by Sue Skelton
Sleaford - July 2014
The Combine raced from Sleaford on the 12th of July 2014. Topping the Combine and the North Section is Bob Mallinson of Whitby on 1521. Topping the West Section is Maurice Hodgson of Norton on 1502. Topping the Central Section is Mr & Mrs Richard Crawford of Hull on 1477. Topping the South Section is Bernard Gray of Bridlington on 1465. Well done everyone.
Coastal North Section:
Whitby Premier Club. 8 members sent 127 birds with the red card going to S Mallinson & Son on 1521 with a 2yr old Gert Heylen x Van Den Brande Bros cock which has had before a 2nd Eastbourne, 5th Bovingdon, 2 x 3rd Huntingdon, 5th Billericay, 4th Clermont. Second place went to S Mallinson & Son on 1521 with a 2yr old Guido Barberian x Jozef Goovarets cock which has had a 2 x 1st Huntingdon, 2nd Sleaford plus minor cards. Third place went to S Mallinson & Son on 1521 with a yearling Gert Heylen x Van Den Brande Bros cock which has had a 3rd and 4th Huntingdon, 5th Sleaford 3rd and 6th Billericay. Fourth place went to S Mallinson & Son on 1520 with a yearling Louis Thijs Heremans Ceuster cock which had had a 2nd Battle, 3rd and 7th Billericay, 5th Maidstone, and a 3rd Huntingdon also winning all pools.
Scarborough Social Club. 6 members sent 85 birds with the red card going to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1491 with a Benny Stevenick x Van Loon which has had a 2nd Newark and 2 x 4th Huntingdons. Second place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1481 with an Arien Vereckt which has had a 1st Battle. Third place went to Keith Todd on 1478 with his multi prize winning Janssen De Klak which has had a 1st and 2nd Billericay this year. Fourth place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1476 with a Geert Philips x Willy Vranken which has a 5th Billericay, 3rd and 5th Huntingdon, 1st Clermont 1st Section and 3rd open and a 5th Arras and a 3rd Eastbourne.
Filey Homing Society. 4 members sent 43 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1471 with a Roger Keynan Belgium bird. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1460 with a Marina Van De Velde very consistent bird which has had many top prizes over the last three years. Third place went to Colin Smith on 1459 with a Gaby Vanderbeele widowhood hen which has had 2 x 1sts Sections. Fourth place went again to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1449 with a Rudi Deals x Schroyens.
Loftus Homing Society. 7 members sent 130 birds with the red card going to S & S Trattles on 1449 with a grandson yearling cock off Tony Trattles combine winner sitting eggs. Second place went to Sayers Bros on 1441 with a yearling Bob Mallinson widowhood cock. Third place went to I. Brown on 1436 with a Van Steian roundabout bird. Fourth place went to I Brown on 1431 with a Van Steian bird. Ian wins part of the nom with Mr & Mrs Brundle grd.
Hunmanby Homing Society. 2 members sent 42 birds with the red card going to Tony Robson on 1463 with a yearling Second place went to John Robson on 1388 with a 2yr old
Central Section:
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 6 members sent 110 birds with the red card going to P. Carmichael on 1442 with a Evans Cuthbert hen. Second place went to P. Carmichael on 1441 with a self bred hen. Third place went to J. Knaggs on 1433 with a Janssen hen. Fourth place went to Duffin & Beasley on 1429 with a Phil Sullivan cock.
Hull Millennium Club. 4 members sent 34 birds with the red card and Second and Third places going to K & H Green on 1381, 1378 and 1353 all with his Ark Family. Fourth place went to P. Stamford on 1338 no details.
Cottingham Homing Society. The red card and Second place went to John & Margaret Rawson on 1440 and 1422 with a pair of yearling Clydsdale x Radars. Third place went to Graham Howman on 1400 with a 2yr old De Klak Pau Janssen nicknamed Brusser which has had 3 x 1sts. Fourth place went to Graham Howman on 1383 with a De Klak Pau Janssen.
Sutton Flying Club. 1 members sent 8 birds T. Fairfield on 1386, 1384 and 1380.
Driffield Homing Society. 9 members sent 92 birds with the red card going to Paul Woodmansey on 1476 with a Bob Mallinson yearling which was 2nd from Huntingdon and had a 1st Section 4th open Billericay as a young bird. Second place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1459 with a Bob Mallinson Barberien x Van den Brande late bred. Third place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1458 with a Bob Mallinson 5yr old multi prize winning cock which has had a 3rd and 4th Huntingdon and a 4th Billericay this year. Fourth place went to Geoff & Gary Ringrose on 1449 with a Mark Slater Gust Janssen. Ken Gladstone wins the pools.
North Hull Club. 4 members sent 35 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1477 with a 2yr old Staff Van Reet which has 3 x 2nds to its name. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1423 with a Wildemeersch taking its first card. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1396 with a Staff Van Reet x Wildemeersch which has had 3 x 2nds. Fourth place went again to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1393 with a pigeon which won the y.b Humberside Trophy with 4 x 1st prizes.
Coastal South Section:
Bridlington D.F.C. 11 members sent 103 birds with the red card going to Bernard Gray on 1465 with a Bolton & Williamson Van Loon which has had a 1st this year already. Second place went to Bernard Gray on 1465 with a Bolton & Williamson Van Loon which has scored this year. Third place went to Dave Fussey on 1463 with a Steve Sellars Martin Steffi which won as a young bird. Fourth place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1461 with a Premier Stud multi prize winning Hereman Ceuster.
Patrington Haven Leisure Club. 7 members sent 205 birds with the red card going to John Wadsworth on 1417 with a Paul & Helen Johnson 5yr old which his usually his second bird back. Second place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1410 with a young bird a Van de Merwe hen. Third place went to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1403 with a Hughie Jackson x John Rawson young bird. Fourth place went again to Paul & Helen Johnson on 1390 with a young bird hen from their Premier stud Koopman lines.
West Section:
Eastrington P. F. C. members sent birds with the red card going to Wardle & Hayward on with the same Lefebre Dhaenan cock that won last week and takes the meat nom. Second and Third place also went to Wardle & Hayward on with a pair of Lefebre Dhaenans which are related to the winner out of his long distance lines. Fourth place went to Mike Whitley with a Winnie & Tom Hagston cock which wins the £1 nom.
Norton I. Flying Club. 9 members sent 122 birds with the red card going to M. Hodgson on 1502 with a Bob Mallinson Barberian widowhood cock which has already had a 1st this year. Second place went to M. Hodgson on 1502 with a Bob Mallinson Barberian which was 1st last week and topped the west Section. Third place went to Brian Ford & Sons on 1474 with a Janssen x Leitjen which has had 6 cards this year. Fourth place went to Mick Burdett on 1472 with a Leemputten which won as a young bird.
Pocklington H. Society. 6 members sent 88 birds with the red card going to T. Edwards on 1468 with a Ponderosa Janssen which wins the nom. Second place went to T. Edwards on 1461 with a Ponderosa Janssen. Third place went to G. W Atkinson on 1443 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to G. W. Atkinson on 1442 with a Vandenabeele x Van Hove.
Goole L.M.S.H.S. 8 members sent 77 birds with the red card going to Mick Brighton on 1442 with a self bred yearling Staf Van Reet cock. Second place went to R. Nicholls on 1429 with a self bred yearling Vandenabeele hen from his dads stock.
Third place went to Mick Brighton on 1426 with a self bred yearling Hardy Kruger cock. Fourth place went to Mick Brighton again on 1425 with a 2yr old self bred Hardy Kruger cock.
Kirbymoorside F. Club.7 members sent 80 birds with the red card going to Dobson & Allen on 1428 with a self bred Janssen spare hen. Second place went to A. Tateson on 1411 with a Bobby Thorpe Leemputten. Third place went to P. Teasdale on 1409 with an Andrew Lander cock. Fourth place went to Gaden and Kent on 1406 no details.
Tang Hall W.M.H.S. 2 members sent 25 birds with the first four places going to Barry & Chris Mason on 1407, 1401, 1399 and 1387 all with their Delbars.
Haxby Flying Club. 4 members sent 72 birds with the red card going to Bill Shaw on 1454 with a Wildemeersch x Van Reet cock which has had many cards. Second place went to Bill Shaw on 1424 with a Wildemeersch x Van Reet. Third place went to B & C Mason on 1421 with a Janssen x Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Bill Shaw again on 1418 with one bred from the winner.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.
01723 377044.
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