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This week is our first young race from Sleaford on the 27th of July with two separate liberations for next two races as well. In the main Liberation there was 2,330 birds Liberated in a Light South West wind. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Andy Cook of Cottingham on 1676 well done Andy. Topping the Coastal Section is Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) of Flamborough club on 1635. Well done to everyone on the result and once again an excellent race recorded well done Gary Cox race controller and drivers Craig Ian & Neal.

Central Section:

Cottingham Homing Society. 6 members sent 175 birds with the red card and first four places all going to Andy Cook on 1676. 1673. 1667 & 1665 plus sorry no details.  Picture in text

Andy Cook topping the federation with his young bird 02 08 24e

Andy Cook topping the federation with his young bird

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 5 members sent 197 birds with the red card going to Graham Petherbridge & Dave Coates on 1656 with a Malderhartz x Pete Carmichael Vandenabeel. Second place went to Graham Petherbridge & Dave Coates on 1596 with a Malderhartz off J. Williams. Third place went to Graham Petherbridge & Dave Coates on 1596 with a Breeder buyer off Buckingham.  Fourth place went to George Rudd on 1583 with a Herman Ceuster.

Kingston Flying Club. 7 members sent 222 birds with the red card and Second place going to Gary Cox on 1673 & 1671 with a pair of his Bulck stock. Third place went to Gary Cox on 1670 with a Leideman from Mark Walker stock. Fourth place went to Gary Cox on 1670 with a Herman Ceuster x Bulck. Well done Gary and not forgetting hard working Katie as well.

Hull Millennium Club. 5 members sent 211 birds with the red card going to Alan Stone & Son on 1620. Second place went to Mr & Mrs D. Robinson on 1619. Third and Fourth place went to Alan Stone & Son on 1618 & 1616.

Beverley & District Club. 4 members sent 75 birds with the red card on 1593 going to Malcolm Todd returning back to Middle Route federation with a winner which is one of six middle distance birds Mally bought from up north and their origin remains a secret. Nice to see you back Sue. Second place went to Brian Lawson on 1547 is off a gift egg off Tony Walker. Third and Fourth places went again to Brian Lawson on 1479  & 1476 Brian's next 2 are from his old family going back 70 years. One of these 2 is a survivor of a peregrine attack but the nest mate wasn't as lucky.

Ravenser Flying Club. 7 members sent 257 birds with the red card going to Peter Seaton on 1578 with a cock bred from the Alli brothers stock. Second place went to John Eastburn on 1554 with a cock grandson of J. Ring. Third and Fourth places went to John Eastburn on 1537 with a pair of nest mates off Stuart Knowles Kittel cock good racing cock cheers .

North Hull Club. 8 members sent 91 birds with the red card and Second place going to Bailey Watson on 1588 & 1587 with a Pair of Busschearts x Ceusters bred by his Grandad Paul. Third place went to Tim Smith on 1575 with a Andy Pereira bred off Pitbull lines. Fourth place went to Tim Smith on 1527 with a Mark Grinder bred Van den Bulck

Hessle Flying Club.   2 members sent 50 birds with the red card Second & Third places going to S. B. Milburn on 1523, 1505 & 1500. Fourth place went to D & R Coggin

West Hull Flying Club. 5 members sent 89 birds with the red card Second & Third places going to Jason Knaggs on 1512, 1507 & 1490. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs A.D MCWhannell on 1472.   


Coastal Section:

Flamborough Homing Society. 8 members sent 260 birds with the red card and Second place going to Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1635 & 1635 with a pair of Rudi Van Reeth brothers. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & Tony Ellis on 1627 Willams bros. Fourth place went to Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1627 with a with a Willem de Bruijn.

Bridlington D.F.C. 3 members sent 33 birds with the red card Second and Third places going to Riley Wilkinson on 1580 1556 1544 and 1542 all with his Lambrecht birds gifted from Jan Bailes of Cleaveland. Fourth place went to Oliver & Shaun Wilkinson with a breeder buyer bird from Bill Kirby of Hull

Holderness Flying Club.1 members sent 36 birds Chris Syrett. Hi Paul Johnson I would not dream of telling anyone you watch Love Island Paul. Sorry ha ha.

Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 74 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth places going to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1435 1422 1421 & 1421 the first Tonys Choice. Second John Rawson, Third Tonys Choice x Ken Anderson Fourth a Graham & Steven Dalgliesh bird.  

Scarborough Social Club. 5 members sent 128 birds with the red card going to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1580 with one out of Alfie Hawthorne x M De Kruijf this was gift bird to 11yr old Harry Wellings. Second place went to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1580 with a Alfie Hawthorn x M De Kruijf hen. Third Place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1541 with a Woodruff bred by Anthony Moore of Guisborough. Fourth place went to Andy Moon on 1539 with one out of his Ken Skelton Ceuster stock.      

Whitby Premier Club.7 members sent 270 birds with the red card going to James & Son Dale McCourt & Son on 1620 with a hen bred off their good friend Mike Thomas well done lads having just come back into the sport after 2yrs. Second place went to Robert Mallinson on 1618 with a with a hen bred good friend Micky Betts of Doncaster thank you Mick. Third place went to Mike Thomas on 1617 with a cock bred by Nicky Bowers of Loftus. Fourth place went to James McCourt & Son Dale on 1613 with a hen bred from stock from Ian Stafford of UNC fame James and Dale win the pools. Good returns.

Wolds Flying Club. 2 members sent 88 birds with the red card and fourth place going to Callum Gilson & Frank Sheader on 1624 & 1614 with a pair out of there Woodruff x Lambrechts stock. Second and Fourth place went to Barry Temple on 1619 & 1611 with his winning Lambrecht stock.  

Driffield Homing Society. 4 members sent 49 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1532 with a Patrick De Mutter x Ali Brothers. Second place went to Gary Ringrose on 1489 with a Louis Thijs x Patrick De Mutter. Third place went to Gary Ringrose on 1464 with one self bred off Rob Mallinson stock. Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose on 1460 with a Louis Thijs all the birds bred by Rob Mallinson.

Separate Liberation this week.

Brigg Flying Club. 8 members sent 195 birds with the red card going to J. Jacklin on 1476. Second Third and Fourth places went to Kevin Good on 1437 1437 & 1437. 

Foxhills Flying Club. 12 members sent 269 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth places all going to Stacey Simmons on 1471, 1471, 1469 & 1467  

Barrow Homing Society. 2 members sent 53 birds with the red card Secon & Fourth places going to S & M Cook on 1387, 1384 & 1277. Third place went to Eddie Humphrey on 1297.    

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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