The New Yorkshire Middle Route Federation
Click here to see Fed Balance Sheet
(1) Proposition from:
Hull Chalklane Club
New rule: The N.Y.M.R.F Will race for points over 25 races or a full season. The points will be awarded to the First Top Twenty Different lofts. The 1st loft will receive 20 points the next 19 points down to the 20th loft receiving 1 point. The loft with the highest total of Points over the full season will be the highest prize winner.
The winning loft at the end of the season will receive £250 the second loft will receive £150 Third place will receive £75 and 4th place will receive £50.
(2) Proposition from:
Hull Chalklane Club.
Delete rule 26th and replace with The N.Y.M.R.F shall consist of 5 Sections as follows
Section A: Scarborough. Whitby. The wolds. Flamborough. Bridlington.
Section B: Withernsea. Holderness. Ravenser. Cottingham.
Section C: Driffield. Beverley. Kingston. North Hull.
Section D: Millennium. West hull. Hessle. Chalklane.
Section E: Foxhills. Barrow. Brigg.
Each 7 Federation money races has 5 Sections which this season we will race for £100 per Section over 7 money races. To be awarded £40. £30. £15. £10. £5. These federation 7 races will not be included in calculating the Highest prize winner.