman Ceuster son of 33 won as a youngster. Second place went to George Rudd on 1303 with a multi prize winning Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1302 with a late bred off Gary Cox. Fourth place went to J & G Goodwin on 1297 with a Martin Dawson x Vandenabeele.

Hull Millennium Club. 11 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1308 with a self bred this loft is on fire only loosing one race this year. Second place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1301 with a Wayne Brownlee hen. Third place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1300 with one from the Guinness factory. Fourth place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1296 with a Wayne Brownlee cock all have won before Alan trains hard and is reaping the rewards

Buckingham F. Club. 6 members sent 58 birds with the red card & Second place going to Mr & Mrs Jacobs on 1337 & 1254. Third & Fourth place went to Michael Cooper on 1251 & 1244 No details given.

Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 49 birds with the red card & Second place going to Jeff Donner on 1269 & 1265 with his fantastic team of Van Asalts x Meldaerts both are previous winners. Third and fourth places went to Ian Bennett on 1257 & on 1254 with his Shane Redding Herman Ceusters both prize winners.  

Driffield Homing Society. 6 members sent 83 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1313 with a Patrick De Mutter x Louis Thijs bred by Bob Mallinson. Second place went to George Atkinson on 1300 with a Vandenabeele. Third place went to Ken Gladstone on 1298 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose on 1290 with a Bob Mallinson Louis Thijs x Ceuster.

Ravenser Flying Club. 11 members sent 168 birds with the red card going to Steve Hewitt on 1353 with a self bred cock off Richard Dodsley and Paul Johnson stock bred off winners. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1333 with a yearling cock that won the first race a gr/son of the Stafford hen. Third place went to Richard Dodsley on 1328 with a yearling Ian Stafford x Peter fox Syndicate lofts cock. Fourth place went to Paddy Murphy on 1321 with a 3yr old multi prize club & Fed with a nickname of ‘Fatty’.

North Hull Club. 8 members sent 80 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1326 with a self bred Ceuster out of R. Nicklin which has topped the section this year. Second place went to R. Crawford on 1274 with a self bred off Bob Mallinson & Gary Cox stock. Third & Fourth place went to M. Foster on 1270 with a pair off Wayne Brownlee x Ronnie Nicklin birds.    

Kingston Flying Club. 8 members sent 116 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1343 with a self bred Shane Redding Ceuster a previous winner. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1295 with a Gary Cox Ceuster won 3 times. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1293 with a Wayne Brownlee Bulk x Ceuster. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor on 1290 with a self bred Shane Redding Bulk x Ceuster won before.

Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 41 birds with the red card Second Third & Fourth places all going to S & M Horne & Plews on 1289, 1278, 1269 & 1265 all with their very consistent family.

West Hull Flying Club. 5 members sent 69 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1297 with a Van Rinj cock. Second place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1295 with a Dave Kemp gift hen. Third place went to Jamie Martindale on 1289 with a Van Rinj hen. Fourth place went to Jamie Martindale on 1283 with a Shane Redding gift bird.   

South Section

Barrow Homing Society. 9 members sent 164 birds with the red card going to Keith Atherton on 1355 with a cock that topped the fed 2weeks ago from same race point. Second place went to Keith Atherton on 1334 with a Lambrecht. Third and Fourth place went again to Keith Atherton on 1307 & 1304 with a pair of Herman Ceusters.

Brigg Flying Club. 3 members sent 28 birds with the red card going to Kevin Good on 1279 with a Willy Thas x Staf Van Reet hen. Second place went to G. Cooling on 1252 with a Koopman x Vandenabeele cock having been his 1st bird for several weeks. Third place went to K. Good on 1229 with his no 1 Ceulemans x Willy Thas cock which has 6x1st to its name. Fourth place went to K. Good on 1191 with a Ceulemans hen.     

Coastal North Section:

Whitby Premier Club. 5 members sent 104 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1333 with a Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs hen having its 6th x 1st this year alone and wins all the pools, was bird of year last year. Second place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1333 with a yearling self bred hen off direct Louis Thijs stock. Third place went to Paul Abbott & son Darren on 1318 with a yearling self bred roundabout Van den Bulk cock off Eddie Faulkner of Leeds. Fourth place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1318 with a self bred Eddie Faulkner Van den Bulk yearling hen.

Scarborough Social Club. 7 members sent 170 birds with the red card going to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1290 with a roundabout G. Costello Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1289 with a roundabout Alister Tankard Bulk was 1st Huntingdon. Third Place went to Paddy Johnson on 1279 with a 2yr old. Fourth place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1278 with a self bred G. Costello roundabout hen.       

Wolds Flying Club. 4 members sent 57 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1293 1291 with a pair of Lambrecht’s. Third & Fourth place also went to Barry Temple on 1277 with a pair off his new stock he is trying.

Coastal South Section:

Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 70 birds with the red card going to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1309 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster x Sablon hen which had a 4th Huntindon 3rd & 2nd St. Albans now a 1st this year. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1288 with a multi card winning hen from John Wrights Geof & Catherine Coopers stock. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1273 with a Simon Parkinson x Premier Stud Sablon cock. Fourth place went to Ken Lister on 1266 with a Premier Stud Sablon x Premier stud Hardy Kruger.

Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 181 birds with the red card going to   Mr & Mrs Hoggard & Ellis on 1302 Second place went to K & L Mellonby & S Knowles on 1300 Third place went to Mr & Mrs Chadwick on 1299 Fourth place went to K & L Mellonby & S Knowles on 1289 

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 32 birds with the red card going to O & S Wilkinson on 1221 with one from Leir Market. Second place went to Julie & Zoe Wilkinson on 1179 with a Janssen. Third & Fourth place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1175 & 1167 with a pair of Janssens.

Withernsea Homing Society. 3 members sent 34 birds with the red card going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1223 with a Tonys Choice. Second and Third place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1195 1168 with a pair off the French fam. x John Rawson. Fourth place went to Dean Adamson on 1147 with a Clive Lister bird. 

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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