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This weeks race was from Reed on the 15TH of July with a holdover for the first time this season there was 1,904 birds liberated in a light South East wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section for the fourth week in a row is John Eastburn of Hull on 1661. Topping the Coastal Section is Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader of Wolds club on 1643. Well done to everyone on the result and once again another excellent race recorded.

Central Section:

Ravenser Flying Club. 10 members sent 172 birds with the red card for the fourth week running is going to John Eastbourne again on 1661 with his Grizzle yearling  has already won this year and bred of YMR fed winners. Second place went to John Eastbourne on 1660 with the Humberside trophy winning hen which has topped the fed twice this year. Third place went to Paddy Murphy splitting John up on 1651 with a 2yr old Syndicate Lofts multi prize winning cock which was also 3rd fed. Fourth place went to John Eastburn again with a double granddaughter to Stafford hen and is a multi prize winner

Beverley & District Club. 7 members sent 149 birds with the red card going to Jon Leskiewicz on 1645 with a direct David Sara yearling hen nest mate to a federation winner last season as a young bird. Second place went to quiet man Nigel Perry on 1644 with a yearling Van den Bulck cock won as a young bird. Third place went to Nigel Perry on 1643 with a yearling from Louella stock. Fourth place went to Jon Leskiewicz on 1637 with a 2yr old direct David Sara hen which has taken cards before.  

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 7 members sent 105 birds with the red card going to Franciosy & Bennett on 1634 with a Blaine McCoy cock which has had 1x1st & 1 x 2nd & 1 x 3RD Second place went to P. Irving on 1619 with a Herman Ceuster. Third place went to George & Angie Rudd with a Ceuster that had a 1st St Albans & Sleaford also a 3rd & 4th. Fourth place went to George & Angie Rudd with a Herman Ceuster.

Hull Millennium Club. 11 members sent 163 birds with the red card Second and Fourth places going to Mr & Mrs D. Robinson on 1643,1638 & 1628. Third place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1636.

Cottingham Homing Society. 7 members sent 73 birds with the red card going to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1640 Second place went to K. Hayward on 1589 Third place went to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1578 Fourth place went to Mike Cooper on 1572 

North Hull Club. 6 members sent 88 birds with the red card going to Richard Crawford on 1631 with a Herman Ceuster which won last week. Second place went to Richard Crawford on 1626 with a Herman Ceuster x Shane Reading /Gary Cox. Third place went to Richard Crawford on 1610 with a Darren May stock (Pit bull) Fourth place went to Paul Rhodes on 1609 with a Ceuster off super Herman has had 3 x 1st

Kingston Flying Club. 6 members sent 89 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Lenny King on 1636 with a Paul Russell Herman Ceuster which has won before. Second place went to Mark Taylor on 1626 with a previous winner off Wayne Brownlee stock. Third place went to Mark Taylor on 1625 with a previous winner off Wayne Brownlee Ceusters. Fourth place went to Ari Rahman on 1625 with a Alan Stone Ceuster x Lambrecht a previous winner.

Hessle Flying Club. 4 members sent 69 birds with the red card and Fourth place going to S  M Horne & Plews on 1623 & 1601. Second place went to Peter Carmichael on 1607. Third place went to W. Gibson on 1604.  

West Hull Flying Club. 5 members sent 92 birds with the red card Second and Third places going to Jamie Martindale on 1603, 1594 and 1588. Fourth place went to Darren Allen on 1566.     

Scunthorpe Foxhills F. Club. 13 members sent 143 birds with the red card and Second place going to Barrowcliffe & Holmes on 1643 & 1643. Third place went to Johnathan Walker on 1622. Fourth place went to Martin Wilkinson on 1621  

Brigg Flying Club. 7 members sent 66 birds with the red card and first six going to Kevin Good. Well done.   

Barrow Homing Society. 11 members sent 77 birds with the red card going to J. Jacklin on 1643. Second Third and Fourth places went to Keith Atherton on 1633, 1624 & 1608.  

Coastal Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 52 birds with the red card going to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1643 with a Woodruff which won Eastbourne. Second place went to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1643 with a Lambrecht had 2 x 1st and a 1st Section. Third place went to Barry Temple on 1635 with one of his Lambrechts. Fourth place went to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1614 with a Woodruff

Flamborough Homing Society. 9 members sent 236 birds with the red card going to Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1642 with a multi scoring de Bruins. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Chadwick on 1633 Mr & Mrs Chadwick with a multi prize winner. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & Ellis on 1632 with an Alan Richardson x Neil Rogers cock. Fourth place went to Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1616 with a gift bird topped the fed this year.  

Holderness Flying Club. 3 members sent 57 birds with the red card and Third places going to Mr & Mrs Kenny Lister on 1594 & 1571. Second and Fourth places went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1588 and 1543.

Scarborough Social Club. 3 members sent 53 birds with the red card going to Walt Agar on 1591 with a self bred Sean Morris Karel Boeckx x Van Dope. Second place went to Paddy Johnson & Derek Howard on 1577 with a self bred off Keith Arkless birds Third Place went to Paddy Johnson & Derek Howard on 1576 with one off Keith Arkless. Fourth place went to Neil Rogers on 1575 with a Lambrecht x Vandenabeele.

Whitby Premier Club. 5 members sent 103 birds with the red card for a 10th time this season going to Rob Mallinson on 1614 with a 2yr old Frans de Coux x Louise Thijs cock he has 4 x 1st from Huntingdon Reed & St Albans a 6th Eastbourne 8th Sleaford this season year plus other card to his  credit. Second place went to Rob Mallinson on 1611 with a yearling Frans de Coux  x Louis  Thijs x Patrick de Mutter x Louis Thijs cock who was 2nd Reed 3rd Eastbourne 4th Sleaford this season. Third place went to Rob Mallinson on 1610 with a yearling a Louis Thijs hen from stock loft has had a 2nd Sleaford. Fourth place went to Alan Richardson 1610 with a 4yr old Patrick Boeckx hen she has been a prize winner through Sagan Alan and wins the pools.

Driffield Homing Society. 4 members sent 52 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1594 with a Herman Ceuster x Patrick De Meuther x Louis Thijs. Second place went to Gary Ringrose on 1583 with one of Rob Mallinson stock. Third place went to George Atkinson on 1581 with a Vandenabeele cock. Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose on 1580 with a Stefan Lambrecht x Louis Thijs. Garys is Rob Mallinson pigeons.

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 15 birds with the red card and Third places going to Julie & Zoe Wilkinson on 1542 & 1487 Second and Fourth places went to Oliver & Shaun on 1513 and 1471 all with their Janssen family.

Withernsea Homing Society. 3 members sent 35 birds with the red card going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1455 with a Tonys Choice x John Rawson. Second place went to Dean Adamson on 1389 with a Clive Lister bird which has had 4 x 1st this year. Third and Fourth places went to Dean Adamson on 1383 & 1377 with a pair of Clive Lister birds.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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