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The last race of the season from Jubilee Park on the 7th of October there was 1,481 birds liberated in a South West Wind. Topping the Federation and the Coastal South Section is Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles of Flamborough on 1701. Topping the Central Section is Johns Eastburne of Hull on 1682. Topping the South Section is J. Petch of Barrow on 1651. North Section is Rob Mallinson of Whitby on 1573.

We now must give a big thank you for our hard working Secretary Dave Coates, Gary Cox our president & Race Controller giving us some amazing race days. A thank you to Craig Clark transport manager & Convoyer also our other Convoyers Andy 1 Neil Andy 2. We had 25 races from Sleaford to Littlehampton with 6 of these races at St. Albans reaching just under 200 miles and four Littlehamptons also with a young birds race from over 254 miles. Well done to everyone. Also all the Compliments given regarding racing over the season to the Federation committee. I would like to thank the federation for the flowers and messages given while I recovered from major Kidney and artery surgery. I would also like to thank Ken for all he has done for me without him I couldn’t have managed including result and write ups.

Coastal South Section:

Flamborough Homing Society. 5 members sent 142 birds with the red card and having a fantastic season going to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1701 with a Willem de Bruijn bred by Sean Thurlow and has now topped fed twice.  Second place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1700 with a Willem de Bruijn. Third place went to Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles on 1700 with a Willem De Bruijn which has already had a 1st & 2nd. Fourth place went to  Kerry & Lisa Mellonby & Stewart Knowles with a consistent Willem De Bruijn.  

Holderness Flying Club. Ken Lister sent 27 birds with the first pigeon on 1604 being a Terry Lodge of Barnsley bird. The next Three went to Ken Lister on 1531, 1528 & 1526 with three of his Gary Cox pigeons.

Central Section:

Kingston Flying Club. 7 members sent 158 birds with the red card and all the first four places and more going to Gary Cox on 1674, 1640, 1640 & 1626 all bred out of his amazing stock birds.

Beverley & District Club. 7 members sent 99 birds with the red card and the first four places all going to Mick Mallinson on 1630 1625, 1326 & 1606 all with his consistent family of Van den Bulck and Darren May birds. A big thank you Sue from the Beverley members for all your hard work throughout the season it's much appreciated. Also many thanks to race controller Gary Cox for the excellent racing we have enjoyed this season1.  

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 4 members sent 89 birds with the red card and having an excellent season going to Bob Smith on 1557 with a Carrera Sablon. Well done Bob having an excellent season. Second place went to Jim Goodwin on 1547 with a Martin Dawson Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Bri Rowson on 1546 with a John Gerrard cock. Fourth place went to Bob Smith on 1540 same way bred as winner.

Cottingham Homing Society. 5 members sent 79 birds with the red card Second and Fourth places going to Ian Bennett on 1668 1654 & 1617 Ian would like to thank Shane Reading of Sherburn Lofts for this fantastic team of Herman Ceusters. Third place went to Keith Hayward on 1644 with a Herman Ceuster.

Driffield Homing Society. 4 members sent 68 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1617 with a Bob Mallinson bird which has now had 4 x 1sts. Second place went to Gary Ringrose again on 1577 with a bob Mallinson bird which has already had a 2nd from Huntingdon. Third place went to colin Sedman on 1545 with a Herman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Colin Sedman again on 1534 with a Ceuster. Gary wins the K. O. Cup and last young bird race cup.

Ravenser Flying Club. 8 members sent 119 birds with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1682 bred direct from his Pitbull cock x with a daughter from his Stafford hen. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1682 with a from his number 51 cock making it a grandson from the Pitbull cock , Third place went to John Eastburn on 1681 with a daughter from the number 51 cock a multi card winning young hen is this season. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1674 with a granddaughter from the J ring cock.  

North Hull Club. 5 members sent 42 birds with the red card going to C Wood & Son on 1591 with a Bob Mallinson x R. Crawford Herman Ceuster. Second place went to C Wood & Son on 1545 with a Shane Reading Van de Wouwer. Third place went to Barry Kiplin on 1530 with a Richard Pagett of Redcar gift bird. Fourth place went to Barry Kiplin on 1518 with a Sootjen from N. Hoggard stock. 

Hessle Flying Club. 4 members sent 62 birds with the red card Second Third and  Fourth places went to W. Gibson on 1541, 1531, 1530 & 1480.

Hull Millennium Club. 8 members sent 148 birds with the red card and Second place went to Mr & Mrs Robinson on 1660 & 1656. Third place went to K & H Green on 1622. Fourth place went to K S Marritt on 1621. no details.

South Section

Barrow Homing Society. 6 members sent 185 birds with the red card and Second place went going to J. Petch on 1651 & 1651. Third & Fourth places went to Keith Atherton on 1625 & 1625. No Details given.

Foxhills F. Club. 4 members sent 57 birds with the red card & Third place going to D. Dowley 1462 & 1445. Second place went to Graham Stow on 1455. Fourth place went to O’Grady & Jaques on 1431 no details given. 

Brigg Flying Club. 2 members sent 29 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth places going to Jeff Simpson on 1524, 1459, 1458 & 1411. No details given.    

Coastal North :

Whitby Premier Club. 5 members sent 152 birds with the red card going to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1573 with a Vandenabeele off friends Chris, Mark & Yvonne Bell of Bridlington thanks. Second place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1573 with a Frans Maris x Vic Badts x David Parker of Clitheroe. Third place went to S Mallinson & Son Rob on 1573 with a Kris Cleirbaut hen. Fourth place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1572 with their consistent team of Dirk van den Bulcks bred out of the race team. Rob Mallinson will the pools.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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Hi all,

It’s with great regret to announce the sad loss of Roy Hickson (Hicko) one of hull’s greatest fliers of all time and was a top class scribe of the Hull north road

RIP Hicko you are now reunited with Madge and Mike. Deepest sympathy to Gary and family. A picture of Andy Hunter with Roy.  

Andy with Roy