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The race from St Albans on the 16th of September there were 1,997 birds liberated in a North East wind with the federation having a hard race for young birds. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Gary & Katie Cox of Hull on 1266. Topping the Coastal South Section is Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles of Flamborough on 1245. Topping the South Section is James Ashenden of Foxhills on 1201. Topping the North Section is Robert Mallinson of Whitby on 1178. Well done to our Race Controller Gary and to everyone on the result.

Central Section:

Kingston Flying Club. 6 members sent 153 birds with the red card and ten places going to Gary Cox on 1266 with a Best Kittel x Lambrecht breeder buyer in Chalk Lane & Cottingham. Second place went to Gary Cox on 1232 with a Van den Bulck out of the Golden Kittel line. Third place went to Gary Cox on 1219 with a Van den Bulck through Sangers stock. Fourth place went to Gary Cox on 1216 with a Herman Ceuster through the Bolt family. 

Beverley & District Club. 6 members sent 136 birds with a fantastic result and the red card going to Jon Leskiewicz on 1262 with a David Sara Van den Bulck. Second and Fourth places went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1246 & 1243 with a pair of self-bred David Sara’s Herman Ceuster. Top result. Third place went to Phil Bolton on 1243 with a youngster from the Dam that won three races last season and topped fed.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 9 members sent 203 birds with the red card going to Graham Petherbridge & Dave Coates on 1145 with a Breeder Buyer off Peter Carmichaels Vandenabeels. Second place went to Bob Smith on 1141 with one of his Herman Ceusters. Third place went to Graham Petherbridge & Dave Coates on 1134 with a Peter Carmichael Vandenabeel. Fourth place went to J & G Goodwin on 1129 with a Kev Kingston cross.

Ravenser Flying Club. 11 members sent 244 birds with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1244 with a granddaughter off his Stafford hen racing to a little youngster.  Second place went to John Eastburn on 1222 with one off his Stafford hen x his Pitbull blood both parents to this pigeon have toped the fed. Third place went to

John Eastburn on 1222 with a Gr.daughter from his famous Stafford hen racing to eggs. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1219 Gr.daughter from his Stafford hen paired to his Humberside trophy winner.

Hull Millennium Club. 10 members sent 188 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1179. Second third & fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Robinson on 1168 1168 & 1165. No details given.

Cottingham Homing Society. 4 members sent 1203 birds with the red card Second and third places going to Ian Bennett on 1203 1157 and 1148 with his very consistent young birds. Fourth place went to Alexander & Ali on 1131 well done

Driffield Homing Society. 3 members sent 31 birds with the red card going to G & G Ringrose on 1214 with a Lambrecht x Louis Thijs had a 1st at Jubilee Park. Second place went to G & G Ringrose on 1199 with a Frans De Couix x Louis Thijs which had a 1st at Reed. Third place went to G & G Ringrose on 1161 with a self bred Louis Thijs x Ceuster. Fourth place went to G & G Ringrose on 1137 with a Louis Thijs x Francis Leys all Rob Mallinson birds.

North Hull Club. 6 members sent 54 birds with the red card going to Paul Rhodes on 1171 with a Chris Vasey  Herman Ceuster. Second place went to C. Wood & Son on 1165 with a self bred R. Mallinson of Whitby x R. Crawford Ceuster. Third place went to Paul Rhodes on 1139 with a P. Kelly of Ireland Busschaert which has had a 1st. Fourth place went to Paul Rhodes on 1136 with a Chris Vasey Ceuster which won last week.     

Hessle Flying Club. 3 members sent 19 birds with the red card and Third place going to T. Tasker on 1083 & 1026. Second and Fourth places went to S B Milburn on 1027 & 1020. no details.  

Coastal South Section: 

Flamborough Homing Society. 7 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1245 with a Lambrecht. Second place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1245 with a De Bruijn  hen which has had 2 x 1st clubs and a 1st fed already. Third place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1219 with a Sean Thurlow bird which is a previous fed winner. Fourth place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1215 with a Willem de Bruijn.

Holderness Flying Club. 1 member Kenny Lister sent 62 birds his first bird is a Paul Jacobs Van den Bulck on 1119, 2nd one bred off a Gary Cox multi prize winner on 1118. 3rd Terry Lodge breed on 1104 & 4th a self bred off John Wright G. Cooper stock on 1101.  

Withernsea Homing Society. 1 member sent 22 birds Alec & Margaret Dodson on 953, 938, 932, 907 with self bred off Tonys choice x John Rawson, also a pair off G Dalgleish & Son x John Rawson and s self bred off John Rawson pigeons.   

South Section

Foxhills F. Club. 5 members sent 98 birds with the red card going to James Ashenden on 1201. Second Third and Fourth places went to Graham Stow on 1125 1114 & 1114. No details given. 

Barrow Homing Society. 7 members sent 202 birds with the red card Second Third & Fourth places all going to Keith Atherton on 1155, 1152, 1151 & 1126. No details given.  

Brigg Flying Club. 4 members sent 45 birds with the red card going to T. Dawson on 1119. Second and Fourth places went to Kevin Good on 1114 & 1066. Third place went to G. Cooling on 1083 No details given.  

Coastal North Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 2 members sent 49 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1215 with a Lambrecht which is sister to four other winners. Second place went to Barry Temple on 1199 with a Lambrecht that won last week from Jubilee Park. Third and Fourth places went again to Barry Temple on 1193 & 1176 with a pair of Lambrechts.   

Scarborough Social Club. 6 members sent 121 birds with the red card going to Neil Rogers on 1130 with a Lambrecht. Second place went to Neil Rogers on 1128 with a Bulled Lagacy x Van der Rhee. Third Place went to Neil Rogers on 1127 with a Van Panhuis. Fourth place went to Walt Agar on 1119 with a Karel Boeckx that was fourth from Reed.     

Whitby Premier Club. 4 members sent 121 birds with the red card x 14 times going to S. Mallinson & Son Rob with one again off his friend Dave Parker of Clitheroe a  S. Knowles best Kittel x Van den Bulck x Patrick Boeckx Cock. Thanks once again Dave. Second place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob with a Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs hen. Third place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob with a Louis Thijs cock. Fourth place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob with a Louis Thijs x Karel Boeckx x Louis Thijs cock. Rob also wins all the pools.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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