by Sue Skelton
Huntingdon - June 2014
The Combine raced from Huntingdon on the 21st of June 2014. Topping the Combine and the Central Section is P. C Carmichael of Hull on 1397. Topping the South Section is Derek Nicholls of Partrington Leisure on 1393. Topping the West Section is B. Ford & Sons of Malton on 1355. Topping the North Section is Mr & Mrs Hotham of Filey on 1328. Well done everyone.
Central Section:
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 11 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to P. C Carmichael on 1397 with a hen the nearly hen off the vet Dave Robinson. Second and Third place went to R Nicklin on 1397 and 1396 no details. Fourth place went to J. Knaggs on 1389 with a hen.
Hull Millennium Club. 6 members sent 56 birds with the red card going to K & H Green on 1326 Second place went to John Hall & Jackie Dearlove on 1284 Third place went to R H Glasby on 1281 Fourth place went to P. Stamford on 1262. No details press officer away.
Cottingham Homing Society. 7 members sent 29 birds with the red card going to Graham Howman on 1387 with a T. Drayton Vandenabeel which has had 3 x 1st this year. Second place went to Graham Howman on 1354 with a De Klak Pau Janssen which was 1st Billericay. Third place went to John & Margaret Rawson on 1351 with a Clysdale x Radar. Fourth place went to Graham Howman on 1338 with a T. Drayton multi prize winner called Little Vinnie.
Driffield Homing Society. 14 members sent 158 birds with the red card going to Sam Jackson on 1350 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster which has had 6 x 1sts. Second place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1344 with a Bob Mallinson yearling cock which had a 1st club 1st Section and 4th open Billericay as a young bird. Third place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1344 with a Bob Mallinson 3yr old Van den Brande which has many cards to its name. Fourth place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1344 with a Bob Mallinson 5yr old Van den Brande x Barberien which his is best races and has taken his 3rd card of the season.
North Hull Club. 7 members sent 60 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1340 with a Wildermeersch x Janssen taking its first card ever. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1339 with a Wildermeersch which has had 3 x 1st. Third place went to Vic Walsh on 1307 with a P. Jones Gift bird which was having its 1st race ever and has only had 2 chucks. Fourth place went to P. Jones on 1232 with a pigeon that has had 2 x 3rds.
Kingston Flying Club. 6 members sent 77 birds with the red card going to Gary Cox on 1366 with a 2yr old Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster multi 1st prize winner. Second place went to Pete & Angie Burke on 1361 with their good Van Reet cock which has now had 3 x 1st and 2 x 2nd this year. Third place went to Craig Clark on 1358 with a Janssen x Van Reet widowhood cock that won Clermont this year. Fourth place went to Gary Cox on 1355 with a yearling Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster.
Little Weighton Club. 4 members sent 19 birds with the red card going to Jacksons & Fletcher on 1304 with a Second place went to Jacksons & Fletcher on 1241 with a Third place went to T. Walker on 1170 with a Fourth place went to T. Walker on 1164 no details sent this week.
Walton Priory Club. 3 members sent 16 birds with the red card going to Jamie Manual on 1364 with a Sheild brothers 3yr old Van Loon x Soontjen cock. Second place went to Jamie Manual on 1353 with a yearling Soontjen cock Third and Fourth place went to Jamie Manual again on 1352 and 1345 with a pair of self bred Van Loon x Soontjens. All widowhood cock.
Coastal South Section:
Bridlington D.F.C. 9 members sent 74 birds with the red card going to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1357 with a Premier Stud Gaston Van de Wouwer Second place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1357 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster which was 1st last week and has a 4 x 1st to its name. Third place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1356 with a Premier Stud Gaston Van De Wouwer which has had cards before. Fourth place went again to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1336 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster hen which has won and scored many times.
Hornsea & D. H. Society. 5 members sent 53 birds with the red card going to Gavin Leahy on 1279 with a Vandenabeele. Second place went to Phil and June Edmonds on 1255 with a Hereman Ceuster x Wildemeersch. Third place went to Phil & June Edmonds on 1252 with a Vandenabeele. Fourth place went to Phil & June Edmonds on 1249 with a Marine Van De Velde.
Patrington Haven Leisure Club. 9 members sent 155 birds with the red card going to Derek Nicholls on 1393 with a Premier Stud yearling Geerinkx. Second place went to Derek Nicholls on 1393 with a Premier Stud 2yr old Hereman Ceuster. Third place went again to Derek Nicholls on 1366 with a Premier Stud Hereman Ceuster. Fourth place went to G. H. Sparkes on 1365 with a Premier Stud yearling Albert Derwa.
Withernsea Homing Society. 8 members sent 49 birds with the red card going to Dave Beadle on 1256 with a Hereman Ceuster which has had 4 x 1st. Second place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1256 with a Phil Curtis Van Merverk. Third place went to Dave Beadle on 1247 with a Premier Stud Gaston de Wouwer. Fourth place went to Dave Beadle on 1244 with a Premier Stud Bosua hen which was 1st Billericay.
Coastal North Section:
Scarborough Social Club. 10 members sent 152 birds with the red card going to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1306 with a Arien Vereckt. Second place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1304 with a Mr & Mrs Beswick Karel Boeckx which has had 2 x 2nds and a 4th. Third place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1300 with a Quirijnen x Hereman Ceuster which has had a 3rd Huntingdon. Fourth place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1278 with a Philips x Willy Vranken which had a 1st Huntingdon this year and a 4th Huntingdon last year.
Whitby Premier Club. 9 members sent 132 birds with the red card going to James Mc Court & Son Dale on 1298 with a Kevin Lawson well fancied Soontjen x Van Loon cock which has had a 2nd and 3rd Billericay and a 7th Huntingdon this season and also wins the pools. Second place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1298 with a Louis Thijs yearling Hereman Ceusters which has previously had a 3rd and 7th Billericay and a 5th Maidstone. Third place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1290 with a 2yr old Gert Heylen x Jozef Goovarets widowhood cock which has previously had a 2nd Eastbourne 5th Bovingdon 3rd Huntingdon and 4th Clermont. Fourth place went to Storr Bros & Son on 1282 with a yearling J Douglas and son roundabout hen.
Filey Homing Society. 2 members sent 28 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1328 with a P& J Roziers of Belgium which has been in cards many times this year. Second place went to Mervyn Hinchcliffe on 1314 with a Mrs Beswick x Ali Bros cock. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1313 with a multi winning Marina Van De Velde of Belgium. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1286
with a Marina Van De Velde which has won many top positions in the last three years.
Loftus Homing Society. 5 members sent 164 birds with the red card going to I. Brown on 1266 with a 2yr old Van Steian roundabout hen which has scored many times. Second place went to Sayers Bros on 1250 with a 4yr old Smith Bros of South Sheilds widowhood hen. Third place went to I. Brown on 1240 with a 3yr old roundabout Van Steian cock which has had 3 x 1st Fourth place went to I. Brown on 1228 with a yearling Peter Vitnstra hen scored this year. I Brown and McConnel & Breckon win the nom.
West Section:
Norton I. Flying Club. 10 members sent 134 birds with the red card going to B. Ford & Sons on 1355 with a Hereman Ceuster which was 1st Billericay. Second place went to B. Ford & Sons on 1342 with a Hereman Ceuster which has already had a 1st Huntingdon this year. Third place went to B. Ford & Sons on 1341 with a Leighton Janssen which has had 4 cards this year. Fourth place went yet again to B. Ford & Sons on 1323 with a Hereman Ceuster.
Pocklington H. Society. 10 members sent 119 birds with the red card going to George Atkinson on 1340 with a Van Hove x Van Darhee. Second Third and Fourth places went to T. Edwards on 1313, 1289 and 1287 all with his Ponderosa Janssens also winning the nom.
Goole L.M.S.H.S. 11 members sent 126 birds with the red card going to R. Nicholls on 1333 with a 4yr old self bred Vandenabeele cock from his dads stock. Second place went to Paul & June Battersby on 1321 with a self bred Vandenabeele 5yr old cock. Third place went to Paul & June Battersby on 1321 with a Stirr & Horner 3yr old Vandenabeele cock bought at a breeder buyer sale. Fourth place went to R. Nicholls on 1314 with a self bred 4yr old hen out of Vandenabeele stock from his dad.
Kirbymoorside F. Club. 9 members sent 94 birds with the red card going to A. Tateson on 1239 with a R. Mort hen. Second place went to Dodson & Allen on 1205 with a Janssen spare hen having its only second race. Third place went to A. Tateson on 1200 with a homebred hen. Fourth place went to D. Mason on 1179 no details.
Tang Hall W.M.H.S. 5 members sent 53 birds with the red card going to Barry & Chris Mason on 1313 with a yearling Delbar cock who won last week. Second place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1275 with a yearling Delbar x Janssen. Third place went to Booth & Shipley on 1274 with a 2yr old Koopman cock which has several cards. Fourth place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1257 with a Delbar Jansen.
Haxby Flying Club. 7 members sent 144 birds with the red card going to Bill Shaw on 1306 with a 2yr old Wildermeersch x Van Reet cock which has a 3rd already. Second place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1299 with a Dutch import off Albert Grantham which has already had 2 prizes this year. Third place went to Bill Shaw on 1296 with a 5yr old Wildermeersch x Van Reet cock which has had a 2nd and 3rd this year. Fourth place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1266 with a yearling Janssen cock.
Eastrington P. F. C. 10 members sent 93 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1351 with a Vandenabeele cock which won the meat nom. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1323 with a Vandenabeele cock. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1300 with a Van Lint from Dean Pallat stock. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1285 with a Vandenabeele Steve Neale wins the £1 nom.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.
01723 377044.
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