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The first young bird race from Sleaford on the 29th of July there were 2,032 plus 253 birds on a separate liberation in a South West Wind. Taking the first 5 Federation and the Coastal South Section places is Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles of Flamborough on 1827. Topping the North Section is Neil Rogers of Scarborough on 1811. Topping the Central Section is Mr & Mrs Robinson of Hull on 1825. Topping the South Section on a separate liberation of 253 birds was J. Jacklin of Brigg on 1748. Well done to everyone on the result.  

Coastal South Section:

Flamborough Homing Society. 8 members sent 249 birds with the red card and the next 4 places all going to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1827 1827 1827 1827 & 1825 all bred off their winning family of Willem De Bruijns.    

Bridlington D.F.C. 4 members sent 39 birds with the red card going to Kian & Bradley Wilkinson on 1730 with a bird bred off Brian Cheetham of Bishop Auckland. Second place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1642 with a Vandenabeele. Third place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1642 with a Herman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1629 with a Vandenabeele all bred by Ralph Wilkinson of Leeds.

Holderness Flying Club. 1 member sent 69 birds with Kenny Lister on 1693 with a self bred Terry Lodge of Barnsley. Kenny’s Second & Third pigeons on 1974 & 1649 were a pair of self breds off Gary Cox pigeons. Fourth bird for Kenny on 1647 was a Premier Stud Sablon.

Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 73 birds with the red card going to A & M Dodson on 1620 with a self bred J. Rawson x G. Atkinson. Second and Third places going to D. Adamson on 1448 and 1432 with a pair off Clive Lister stock. Fourth place going to A & M Dodson on 1313 with a self bred Graham & Steve Dalgliesh of Scotland x J. Rawson.

Coastal North Section:

Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 168 birds with the red card going to Neil Rogers on 1811 with a Premier stud Herman x Van Der Rhee. Second place went to Andy Moon on 1790 with a Van den Bulk a gift bird off Alistair Tankard. Third Place went to Mark StClair on 1779 with a gift egg off Paddy Johnson off a cock that’s had 8 x 1st.  Fourth place went to Neil Rogers on 1778 with a Premier Stud Herman x Van der Rhee from the second nest.      

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 58 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1802 with a Lambrecht out of a pair with 5 x 1sts which are now put to stock. Second Third & Fourth places all went to Barry Temple on 1802 1730 & 1659 with his family of Lambrechts.

Whitby Premier Club. 7 members sent 208 birds with the red card going to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1747 with a Dirk Van den Bulck cock. Second and Third place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1747 & 1747 with a nest pair of Dirk van den Bulck  x Daniel Van Reet bred from stock from Eddie Faulkner of Leeds. Fourth place went again to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1747 with a Ernie Goodyear Stefan Lambrechts x Eddie Faulkner of Leeds Dirk van den Bulck cock. They also win all the pools.

Central Section:

Ravenser Flying Club. 7 members sent 268 birds with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1789 with a Stewart Knowles hen gr/dt of Kittel. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1788 with a grandson off Pitbull x Gr/Dt off his Stafford hen. Third place went to John Eastburn on 1787 with a Stewart Knowles hen from his Roman Kleine stock. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1787 with a nest sister to 2nd bird.

Beverley & District Club. 7 members sent 87 birds with the red card going to hard working well deserved clock man Mr & Mrs Tony Robinson on 1770 with a Gert Heylen x Blackett and Renwick. Second place went to Nigel Perry on 1762 with a Paul Woodmansey x Mick Mallinson hen. Third place went to John Baker on 1755 with a Philip Bolton gift bird. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Tony Robinson on 1750 with the nest mate to the winner.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 5 members sent 142 birds with the red card & Second place going to George & Angie Rudd on 1801 & 1799 with a pair of Herman Ceusters. Third place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1768 with a Gary Cox Vanden Bulk. Fourth place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1767 with a Van den Bosch.

Hull Millennium Club. 6 members sent 161 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Dave Robinson on 1825 with a self bred Mark Evans Vandenabeele cock. Second place went to Mr & Mrs D. Robinson on 1824 with a self bred Carrera Vandenabeele x Coutances cock. Third & Fourth places went to Mr & Mrs D Robinson on 1821 & 1788 with a pair of self bred Carrera Vandenabeele x Frank Bristow hens.

Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 170 birds with the red card second and Fourth places going to Mr & Mrs A. Driscoll & Son on 1809, 1805 & 1758 with their team off Van Asalt stock off Les Bowes. Third place went to Ian Bennett on 1779 with a Shane Redding Herman Ceuster.  

Driffield Homing Society. 4 members sent 65 birds with the red card going to G & G Ringrose on 1688 with a Steffan Lambrecht x Patrick Boeck. Second place went to G & G Ringrose on 1685 with a Patrick de Mutter x Louis Thijs both off Rob Mallinson.  Third and Fourth place went again to G & G Ringrose on 1609 & 1597 with a pair of self bred Louis Thijs x Herman Ceusters.  Gary wins the Eva Kirby cup.

North Hull Club. 6 members sent 54 birds with the red card going to M. Foster on 1743 with a Wayne Brownlee x F. Davies Soontjen. Second place went to M. Foster on 1729 with a Herman Ceuster off Paul Rhodes. Third place went to Barry Kipling on 1626 with a gift breeder buyer off Frank Harrison.  Fourth place went to Matthews on 1621 with a De Klak x Van Loon 

Kingston Flying Club. 7 members sent 164 birds with the red card going to Paul Rhodes on 1802 with a Herman Ceuster from Chris Vasey stock. Second place went to Craig Clark on 1789 with a Gary Cox Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Craig Clark on 1787 with a self bred Gary Cox Bulk. Fourth place went to Craig Clark on 1784 with another Bulk from Gary Cox.

West Hull Flying Club. 4 members sent 57 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1796 with a Gift cock off Shane Redding. Second place went to Darren Allen on 1753 with a hen bred from Peter Carmichael. Third & Fourth places went to George Hall on 1753 & 1544 with a gift pair off Ian Tuttle.     

South Section had a separate Liberation of 253 birds

Foxhills Flying Club. 4 members sent 98 birds with the red card and Second place going to Graham Stow on 1571 & 1570. Third & Fourth places went to K. Frail & S. Hewitt on 1568 & 1565 no details sent 

Brigg Flying Club. 6 members sent 69 birds with the red card and several more places all going to J. Jacklin on 1748 1748 1745 1731 no details sent.  

Barrow Homing Society. 3 members sent 48 birds with the red card Second & Fourth places going to K Atherton on 1645, 1643 & 1621. Third place went to Eddie Humphrey on 1630 no details sent.  

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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