The race from St Albans on the 8th of July there were 1,790 birds liberated in a South East wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is George Atkinson of Hull on 2170. Topping the North Section is Alan Richardson of Whitby on 2054. Topping the South Section is Kev Frail & Sharon of Foxhill on 1987. Topping the Coastal South Section is Barry Temple of Wolds Club on 1879. Well done to everyone on the result.
Central Section:
Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 77 birds with the red card going to George Atkinson on 2170 with a consistent 5yr old multi card winning Vandenabeele off Turbo lines. Second place went to Ken Gladstone on 1873 with a Shadow lines Vandenabeele. Third place went to G & G Ringrose on 1838 with a Rob Mallinson Frans de Coux x Vic Badts. Fourth place went to Ken Gladstone on 1813 with a Vandenabeele won many cards.
Topping the Fed on the right is George Atkinson with his good friend the late Ken Gray
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 6 members sent 98 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1979 with a Herman Ceuster brother to 2 multi winners. Second place went to Bri Rawson on 1974 with a Vandenabeele sitting 12day old eggs. Third place went to Bob Smith on 1972 with one off Geoff Davies Double Combine winner. Fourth place went to J & G Goodwin on 1958 with a Sablon.
Beverley & District Club. 8 members sent 124 birds with the red card going to Jon Leskiewicz on 1905 with a 2yr old Premier Stud Bosua x Mick Mallinson Hereman. Second place went to Phil Bolton on 1901 with a 2yr old Franzwols hen which has already had a couple of wins. Third & Fourth places went to Mick Mallinson on 1900 & 1900 with a pair of Heremans x Van den Bulks winning all the pools.
Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 55 birds with the red card going to Ian Bennett on 1902 with a Shane Redding Herman Ceuster took first this season 8th fed. Second place went to Mark Houghton on 1892 with a Vandenabeele cock won last two races with this bird well done Mark. Third place went to Jeff Donner on 1868 with his ever present Meldert Family. Fourth place went to Ollett & Daniels on 1707 with there old family of pigeons.
West Hull Flying Club. 5 members sent 71 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1877 with a 3yr old Van Rein hen. Second place went to G. Hall on 1862 with a yearling gift bird from I. Tully. Third place went to G. Hall on 1828 with a 2yr old gift cock off I. Tully. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1666 with a yearling gift hen off A. Stone & Son.
Hull Millennium Club. 12 members sent 161 birds with the red card going to K & S Marritt on 1923 with a cock that is a broken off from James Smith a Limberge which flew Lerwick on the North Rd Last Tuesday. Second place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1915 with a Wain Brownley cock that has won this year. Third place went to K & S Marritt on 1896 with another broken off bird from Dilsh Rasul which has scored before. Having a good day and taking fourth place was K & S Marritt on 1884 with a Martin Dawson Herman Ceuster.
Ravenser Flying Club. 10 members sent 109 birds with the red card going to Graham Rowse on 1901 with a roundabout Ian Vernom Herman Ceuster hen taking its first card. Second place went to Rich Dodsley on 1895 with a with a yearling multi card winning cock bred from Derek Walsh Pit Bull x John Eastburn J ring
Third place went to Steve Hewitt on 1858 with a Paul & Helen Johnson multi card winning cock which has topped the section from Chelmsford. Fourth place went to G. Rowse on 1850 with 2yr old hen that was racing to a three day old young bird
Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 59 birds with the red card going to D & R Coggin on 1972. Second place went to S. B Milburn on 1851 Third place went to P & C Carmichael on 1670 Fourth place went to S & M Horne & Plews on 1586 no details received
Kingston Flying Club. 8 members sent 125 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 2089 with a Herman Ceuster from Gary Cox Boltess family. Second place went to A & K Hajduk on 1961 with one off his Polish National winning stock. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1884 with a self bred Gary Cox Herman Ceuster last weeks winner. Fourth place went to Philip Wood on 1839 with a Leo Van Rijn from Jamie Martindale stock.
Buckingham F. Club. 7 members sent 57 birds with the red card going to Graham Shaw on 1845. Second & Fourth places went to A. Smith on 1829. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Paul Jacobs on 1741. No details given.
Coastal North Section:
Whitby Premier Club. 6 members sent 102 birds with the red card for the 3rd time going to Alan Richardson on 2054 with a 3yr old multi card winning Louis Thijs hen and has topped the fed twice before. Second place went to J Noble Mark & Son Kieran on 2019 with a 3yr old roundabout cock a gift bird from Lee Prokopowicz of Skinningrove winning all the pools. Third place went to J Noble Mark & Son Kieran 2018 with a self bred yearling roundabout cock off Alfie Hawthorn & Jess Hotham. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & son Rob on 1982 with a self bred yearling Louis Thijs hen.
Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 157 birds with the red card going to Paddy Johnson on 1942 with a self bred K. Arkless x R. Grundy which has already had a 2nd Jubilee & 4th St Albans. Second place went to Pete & Pat Chapman on 1942 with a Mr Delaney of Ireland Lambrecht which was 6th on last St. Albans. Third Place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1899 with a multi prize winning Lefebre which was 4th last St Albans. Fourth place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1864.
Wolds Flying Club. 2 members sent 39 birds with the red card Second Third & Fourth places all going to Barry Temple on 1879 1830 1821 & 1820 all with his family of very consistent Lambrecht’s family.
South Section
Foxhills F. Club. 5 members sent 60 birds with the red card going to Kev Frail & Sharon on 1987 with a pigeon that has had 3 x 1st 1 x 2nd & 1st sec. with a Rik Herman Bilksen lines obtained off William Donachie x Ruby x Kline x Mellonby & Knowles. Second & Fourth places went to James Ashenden on 1920 & 1693. Third place went to Kev Frail & Sharon on 1789. No details for others given.
Sharon Frail with their bird that was 1st South section
Brigg Flying Club. 6 members sent 62 birds with the red card going to J. Jacklin on 1891 Second Third & Fourth places to J. Simpson on 1773 1663 and1603 no details.
Barrow Homing Society. 6 members sent 112 birds with the red card going to J & L Saxton on 1805 Second place went to Eddie Humphrey on 1735 Third place went to Keith Atherton on 1700 Fourth place went to J & L Saxton on 1693 no details given.
Coastal South Section:
Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Chadwick on 1878 with a Van Dyke x Hereman Ceuster yearling cock which was 6th last week from Reed. Second place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1875 with a Herman Ceuster which has won twice this year and had a 2 x 2nd 1 x 3rd sections this year. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & T Ellis on 1850 with a Marshall & Smith yearling distance hen. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & T Ellis on 1845 with a Herman Ceuster yearling cock that has scored before.
Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 67 birds with the red card going to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1828 with a cock that has won before and is off the Lister cock x Stu Ward Van der Merwe. Second and Third places went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1775 & 1775 with a pair of brothers to the winner. Fourth place went again to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1775 with a pure Peter Van der Merwe.
Bridlington D.F.C. 4 members sent 29 birds with the red card & Third place going to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1584 & 1523 with a pair of Janssens. Second place went to Gav Fletcher & Tracy Heaton on 1571 with a Houben. Fourth place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1522 with a Janssen.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.
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