The race from St Albans on the 17TH of June there were 1,583 birds Liberated in a South Easterly wind. Topping the Federation and the North Section is Alan Richardson of Whitby on 1717. Topping the Central Section is Tim & Louie Smith of Hull on 1693.Topping the South Section is Mr & Mrs Cranidge of Barrow on 1689. Topping the Coastal South is Barry Temple of Bridlington on 1675. Well done to all on the result.
Coastal North Section:
Whitby Premier Club. 6 members sent 95 birds with the red card going to Alan Richardson on 1717 with the same bird as last week this multi winning Louis Thijs x Gaston van der Wouwer cock. Second place went to Paul Abbott & son Darren on 1715 with a yearling roundabout cock self bred from Eddie Faulkner Dirk van der Bulks which wins all the pools. Third place went to Robert Mallinson on 1709 with a 2yr old Louis Thijs widowhood hen. Fourth place went to the ever present Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1708 with a nest mate to second pigeon a roundabout Van der Bulk via Eddie Faulkner of Leeds.
Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 113 birds with the red card going to Pat & Pete Chapman on 1706 with a Mr Delaney of Ireland Lambrecht. Second place went to Walt Agar on 1665 with the same pigeon that was 2nd club last week. Third Place went to Andy Moon on 1663 with a Herman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1650 with a multi prize winning Lefebre.
Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 39 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1675 with a Lambrecht bred off multi prize winners. Second place went to Colin Smith on 1615 with a Roy Wright Vandenabeele has had a 1st fed this year. Third place went to Colin Smith on 1615 with a Kerry Mellonby x Steve Sellars Vandenabeele x Leo Heremans also won this year. Fourth place went to Barry Temple on 1609 with another of his Lambrechts.
Central Section:
Beverley & District Club. 8 members sent 105 birds with the red card going to Tim & Louie Smith on 1393 with a yearling Pit Bull hen 2min clear. Second place went to Mick Mallinson on 1671 with a 2yr old Van den Bulk hen. Third place went to Phil Bolton on 1670 with a Louella Van den Bulk cock brother had a section win. Fourth place went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1609 with a David Sara yearling Ceuster cock.
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 7 members sent 116 birds with the red card going to Robert Smith on 1678 Second place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1671 Third place went to J & G Goodwin on 1632. Fourth place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1626
Hull Millennium Club. 10 members sent 163 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1609 with a multi winning Wayne Brownley hen. Second & Third places went to Alan Stone & Son on 1609 &1608 with a pair from the Guiness factory. Fourth place went to Scott Marritt on 1602 with a Dave Robby breed.
Buckingham F. Club. 6 members sent 52 birds with the red card & Second places going to Mr & Mrs Paul Jacobs on 1546 & 1546. Third & Fourth places went to Alan Smith on 1532 & 1522. No details given.
Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 49 birds with the red card going to Jeff Donner on 1615 with a multi card winning Van Asalt cock. Second place went to Keith Hayward on 1560 with a Busschaert off Pluto lines. Third place went to Jeff Donner on 1531 with a multi card winning Meldert cock. Fourth place went to Ian Bennett on 1525 with a Shane Redding Ceuster.
Driffield Homing Society. 6 members sent 65 birds with the red card going to George Atkinson on 1644 with a Vandenabeele. Second place went to George Atkinson on 1610 with a 4yr old Vandenabeele. Third place went to Ken Gladstone on 1595 which won last week and is Shadow lines. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 1590 with a 5yr old Vandenabeele.
Ravenser Flying Club. 10 members sent 142 birds with the red card again going to Richard Dodsley on 1658 with a 3yr old Multi card winning Herman Ceuster x Peter Fox (Syndicate Loft) cock. Second place went to Paddy Murphy on 1630 with a yearling cock a son off the champ Humberside trophy winner paired to a Top Star hen
Third place went to John Eastburn on 1591 yearling blue cock that won as a youngster a double grandson from the J ring cock. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1591
3yr old cock that won from Eastbourne last year a full son off the J ring cock.
North Hull Club. 4 members sent 31 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1623 with a Gary Cox x Ronnie Nicklin Ceuster which has had 3 x 1st this year. Second place went to Richard Crawford on 1622 with a Wildermeerch x Van Reet. Third place went to Richard Crawford on 1576 with a self bred Mick Mallinson Van den Bulk. Fourth place went to Richard Crawford on 1564 with a self bred B. Kipling Ceuster.
Kingston Flying Club. 7 members sent 104 birds with the red card going to Paul Rhodes on 1679 with a Carrera x Vandenabeele now with 11 x 1st to his credit & 2 x 1st sections. Second place went to Paul Rhodes on 1607 with a self bred Shane Redding Herman Ceuster which has had 3 x 1st. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1580 with a Shane Redding Van der Bulk x Ceuster. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor with a self bred Gary Cox x Shane Redding Ceuster a previous winner.
Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 29 birds with the red card & Fourth places going to the ever present S & M Horne & Plews on 1584 & 1555 Second place went to D & R Coggin on 1570. Third place went to S B Milburn on 1568.
West Hull Flying Club. 5 members sent 64 birds with the red card & Second place going to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1629 & 1612 with a pair of Herman Ceusters a cock & Hen. Third place went to Jamie Martindale on 1561 with a Martin Dawson Herman Ceuster gift hen. Fourth place went to Jamie Martindale on 1560 with a Dave Thompson Herman Ceuster gift cock.
South Section
Barrow Homing Society. 6 members sent 94 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Cranidge on 1698 with a Staf Van Reet which originates from a Keith Atherton bird. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Cranidge on 1612 with a very consistent Putman. Third place went to Keith Atherton on 1607 with an Eric Coulman off John Jacklin at Brigg. Fourth place went to A. Jacklin on 1600.
Brigg Flying Club. 3 members sent 28 birds with the red card going to Kev Good on 1571 with a Vandenabeele hen bred from Jeff Simpsons (treble 7) with 11 x 1st. Second place went to John Jacklin on 1523 with an Eric Coulman cock. Third place went to Kevin Good on 1472 with his number 1 Vandenabeele x Willy Thas hen. Fourth place went to Kev Good on 1462 with another Willy Thas cross.
Coastal South Section:
Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 172 birds with the red card going to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1657 with a Willem de Bruin that won last week. Second place went to John & Linda Chadwick on 1656 with a 2yr old Herman Ceuster cock which has won prizes before. Third place went to John & Linda Chadwick on 1637 with a 2yr old Albert Derwa x Rouw Sablon cock has won in past, it damaged its wing earlier in the season so just started racing in the last couple of weeks. Fourth place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1616 with a multi prize winning Best Kittle bred by Stu Knowles.
Bridlington D.F.C. 4 members sent 27 birds with the red card going to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1568 with a bird from Leir market. Second place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1537 with a bird bought at Blackpool Show. Third & Fourth places went to Julie & Zoe Wilkinson on 1454 & 1447 with a pair of Janssens.
Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 64 birds with the red card going to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1479 with a multi prize winner bred off the Lister cock x Stuart Ward Van der Merwe. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1453 with a hen off John’s Boy x C G Cooper bird off John Wright. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1453 with a self bred C.G. Cooper hen off John Wright. Fourth place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1453 with one off John Wright stock.
Withernsea Homing Society. 3 members sent 31 birds with the red card going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1453 with a French x John Rawson. Second Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1406 with a self bred John Rawson has had 2 club wins from St Albans. Third place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1315 with a Ken Anderson x John Rawson. Fourth place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1315 with a John Rawson x G. Atkinson.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.
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