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The race from Jubilee Park on the 19th of August 2,745 birds were liberated in a Strong South West wind and Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Mr & Mrs Lenny King of Hull on 2015. Topping the Coastal South Section is Barry Temple of Brid on 2001. Topping the North Section is Alister Tankard & Bob Bedford of Wolds on 1955. Topping the South Section with a separate liberation is Kev Good of Brigg on 1847. Well done to everyone on the result.

Central Section:

Kingston Flying Club. 10 members sent 233 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Lenny King on 2015 with a Hereman Ceuster from Harry Wallace. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 2012 with a self bred off Shane Redding stock. Third place went to Gary Cox on 2011 with a Best Kittel from Sangers stock. Fourth place went to Gary Cox on 2010 with a Hereman Ceuster from the Bolt Dynasty.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 7 members sent 205 birds with the red card going to Brian Rowson on 1940 with a gift bird off Phil Irving a David Sara Ceuster cock. Second place went to Phil Irving on 1926 with a David Sara Bulk hen. Third place went to Phil Irving on 1891 with a David Sara Ceuster cock. Fourth place went to Phil Irving another Bulk hen.

Beverley & District Club. 8 members sent 172 birds with the red card going to Philip Bolton on 1920 with a direct Richard Goodier. Second place went to Philip Bolton on 1920 with a Louella Van den bulk cock. Third place went to Mr & Mrs T. Robinson on 1912 with a Wall Lunt & Green x P & D stud Van den Bulk x Gert Heylen. Fourth place went to Nigel Perry on 1903 with a Louella Van den Bulk cock which has taken cards already. 

Ravenser Flying Club. 11 members sent 338 birds with 1 x 7 places in the club going to John Eastburn the first two being a pair of Grandsons off the Stafford Hen on 1991 & 1991.Third place went to John Eastburn on 1991 with a cock off the Pit Bull lines. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1991 with a Granddaughter off the J. Ring cock.

Cottingham Homing Society. 8 members sent 218 birds with the red card for the fourth time going to Mr & Mrs A Deriscoll & Son on 1934 with an Ian Bennett Shane Redding Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Andy Stephenson on 1919 with his super fast Van Den Bulks. Third and Fourth places went to Ian Bennett on 1919 & 1919 with a pair of Shane Redding Herman Ceusters.

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 87 birds with the red card going to G & G Ringrose on 1794 with a self bred Herman Ceuster x Louis Thijs. Second place went to J. W. Hubbard on 1789 with a Leo Herman which was 4th last week. Third place went to Gary Ringrose on 1774 with a Stefan Lambrecht x Louis Thijs.  Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose again on 1771 with a Louis Thijs.

North Hull Club. 8 members sent 127 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1861 with a Darren May Van den Bulk. Second place went to Michael Foster on 1848 with a P. Rhodes Hereman Ceuster. Third place went to P. Rhodes on 1810 with a Busschaert from Paul Kelly of Ireland. Fourth place went to Barry Kipling on 1805 with a gift bird off Frankie Harrison.    

Hull Millennium Club. 11 members sent 261 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Robinson on 1897 with a Carrera Vandenabeele. Second & Third places went to  K & H Green on 1880 & 1880 with his family of Ark birds. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs D Robinson on 1870 with a Carrera Vandenabeele x Countanses hen. Due to Kev missing his report Dave Robinson took the 1st x 4 last week.

Hessle Flying Club. 3 members sent 45 birds with the red card & Second place going to T. Tasker on 1752 & 1746. Third & Fourth places went to S. B. Milburn on 1715 & 1686 no details.

West Hull Flying Club. 4 members sent 77 birds with the red card & Second place going to G. Hall on 1862 & 1845 with a pair of I. Tuttle gift birds. Third and Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1794 & 1791 with a hen and a Cock.   

Coastal North Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 4 members sent 110 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 2001 with a Lambrecht bred off multi winners which had a 1st club on the first Y.B race from Sleaford. Second place went to Calum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1972 with another of their Woodruffe Bros Willy Thijs which had a 3rd club from Sleaford. Third place went to Alister Tankard & Bob Bedford on 1955 with a Van den Brande x Van den Bulk 3rd Sleaford. Fourth place went Alister Tankard & Bob Bedford on 1954 with a Van den Bulk x Lambrecht.    

Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 194 birds with the red card going to Neil Rogers on 1929 with a Lambrechts x Vandenabeele. Second place went to Derek & Paddy Johnson on 1921 with a gift bird off Keith Arkless of Loftus. Third & Fourth Places went to Andy Moon on 1917 and 1897 with a pair of self breds off his Herman Ceuster stock.   

Whitby Premier Club.  7 members sent 187 birds with the red card for the third time going to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1907 with a Chris Vasey hen off his Romain Kliene stock also wins the pools. Second place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1902 with a Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs x Karel Boeckx. Third Place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1878 with a Louis Thijs x Francois Leys cock. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & Son Rob on 1872 with a Louis Thijs x Louis Thijs x Karel Boeckx cock all on the sliding door and darkness.

Coastal South Section:

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 27 birds with the red card and Fourth place  going to Julie & Zoe Wilkinson on 1785 & 1737  Second & Third place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1754 & 1739 all these pigeon were bred off Ralph Wilkinson of Leeds.

Holderness Flying Club. only one member sent in this club Kenny Lister on 1885 1811 1747 & 1717

Withernsea Homing Society. 2 members sent 35 birds with the red card going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1820 with a John Rawson cock sitting pot eggs in a prawn cocktail crisp box. Second and Third went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1819 with one off French & K. Anderson and a John Rawson bird. Fourth place going to Dean Adamson on 1428 with a Clive Lister bird.

South Section

Brigg Flying Club. 6 members sent 129 birds with the red card going to Kevin Good on 1847 Second Third and Fourth places went to J. Jacklin on 1824 1834 & 1832. 

Barrow Homing Society. 5 members sent 151 birds with the red card Second, Third and Fourth places all going to Keith Atherton on 1832, 1832, 1832 & 1931 no details.   

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 5 members sent 93 birds with the red card Second & Third places going to James Ashenden on 1767, 1739 & 1739. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs R. Dean on 1736.   

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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