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This weeks race was from Eastbourne on the 29th of June where there was 2,176 birds liberated in a strong Westerly wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is John Eastburn of Hull on 1605. Topping the Coastal Section is Mr & Mrs Nathan Hoggard & Tony Ellis of Flamborough club on 1586. Well done to everyone on the result and once again an excellent race well done Gary Cox and team.

Central Section:

Ravenser Flying Club. 10 members sent 182 birds no stopping him with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1605 tops the fed for the second week and winning the two bird first is a two yr old Pitbull Stafford hen a multiple card winner. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1598 with a cock winner of two second feds and a fifth fed Third place went to John Eastburn on 1598 with a yearling hen the Humber's trophy young bird winner topped fed last week. All three are bred the same way Fourth place went to G. Rowse on 1598 splitting John with a yearling roundabout cock bred by King lodge lofts Kittel lines x Steve Shinnwell. Great result for the club in the fed.

Barrow Homing Society. 7 members sent 91 birds with the red card going to Julian Petch on 1597 and Fourth on 1534. Second place went to A. Jacklin on 1569. Third place went to Eddie Humphrey on 1540.  

Beverley & District Club. 8 members sent 144 birds with the red card going to Jon Leskiewicz on 1590 with a direct David Sara yearling hen which won 2 races as y.b.  and 4th last week. Second place went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1589 with another direct David Sara yearling. Third place went to went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1588 with a self bred yearling Sara x Bulks. Fourth place went to went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1581 with his 99 a direct Sara yearling has won 2 races. Jon only sent his hens to this race and gave his cocks a week off had another cracking race.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 7 members sent 120 birds with the red card going to Bob Smith on 1576 with a Ronnie Nicklin Herman Ceuster. Second place went to Bob Smith on 1576 with a Ronnie Nicklin Herman Ceuster which was 2nd from St Albans. Third place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1568 with one off Gary Cox. Fourth place went to P. Irving on 1540 with a Herman Ceuster.

Kingston Flying Club. 5 members sent 114 birds with the red card going to Mark Taylor on 1588 with a Herman Ceuster through Gary Cox stock. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1556 with a Wayne Brownlee Herman Ceuster won before. Third place went to Chris Leaming on 1551 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Mark Taylor on 1547 with a Shane Reading Herman Ceuster.

Hull Millennium Club. 11 members sent 167 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1575 with a multi prize winner. Second place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1542 with a Wayne Brownlee roundabout hen. Third place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1542 with a hen from the Guiness factory. Fourth place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1541 with a Guiness factory cock which has scored before.

Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 61 birds with the red card Second & Fourth places going to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1543 & 1533 & 1530. Third place went to K. Hayward on 1531.  

North Hull Club. 7 members sent 101 birds with the red card going to Paul Rhodes on 1574 with a Shane Reading Ceuster Dk Faith. Second place went to Paul Rhodes on 1550 with a Ceuster which won 2 weeks ago. Third place went to Paul Rhodes on 1546 with a son of Combine winner. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Keith Haldenby on 1537 with a K. Wagstaff Vandenabeele.    

Hessle Flying Club. 5 members sent 84 birds with the red card Second and Third places going to S & M Horne & Plews. Fourth place went to W. Gibson. No report.

West Hull Flying Club. 4 members sent 78 birds with the red card going to G. Hall on 1532. Second place went to Jamie Martindale on 1512 Third place went to Darren Allen on 1472. Fourth place went to Darren Allen on 1463    

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 16 members sent 236 birds with the red card Second  and Fourth places going to Keith Atherton on 1530, 1526 & 1517. Third place went Trevor Mason & Son 1523.  

Brigg Flying Club. 5 members sent 51 birds with the red card and Third place going to T. Dawson on 1514 & 1497. Second place went to G. Cooling on 1510. Fourth place went to J. Simpson on 1495. 

Coastal Section:


Flamborough Homing Society.8 members sent 228 birds with the red card going to   Mr & Mrs Nathan Hoggard & Tony Ellis on 1586 with a yearling Ceuster hen. Second Third and Fourth on 1585, 1585 & 1582 places all going to Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) with their yearling Willem de Bruijns.   

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 54 birds with the red card going to Barry Temple on 1579 with another of his Lambrechts. Second place went to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1579 with a Lambrecht. Third place went to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1578 with a Woodruff x Louis Thijs. Fourth place went to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1578 with a Woodruff x Louis Thijs.

Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 69 birds with the red card, Second & Fourth places going to Mr & Mrs Kenny Lister on 1560, 1553 & 1536. Third place went to Chris Syrett on 1540.

Whitby Premier Club. 6 members sent 139 birds with his 3rd red card going to Alan Richardson on 1568 with a yearling Louis Thijs x Gaston van der Wouwer hen.

Second place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darran on 1565 with a self bred 2yr old Dirk van den Bulck roundabout cock. Third and Fourth places also went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1565 & 1562 with a pair of 2yr & 3yr old Dirk van den Bulck hen. Rob Mallinson wins the pools.  

Scarborough Social Club. 7 members sent 139 birds with the red card going to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1517 with a Marshall yearling hen. Second place went to Walt Agar on 1513 with a Karel Boecks that had a 1stSt Albans 5th Reed. Third Place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1517 with a Lambrecht had a 6th St. Albans. Fourth place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1517 with a multi prize winner off the old Quirjnen cock already this season had a 1st Eastbourne 2nd St. Albans plus others.   

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 65 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1565 with a Stefan Lambrecht x Louis Thijs. Second place went to Gary Ringrose on 1532 with a Louis Thijs x STS Lofts. Third place went to George Atkinson on 1502 with a Vandenabeele.  Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose on 1500 with a Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs Garys are off Rob Mallinson.

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 17 birds with the red card Second Third and fourth going to O & S Wilkinson on 1446 1432 1408 1343 with their Janssens.   

Withernsea Homing Society. 3 members sent 36 birds with the red card and Second place going to Dean Adamson on 1492 and 1470 with a pair of Clive Lister Vandenabeeles. Third & Fourth places going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1461 & 1431 with a Ken Anders bird and a French x John Rawson won many cards.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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