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This week is the last race of the season from Jubilee Park on the 5th of October where there was 1,093 birds liberated in a South East wind this was the 26th race. Topping the Federation and the Central Section is Gary Cox on 2083. Topping the Coastal Section is Mr & Mrs Hoggard & T. Ellis on 2041. Well done to everyone on the result and once again the fed as had a great race with excellent returns on such a fast race. The fed has sent approx 41,293 old birds & 25,400 young birds this season.  I would like to thank the clubs for all their amazing messages that Ken and myself have had, it is so nice to be appreciated. We would like to thank the clubs also for their quick reports and results in to us which lets us get the fed result out on the day without them it wouldn’t happen. We hope to see you all next year. Wishing all the members of the federation a Happy Xmas and a good New Year.  

Central Section:

Kingston Flying Club. 9 members sent 202 birds with the red card going to Gary Cox on 2083 with last weeks fed winner bred from Mark Walkers Leideman stock. Second place went to Gary Cox on 2082 with a Van den bulks which has scored before. Third place went to Gary Cox on 2081 with another of his self bred Van den Bulks won before. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Lenny King on 2056 with a Hereman Ceuster.

Hull Chalk Lane Club. 3 members sent 56 birds with the red card going to Brian Rowson on 1981 with a self bred J. Gerrard Vandenabeele x Koopman. Second place went to George Rudd on 1925 with a Herman Ceuster. Third place went to Brian Rowson on 1911 with a Vandenabeele x Koopman. Fourth place went to Brian Rowson on 1911 with a Hardy Kruger x Van Loon Birdy stuff has taken cards before.

Beverley & District Club. 3 members sent 41 birds taking first 4 places Mick Mallinson and the red card and second place on 1930 & 1914 with a pair of Van den Bulcks x Ceusters. Third and Fourth birds on 1913 & 1913 with a pair off Keith Athertons.

Hessle Flying Club. 2 members sent 44 birds with the red card and Third place going to W. Gibson on 1950 & 1861. Second and Fourth places went to P & C Carmichael on 1900 & 1837. No details.

Hull Millennium Club. 7 members sent 177 birds with the red card going to S. Oloughlin on 1960. Second and Third place went to Mr & Mrs Robinson on 1960 & 1929. Fourth place went to K H Green on 1929. No details.

Cottingham Homing Society. 1 member sent 10 birds G. Plant on 1923  

Ravenser Flying Club. 4 members sent 55 birds with the red card going to Syd Johnson with a cock bred from Van den Bulcks x Syds old stock. The members were well pleased as recently he has been in and out of hospital. Syd tell your son in law Andy he has to continue with his write ups for the club. Second and Fourth places went to Donny McCracken on 1832 & 1712 with a pair of nest mates bred by Mark Williams of Derby. Third place went to Marcin Gozodzik with a Herman Ceuster cock bred by Martin Dawson who has sadly just passed away RIP pal.

North Hull Club. 8 members sent 81 birds with the red card going to Barry Kipling on 1961 with a self bred out of Mick Mallinson stock. Second place went to Craig Smith on 1908 with a self bred Ceuster unbreakable bolt. third place went to Micky Foster on 1894 with a self bred Wayne Brownlee stock. Fourth place went to Tim Smith on 1882 with a self bred out of Shane Reading stock.

Foxhills Flying Club. 4 members sent 74 birds with the red card & Fourth places going to Keith Atherton on 2027 & 1857 Second place went to D. Heron on 1960 Third place went to Mr & Mrs R. Dean on 1952. No details.    

Brigg Flying Club. members sent  birds with the red card and Second place going to   J. Simpson on 1900 & 1863. Third and Fourth places went to A. Walker on 1828 & 1760 No details.

A Thank you from the club for another fantastic season and well done to everyone involved. 

Barrow Homing Society. 5 members sent 92 birds with the red card and third and Fourth places going to S & M Cook on 1992 1912 & 1883. Second place went to P. Beadle & Mark on 1967. No details.

Coastal Section:

Flamborough Homing Society. 4 members sent 75 birds with the red card & Second place going to Mr & Mrs Hoggard & Ellis on 2041 & 2004. Third & Fourth places went to Dave Fussey on 1989 & 1972. No details.  

Holderness Flying Club. 2 members sent 25 birds with the red card Third and Fourth going to ever present Ken & Linda Lister on 1797, 1721 & 1575. Second place went to ever present Chris Syrett on 1793. No details.

Whitby Premier Club. 3 members sent 47 birds with the red card going to Rob Mallinson on 1928 with a hen bred by good friend Micky Betts of Doncaster Thank you Micky it is a Robin van Leuven x Frans & Dirk Maris has had a 1st & 3rd Sleaford. Second place went to Rob Mallinson on 1927 with a Frans de Coux x Louis Thijs hen had a 2nd Reed. Third place went to Rob Mallinson on 1927 with a hen from Micky Betts of Doncaster was 4th  Eastbourne. Fourth place went to Rob Mallinson on 1927 with a hen bred by his good friend David Parker of Clitheroe thanks David.

Driffield Homing Society. 5 members sent 57 birds with the red card going to there youngest new member Cole Middlemas on 1907 and was having its second race with  a self bred Herman Ceuster off young Chester x Valiant. Second place went to J. W. Hubbard & Son on 1874 with a Leo Hereman x Wildermerch. Third place went to J. W. Hubbard & Son on 1865 with a Leo Hereman. Fourth place went to J. W. Hubbard & Son on 1779 with a Hereman x Busschaert. Cole took his 1st winning Huntingdon cup.

Cole Middlemas new member taking his first Red Card from Huntingdon

Cole Middlemas new member taking his first Red Card from Huntingdon. Well done.

Sue & Ken Skelton

Y.M.R.Fed Scribe.

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