The race from Sleaford on the 13th of September there were 3,684 birds liberated in a West South West wind. Topping the Federation and the Coastal Section is Premier Mill Lofts of Bridlington on 1920. Topping the Central Section is Bennett & Reading of Hull on 1887. Well done to everyone. Thank you to the Race Controller and drivers one again carrying on from last year having excellent racing. The Federation for this season is split into two Sections the Coastal Section and the Central Section.
Coastal Section:
Flamborough Homing Society. 9 members sent 307 birds with the red card going to Mill Lane Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1920 with a Klien x Best Kittel. Second Third & Fourth places went to Mill Lane Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) with three De Bruijn.
Wolds Flying Club. 5 members sent 137 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1909 with a Lambrechts cock. Second place went to Barry Temple on 1906 with a Lambrechts hen. Third place went to Barry Temple on 1877 with another of his Lambrechts. Fourth place went to Callam Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1887
Scarborough Social Club. 9 members sent 303 birds with the red card going to Neil Rogers on 1828 with a Herman Ceuster x Van Der Rhee scored and young bird. Second place went to Daniel Varlam on 1818 with a De Klak. Third Place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1818 with a Ceuster hen which scored at Littlehampton last year. Fourth place went to Pete Thorpe & Dave Elvidge on 1818 with another hen both are on roundabout.
Whitby Premier Club. 10 members sent 323 birds with the red card having a good day going to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1790 with a 2yr old bred off his Dirk Van den Bulck stock. Second place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1789 with a yearling hen off his Dirk Van den Bulcks Third place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1787 with a yearling cock off his Dirk Van den Bulcks. Fourth place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1790 with a yearling hen off his Dirk Van den Bulck stock all where flown on the roundabout, they also win all the pools.
Driffield Homing Society. 6 members sent 85 birds with the red card going to G. & G Ringrose on 1804 with a Rob Mallinson hen. Second place went to Ken Gladstone on 1801 with a Vandenabeele having its first race. Third place went to G. & G Ringrose on 1793 with a Rob Mallinson hen. Fourth place went to George Atkinson on 1789 with a Vandenabeele cock.
Holderness Flying Club. 5 members sent 91 birds with the red card going to Steve Turley on 1750. Second place went to Mr & Mrs K. Lister on 1718. Third and Fourth place went to Paul & Helen Johnson 1692 & 1679.
Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 57 birds with the red card and Second Third & Fourth places all going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1519 1518 1489 & 1488.
Central Section:
Beverley & District Club. 7 members sent 159 birds with the red card four places going to Phil Bolton on 1827 with a Frank Dixon 2yr old hen and few wins to her credit. Second place went to Phil Bolton on 1827 with a 3yr old Franzwols cock. Third & Fourth places also went to Phil Bolton on 1815 & 1814 with a hen and cock franzwols well done BO.
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 9 members sent 276 birds with the red card going to Franciosy & Bennet on 1805 with a self bred Leo Herman off Gary Cox and Jim Smith. Second place went to Franciosy & Bennet on 1800 with a Gary Cox cock. Third place went to Bob Smith on 1786 with a Sablon x Ceuster which won Littlehampton and St Albans. Fourth place went to Bob Smith on 1783 with a Carrera Sablon.
Ravenser Flying Club. 11 members sent 252 birds with the red card going to were he left of last year also last years Humberside trophy winner John Eastburn on 1846. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1845 was 2nd to the winning Humber Trophy pigeon and won St. Albans. Third place went to John Eastburn on 1844 with a multi card winning Stewart Knowles Kittel. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1844 with the nest mate to the winner.
North Hull Club. 12 members sent 192 birds with the red card going to Secretary Barry Kipling on 1842 with a Richard Padgett gift bird from Northallerton. Second place went to P. Rhodes on 1781 with a Shane Reading Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Richard Crawford on 1780 with a Ceuster x Wildermersch x Staf Van Reet it has had 2 x 2nds before. Fourth place went to P. Rhodes on 1778 with a Janssen off Pete Mathews.
Kingston Flying Club. 11 members sent 244 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1842 with a self bred Shane Redding Ceuster x Bulck making its 5th x 1st. Second place went to Ari Rahman on 1837 with a Lambrecht. Third place went to Ari Rahman on 1835 with a Lambrecht winning pools. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs King on 1820 Paul Russell Cooreman.
Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 71 birds with the red card & Second place going to S & M Horne & Plews on 1726 & 1703. Third place went to S. B Milburn on 1667. Fourth place went to P & C Carmichael on 1651.
West Hull Flying Club. 6 members sent 141 birds with the red card going to Darren Allen with a hen on 1813. Second and Fourth place went to G. Hall with a pair of cocks on 1810 & 1688. Third place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1762 with a cock.
Hull Millennium Club. 10 members sent 247 birds with the red card going to K S Marritt on 1869 with a Steve Siddle Vanden Bulck which scored and a young bird. Second place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1866 with a roundabout hen from the Guiness Factory. Third place went to Paul Stamford on 1853 with a D. Robinson cock flying to big youngsters. Fourth place went to K S Marritt on 1824 with a broken off bird off Chris Salter & Mick Betts strain.
Cottingham Homing Society. 12 members sent 242 birds with the red card going to Bennett & Reading on 1887 with a 2yr old. Second place went to Bennett & Reading on 1883 with a yearling. Third place went to A. Stephenson on 1813 with a yearling. Fourth place went to A. Stephenson on 1793 with a 6yr old.
Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 13 members sent 278 birds with the red card going to Martin Wilkinson on 1747. Second and Fourth place went to Keith Atherton on 1724 & 1713. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Dean on 1714.
Brigg Flying Club. 6 members sent 84 birds with the red card Second Third & Fourth places all went to Kevin Good on 1742 1739 1702 & 1701.
Barrow Homing Society. 7 members sent 148 birds with the red card going to Eddie Humprey on 1820. Second Third and Fourth places went to J & L Saxton on 1801 1767 1759. Well done Eddie love from Keith.
Please note this year you do not need to bother with colour of pigeons on your write ups also every bird I write about is on widowhood unless you state otherwise please as it cuts down a bit of time. I would like to hear from anyone if they will take on the write ups for me permanent please as find its getting a bit too much for me. Please let Dave or my self know. Regards Sue
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.
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