by Sue Skelton
Sleaford 3 - August 2014
The new Whitby club house donated by Yorkshire Coast Home
This Combine raced from Sleaford on the 9th of August 2014 liberated in a strong West South West wind sending the birds to the East coast and topping the Combine and the South Section is new member P. Davenport of Withernsea on 1873. Topping the Central Section is Bill Drayton of Hull on 1736. Topping the North section is Mr & Mrs Hotham of Filey on 1674. Topping the West Section that went up with the rest of the combine R. Mort on 1485 A big thank you must go to both of the Drivers and Paul Battersby, Phil Edmonds and Stan Lockwood well done everyone as it was an awful night with heavy rain.
Coastal South Section
Withernsea Homing Society. 5 members sent 58 birds with the red card going to New member P. Davenport on 1873 with a Hereman Ceuster gift bird off Andrew Jacklin. Second and Third place went to Dave Beadle on 1784 and 1774 with a pair of Premier Stud Gaston van de Wouwers. Fourth place went to Alec & Margaret Dobson on 1658 with a Phil Curtis x Delbar.
Patrington Haven Leisure Club. members sent birds with the red card going to Derek Nicholls on 1826 with a Premier Stud Hardy Kruger. Second place went to Derek Nicholls on with a Premier Stud Gaston van de Wouwer. Third place went to G Sparkes on with a Premier Stud Geerinckx. Fourth place went to G. Sparkes on with a Premier Stud Geerinckx.
Bridlington D.F.C. 9 members sent 215 birds with the red card going to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1696 with a Premier Stud Sablon. Second place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1687 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster. Third place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1687 with a Premier Stud Hardy Kruger which scored last week. Fourth place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1679 with a Premier Stud Gaston Van de Wouwer.
Flamborough Homing Society. 4 members sent 38 birds with the red card going to Mick Holdsworth on 1575 with a self bred cock. Second place went to Paul Lawson on 1505 with a self bred hen also winning the nom. Third place went to Mike Farnell on 1503 with a self bred hen. Fourth place went to John Kemp on 1336 with a self bred cock.
Hornsea & D. H. Society. 7 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to AM & JA Bettney on 1660 Second place went to Phil & June Edmond on 1610 with a Vandenabeele. Third place went to Phil & June Edmond on 1602 with a Koopman x Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Phil & June Edmond on 1551 with a Busschaert.
Coastal North Section
Hunmanby Homing Society. 6 members sent 130 birds with the red card going to Tony Robson on 1665 with a Marina Van de Velde. Second place went to John Robson on 1662 with a Muller Janssen. Third place went to Bob Bedford on 1644 with a Louis Thijs x Soontjen. Fourth place went to Bob Bedford on 1643 with a Soontjen.
Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 176 birds with the red card going to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1620 with a self bred Keith Arkless pigeon which has already had a 2nd Sleaford. Second place went to Dave Pickering on 1614 with a gift bird off Ken & Sue Skelton Third place went to Keith Todd on 1612 with a Janssen. Fourth place went to Derek Howard & Paddy Johnson on 1584 with a self bred Keith Arkless pigeon.
Whitby Premier Club. 9 members sent 273 birds with the red card for the third week going to James McCourt & Son Dale on 1554 with a Foxwood Lofts Geerinckx cock. Second place went to James McCourt & Son Dale on 1551 with a Kevin Lawson Soontjen x Van Loon hen. Third place went to Robert Winspear (one Loft) on 1549 with a J. Douglass & Son Willy Jacobs hen. Fourth place went to Brian Smithson on 1538 with a Terry Lane (club mate) cock. Barry Storr wins the pools. See Photo. New club house donated by Yorkshire Coast Homes thanks to Mike Wood ( who works for Y C H ) for organising it and Shaun Tymon director Y C H. Many thanks from Whitby P I C & Whitby & District members.
Filey Homing Society. 5 members sent 94 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1674 with a P & J Rozier of Belgium stock. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1673 with a Koopman & Jacob Poortvliet. Third place went to Mervyn Hinchcliffe on 1668 with a Mr & Mrs Beswick Karel Boeckx x Ali Taylor which was 2nd last week from Sleaford. Fourth place went to Mervyn Hinchcliffe on 1629 with a Mr & Mrs Beswick Karel Boeckx x Ali Taylor.
Central Section
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 12 members sent 297 birds with the red card going to S. Silvester on 1728 with a Janssen hen. Second place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1628 with a Vandenabeele cock. Third place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1626 with a Janssen x Van den Bosch cock. Fourth place went again to Franciosy & Bennett on 1626 with a Kenyon x Jan Arden hen off Ray Harding and J. Crowther.
Cottingham Homing Society. 7 member sent 141 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Houghton on 1674 with a Mike Wood D & T Green Vogal gift bird. Second Third and Fourth places went to Kev Kingston & Family on 1671, 1654 and 1635 all with his Basket Breed.
North Hull Club. 7 members sent 101 birds with the red card going to Franciosy & Talbot on 1607 with a Lotterman they would like to thank T. Brown for his training. Second place went to D. Rasul on 1585 with a Busschaert. Third place went to Barry Kipling on 1554 with a John Hall breeder buyer which won from Sleaford. Fourth place went to S Loughlin on 1550 with a John Rawson x S. Hussy.
Kingston Flying Club. 7 members sent 191 birds with the red card going to Bill Drayton on 1736 with a Frank Bristow hen. Second place went to Brian Thornton on 1685 with a Janssen. Third place went to Foggy McCracken on 1655 with a Busschaert. Fourth place went to Gary Cox on 1640 with a Premier Stud Derwa.
Little Weighton Club. 4 members sent 65 birds with the red card going to Chris Fenn on 1551 with a self bred M. Bray of Norwich Jos Thorne which wins the nom. Second and Third place went to Tony Walker on 1512 and 1512 with a pair of youngsters off Gary Cox. Tony is in hospital as the moment and his birds were clocked in by his mate Keith Haldenby who he would like to thank and the club and his friends wish him a speedy recovery after his operation. Fourth place went to Jacksons & Fletcher on 1478 no details.
Hull Millennium Club. 9 members sent 154 birds with the red card going to M. Wood on 1677 with a Vandenabeele off stock he bought of T Drayton and his brother which is chasing hens in the loft. Second place went to R & H Glasby on 1618 with a self bred Holtman x Vokel flying to the loft. Third and Fourth place went to A. Stone & Son on 1612 and 1610 with a pair of Janssens.
Driffield Homing Society. 8 members sent 128 birds with the red card going to Sam Jackson on 1661 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster x Steve Sellars stock. Second place went to Sam Jackson on 1611 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster x Clive Lister Gus Janssen. Third and Fourth places went again to Sam Jackson on 1604 and 1597 with a pair of Premier Stud Hereman Ceusters. Paul Woodmansey wins the pools.
Walton Priory Club. 4 members sent 46 birds with the red card and Second place going to G. Block on 1582 and 1581 with a pair S. Sutton Busschaert hens. Third and Fourth places went to Mr & Mrs G. Thompson on 1542 and 1542 with a pair of P. Matthew Janssen cocks.
West section two clubs that were liberated with the rest of the combine
Norton I. Flying Club. 9 members sent 290 birds with the red card going to R. Mort on 1485 with a Bob Thorpe Leemputten. Second place went to R. Burdett on 1474 with a self bred Soontjen. Third place went to A. Gill on 1473 with a Van Dyke. Fourth place went to A. Gill on 1472 with a T. Edwards Janssen breeder buyer.
Kirbymoorside F. Club. 9 members sent 177 birds with the red card going to A. Tateson on 1392 with a R. Mort Leemputten pigeon. Second place went to Dobson & Allen on 1374 with a self bred from a Devada x Herman gift bird off Gaden and Kent. Third place went to Dobson & Allen on 1371 Fourth place went to H. Jackson on 1357 no details given.
West Section birds on a separate liberation
Eastrington P. F. C. 4 members sent 45 birds with the red card going to A. Beevers on 1688 with a Delbar. Second and Third places went to J. Pickering on 1469 and 1465 with a pair of W. Hagston & Son birds he also wins the £1 nom and meat nom. Fourth place went to M. F Whitley on 1435 with a Busschaert.
Pocklington H. Society. 8 members sent 140 birds with the red card and Second place going to G. W. Atkinson on 1452 and 1451 with a pair of Vandenabeeles x Van Hoves. Third and Fourth places went to G. W. Acey on 1442 and 1441 with a pair of Hofkens x Janssen. D. Carlton & Sons win the £1 nom.
Goole L.M.S.H.S. 9 members sent 186 birds with the red card Second Third and Fourth place all going to M. Brighton on 1379, 1379, 1379 and 1378 all with his family of Hardy Krugers.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.
01723 377044.
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