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This week is our fourth young bird race of the season from Jubilee Park on the 17th of August where there was 2,811 birds liberated in a South West wind. Topping the Federation and the Coastal Section is Barry Temple of Wolds Club on 1565. Topping the Central Section is Ian Bennett & Shane Reading of Hull on 1555. Well done to everyone on the result and once again an excellent race recorded.

Coastal Section:

Wolds Flying Club. 3 members sent 78 birds with the red card and 15 plus club places going to Barry Temple on 1565 with a Lambrecht which won last week and nest mate was 2nd. Second Third and Fourth places went to Barry Temple again on 1564, 1564 & 1553 plus with his Lambrechts family.

Flamborough Homing Society. 6 members sent 149 birds with the red card going to   Premier Mill Lofts (Kerry & Lisa) on 1562 with a Liederman bred by their good friend Dave Roberts. Second place went to Premier Mill Lofts on 1562 with a self bred Willem de Bruijn from their Olympiad winner. Third place went to Premier Mill Lofts on 1560 with a Willem de Bruijn. Fourth place went to Premier Mill Lofts on 1560 with a Liederman hen which won last week.     

Whitby Premier Club. 9 members sent 247 birds with their first y.b. red card going to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1511 with a self bred Van Reet x Van den Bulck cock out of stock loft. Second place went to Paul Abbott & Son Darren on 1511 with a Mark Noble Romein Klein gift bird. Third place went to Robert Mallinson on 1509 with a Woodruff Brothers hen off good friends Frank Sheader and grandson Callum Gilson. Fourth place went to Robert Mallinson on 1509 with a Lambrechts hen off Jimmy Dutten stock she wins the pools.

Holderness Flying Club. 4 members sent 118 birds with the red card and next 9 places going to Mr & Mrs Kenny Lister on 1533 1531 1528 1525. No details given.

Scarborough Social Club. 7 members sent 172 birds with the red card going to Howard & Johnson on 1480 with a gift bird to Paddy off Alfie Hawthorn  x Multi prize winning Breeder which had 10 first. Second place went to Howard & Johnson on 1479 with an Alfie Hawthorn x Harry Wellings M De Kruijf. Third Place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1458 with a cock bred by Ricky Turner. Fourth place went to Daniel Varlam on 1447 No details given.

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 71 birds with the red card going to Gary Ringrose on 1456 with a Louis Thijs cock. Second place went to Gary Ringrose on 1437 with a STS Lofts x Franz De Coux hen. Third place went to Gary Ringrose on 1391 with a Louis Thijs x Franz de Coux. Fourth place went to Gary Ringrose on 1366. All Garys birds are bred by Robert Mallinson.

Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 50 birds with the red card going to Dean Adamson on 1309 with a De Bruijn. Second and Fourth places went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1291 & 1247 with a pair of John Rawson breed. Third place went to Dean Adamson on 1273 with a Clive Lister of York pigeon. 

Central Section:

Kingston Flying Club. 11 members sent 258 birds with the red card going to Ian Bennett & Shane Reading on 1555 1555 1555 1548 with their Willem de Bruijn crosses.

Beverley & District Club. 10 members sent 153 birds with the red card going to Mick Mallinson on 1520 with a Keith Atherton hen. Second place went to Philip Bolton on 1435 with a Woodruff x Darren May cock. Third place went to Quiet man Nigel Perry on 1414 with a Mick Mallinson Ceuster x Louella Van den Bulck cock. Fourth place went to Jackson & Fletcher on 1404 with a cock from some new stock the origin is a secret!!!

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 7 members sent 180 birds with the red card Second and Third places going to Bob Smith on 1478, 1453 & 1452 with three of his Cerrara x Sablons. Fourth place went to Phil Irving on 1451 with a self bred Herman Ceuster.

Hull Millennium Club. 7 members sent 197 birds with the red card going to K. H Green on 1511. Second & Fourth places went to Alan Stone & Son on 1501 & 1492 Third place went to Mr &Mrs Robinson on 1500. No details given.

Cottingham Homing Society. 10 members sent 214 birds with the red card and next 5 going to Andy Cook on 1531 1530 1530 & 1528. No details given.

Ravenser Flying Club. 7 members sent 173 birds with the red card going to John Eastburn on 1524 with a sister to his best old bird this year Pit Bull x Stafford hen. Second place went to Steve Hewitt on 1458 with a hen off Eric Ceulman lines and flying to the perch. Third place went to Graham Rowse on 1447 with a Self bred Dave Beadle cock. Fourth place went to John Eastburn on 1437 with a Granddaughter to Stafford hen.

North Hull Club.  7 members sent 103 birds with the red card going to Tim Smith on 1457 with a Shane Reading Willem De Bruijn. Second place went to Steve Siddle on 1452 with a Clive Lister De Bruijn x Gus Janssen x Third place went to Paul Rhodes on 1435 with a Shane Reading Herman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Tim Smith on 1426 with a gift bird off Mark Trinder.   

Hessle Flying Club. 4 members sent 80 birds with the red card going to S & M Horne & Plews on 1411. Second and Fourth places went to S. B. Milburn on 1392 & 1358 Third place went to P & C Carmichael on 1367. No details given.

West Hull Flying Club. 4 members sent 78 birds with the red card and Second place going to G. Hall on 1434 & 1377. Third place went to Jason Knaggs on 1371. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs McWhannell on 1347. No details given.   

Foxhills Flying Club. 11 members sent 265 birds with the red card and Second place going to Jonathan Walker on 1459 & 1459. Third place went to Maxwell Brothers on 1453. Fourth place went to Trevor Mason & Son on 1432. No details given.

Brigg Flying Club. 8 members sent 149 birds with the red card and Second place going to S. Dunderdale on 1403 & 1403. Third place went to Kevin Good on 1398 Fourth place went to J. Simpson on 1390. No details given.

Barrow Homing Society. 3 members sent 82 birds with the red card Second and Third place going to A. Jacklin on 1492 1430 & 1429. Fourth place went to S & M Cook on 1412. No details given.

Sue Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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