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The race from St Albans on the 11th of May there were 3,403 birds liberated in a Light Easterly wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is James Barrowcliffe & Frank Holmes of Foxhills on 1658. Topping the Coastal Section is Terry & Paul Douthwaite of Scarborough on 1641. Well done to everyone on the result with another good race off race controller and drivers Gary, Craig and Ian.  Condolences to Pat Todd and Family on the loss of Keith Todd Well known in the Scarborough area.

Central Section:

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 21 members sent 380 birds with the red card going to James Barrowcliffe & Frank Holmes on 1658. Second and Third places went to Keith Atherton on 1637 & 1629 with one of his Staf Van Reets which topped the fed and got bird of the year last year.  Fourth place went to K. Frail & Hewitt on 1623.   

Brigg Flying Club. 7 members sent 98 birds with the red card going to J. Jacklin on 1579. Second and Third places went to Kevin Good on 1576 & 1576. Fourth place went to J. Simpson on 1574 

Barrow Homing Society. 10 members sent 200 birds with the red card second and third places going to Keith Atherton on 1617, 1607 & 1601 off his family of winners. Fourth place went to Shane Stockdale on 1588.    

Ravenser Flying Club. 10 members sent 206 birds with the top six going to John Eastburn on 1602 with a yearling Stewert Knowles hen had 3 x 1sts. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1590 with brother of last weeks winner. Third place went to John Eastburn on 1589 with a 2yr old cock that’s won before. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1589 with a granddaughter of the J. Ring.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 9 members sent 206 birds with the red card going to Franciosy & Bennet on 1611 with a multi prize winner off his Gary Cox stock. Second place went to Franciosy & Bennet on 1600 with a Soontjen which was 3rd Sleaford. Third place went to George Rudd on 1574 with a Herman Ceuster which had a 2nd at Sleaford. Fourth place went to George Rudd with a Herman Ceuster.

Hull Millennium Club. 12 members sent 254 birds with the red card and Fourth places going to Alan Stone & Son on 1573 with a pair of Wayne Brownlee Herman Ceusters. Second place went to K & H Green on 1570 with a yearling Ark hen flying to eggs. Third place went to K S Marritt with a multi card winning M. Dawson Herman Ceuster.

Cottingham Homing Society. 12 members sent 182 birds with the red card going to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1594. Second place went to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1594 Third place went to A. Stephenson on 1587. Fourth place went to Mike Cooper on 1571. 

Beverley & District Club. 8 members sent 182 birds with the red card for the third time going to Philip Bolton on 1660 with a 2yr old that has had 2 x 1sts second section and other cards last year. Second place went to ever present Jon Leskiewicz on 1620 with a self bred David Sara Herman Ceuster scored before. Third place went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1614 with a self bred David Sara Herman Ceuster yearling. Fourth place went again to Jon Leskiewicz  on 1602 with another self bred David Sara yearling Herman Ceuster hen.

North Hull Club. 10 members sent 146 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1567 with a Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Barry Kipling on 1565 with a self bred Nathan Hoggard Soontjen. Third place went to Steve Siddle on 1563 with a Soontjen which has won before. Fourth place went to Paul Rhodes on 1558 with a self bred Shane Reading Ceuster.   

Kingston Flying Club. 10 members sent 193 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1586 with a Gary Cox x Shane Reading Herman Ceuster a previous winner. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1573 with his Gary Cox Bolt Blood bred by Wayne Brownlee a previous winner. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1563 with a Shane Reading Bulk previous winner. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor on 1563 with a bulk x Herman Ceuster bred by Shane Reading and has had 6 x 1sts to its name.

Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 76 birds with the red card and Third places going to S. B. Milburn on 1568 & 1538. Second and Fourth places went to S & M Horne & Plews on 1552 & 1532.

West Hull Flying Club. 6 members sent 125 birds with the red card going to Jamie Martindale on 1554 with a yearling cock. Second place went to G. Hall on 1553 with a 3yr old cock. Third place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1551 with a 3yr old hen. Fourth place went to Darren Allen on 1545 with a yearling cock.     


Coastal Section:

Scarborough Social Club. 9 members sent 252 birds with the red card going to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1641 with one of their new Lambrechts. Second place went to Howard & Johnson on 1608 with one that took 5th at Reed. Third Place went to Howard & Johnson on 1607 with one off Keith Arkless pigeons. Fourth place went to Walt Agar on 1605 with a Sean Morris Karel Boeckx x Dope.    

Whitby Premier Club. 9 members sent 222 birds with the red card going to Alan Richardson on 1640 with a yearling Louis Thijs cock. Second place went to Alan Richardson on 1628 with a 2 yr old Louis Thijs hen. Third place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1626 with a self bred yearling Van den Bulck roundabout hen.   Fourth place went to D Mothersdale & Son Steven on 1621 with a yearling Lambrechts x Van den Bulck roundabout late bred hen bred by Paul & Darren Abbott.

P Abbott & Son win the pools.

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 84 birds with the red card going to Calam Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1597 with a Stefen Lambrecht. Second and Third places went to Barry Temple on 1559 & 1544 with a pair of his card winning Lambrechts. Fourth place went to Calam Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1533 with a Willy Thijs.  

Driffield Homing Society. 6 members sent 98 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1578 Second place went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1572 Third place went to Ken Gladstone on 1567 Fourth place went to Ken Gladstone on 1562

Flamborough Homing Society. 9 members sent 297 birds with the red card going to Ken Gladstone on 1612 Second place went to Alistar Tankard & Bob Bedford on 1610 Third place went to Ken Gladstone on 1576  Fourth place went to C. M. &  L Bell on 1571  

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 28 birds with the red card going to Julie & Zoe Wilkinson on 1475  Second and Fourth place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson on 1450 Third place went to Riley Wilkinson on 1419 all with their Janssens off Ralph Wilkinson of Leeds.  

Holderness Flying Club. 6 members sent 121 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth places all went to Kenny Lister on 1555, 1526, 1525 & 1516 all with his family of pigeons.

Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 53 birds with the red card going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1460 with a 4yr old frenchy hen many cards. Second Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1443 with Tonys Choice. Third place Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1438 with their Frenchy strain. Fourth place going to  Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1413 with one off Tonys choice.

Sue Skelton Y.M.R.Fed Scribe. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.