by Sue Skelton
Clermont - June 2014
The Combine raced from Clermont on the 7th of June 2014. The birds were liberated in a South West wind and topping the Combine and the South Section is Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse of Bridlington on 1548. Topping the North Section is S. Mallinson & Son of Whitby on 1512. Topping the West Section is Paul & June Battersby of Goole on 1463. Topping the Central Section is Pete Dixon of Driffield on 1465. Well done everyone.
Coastal South Section:
Bridlington D.F.C. 9 members sent 101 birds with the red card going to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1548 with a Premier Stud yearling Albert Derwa which was joint 1st Combine this year from Arras. Second place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1496 with a Premier Stud yearling Hardy Kruger which has had a minor card. Third place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1483 with a Premier Stud yearling Hardy Kruger which won as a young bird. Fourth place went Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1479 with a Premier Stud Hardy Kruger.
Flamborough Homing Society. 4 members sent 29 birds with the red card and Second place going to Paul Lawson on 1359 and 1343 with a pair of Louella Lofts cocks. Third place went to Mike Farnell on 1339 with a Grey & Atkin of Bridlington gift cock. Fourth place went to Mick Holdsworth on 1335 with a Soontjen cock. John Kemp wins the nom.
Hornsea & D. H. Society. 7 members sent 72 birds with the red card and Third place going to Gavin Leahy on 1461 and 1425 with a pair of Vandenabeeles. Second place went to Phil Edmonds on 1437 with a Wildemeersch. Fourth place went Phil Edmonds on 1418 with last weeks winner which is a Hereman Ceuster x Wildemeersch.
Patrington Haven Leisure Club. 11 members sent 174 birds with the red card going to G. H. Sparkes on 1514 with a Premier Stud Rauw Sablon yearling hen which has had a 3rd Combine. Second place went to Graham Sparkes on 1469 with a Premier Stud Gaston Van de Wouwer. Third place went to G. H. Sparkes on 1465 with a Premier Stud Premier Olympiad. Fourth place went again to G. H. Sparkes on 1458 with a Premier Stud Bossy Boy.
Withernsea Homing Society. 4 members sent 39 birds with the red card going to Dave Beadle on 1473 with a Premier Stud Van Dyke x Hereman Ceuster which won Boves. Second place went to Dean Adamson on 1404 with a John Rawson pigeon. Third place went to Dave Beadle on 1392 with a Premier Stud Hardy Kruger. Fourth place went Dave Beadle on 1389 with a Premier Stud Premier Ace.
Coastal North Section:
Whitby Premier Club. 9 members sent 83 birds with the red card going to S. Mallinson & Son on 1512 with a 2yr old Guido Barberien x Jozef Goovarets widowhood cock which has had a 2nd Sleaford 4th Huntingdon and 5th Billericay Second place went to A Richardson on 1509 with a 3yr old widowhood hen from Alan's old family which has had 3rd Barnetby plus other minor cards. Third place went to S Mallinson & Son on 1476 with a 2yr old Guido Barberien x Karel Boeckx widowhood cock which has had minor cards. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1473 with a 2yr old Gert Heylen x Van Den Brande Bros widowhood cock which has had a 2nd Eastbourne 3rd Huntingdon 5th Billericay and a 5th Bovingdon. Alan Richardson wins the pools.
Louis Thijs, granddaughter Kim and Bob Mallinson of Whitby
Hunmanby Homing Society. 6 members sent 36 birds with the red card going to Tony Robson on 1420 with a Marina Van De Velde x Kipp. Second and Third place went to J & A Barmby on 1415 and 1411 no details. Fourth place went to Bob Bedford on 1403 with a Frank Sheader Kipp.
Scarborough Social Club. 6 members sent 73 birds with the red card going to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1481 with a Second place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1470 with a Third place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1465 with a Fourth place went again to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1452 with a
Filey Homing Society. 4 members sent 63 birds with the red card and Second place going to Colin Smith on 1503 and 1497 with a pair of Vandenabeele yearling widowhood hens. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1463 with a yearling Koopman x Poortvliet. Fourth place went to Mr & Mrs Hotham on 1450 with a Mr & Mrs Derek Sumner of Wigan 2yr old hen.
Loftus Homing Society. 6 members sent 32 birds with the red card going to I. Brown on 1455 with a 4yr old Marina Van de Velde roundabout cock. Second place went to I. Brown on 1400 with a 3yr old Alan Maul roundabout cock. Third place went to I. Brown on 1396 with a 3yr old Van Steian roundabout cock. Fourth place went again to I. Brown on 1349 with a 2yr old roundabout Van Steian. I Brown wins the nom.
Central Section:
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 12 members sent 76 birds with the red card going to George Rudd on 1431 with a Leo Van Rijn hen. Second place went to G. Revell & Son on 1425 with a Vandenabeele cock. Third place went to J. Knaggs on 1402 with a Jos Thorne cock. Fourth place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1398 with a 2yr old Flor Engels hen which topped the combine as a young bird.
Hull Millennium Club. 8 members sent 40 birds with the red card going to A. Stone & Son on 1444 with a Karel Boeckx roundabout hen called Emma after his wife which has had 2 x 2nds this year and a 1st Bourge last year. Second place went to John Hall and Jackie Dearlove on 1409 with a Moody family cock which won last week. Third place went to A. Stone & Son on 1407 with a roundabout Janssen hen. Fourth place went to P. Stamford on 1391 no details.
Cottingham Homing Society. 7 members sent 33 bird with the red card going to John & Margaret Rawson on 1434 with one of his old Radar pigeons which has had many cards. Second place went to W.D. S & S Hadley on 1407 with a Mike Wood Jan Theelan gift bird. Third place went to Graham Howman on 1366 with a John Rawson De Klak. Fourth place went to Kev Kingston & Family on 1358 with his Basket breed. T. Fairfield of Sutton club basketed at this club doing 1365.
Driffield Homing Society. 10 members sent 69 birds with the red card going to Ken Gladstone on 1479 with a A Pieter De Wouwer which won for him last week for Billericay. Second place went to Pete Dixon on 1465 with a Ray Bell Busschaert x Vandenabeele. Third place went to Sam Jackson on 1448 with a Soontjen x Hereman Ceuster taking its second card this year, also a double R.P winner. Fourth place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1439 with a Bob Mallinson Barberien which was 3rd from Arras.
North Hull Club. 5 members sent 11 birds with the red card going to D. Rasual on 1357 with a Pete Mitchell hen which has had 2 x 1st Channel last year and a 1st Arras this year. Second place went to Francisoy & Talbot on 1293 with a Pete Mitchell Soontjen. Third place went to Pete Mitchell on 1247 with a Soontjen which scored from Arras. Fourth place went to S. OLoughlin with a S. Hussey Herman.
Kingston Flying Club. 6 members sent 27 birds with the red card going to C. Clark on 1454 with a 2yr old Janssen widowhood cock. Second place went to B. Thornton on 1436 with a 3yr old Joop cock flown on the widowhood. Third place went to C. Clark on 1366 with a Janssen cock. Fourth place went to D McCracken on 1350 with one bred out of his Patrick Bros stock.
Little Weighton Club. 4 members sent 32 birds with the red card going to R. Lonsdale on 1400 with a 3yr old pure Delbar hen feeding a 10day old young bird having her second race of the season and un-raced last year due to hawk attack. It has a 1st as a yearling. Second place went to R. Lonsdale on 1374 with a Jan Arden x Delbar cock. Third place went to R. Lonsdale on 1364 with a Delbar x Luc Van Coupernal. Bob has had 2 x 1st now in two races. Fourth place went to Jacksons & Fletcher on 1360 no details.
Walton Priory Club. 5 members sent 25 birds with the red card and Second and Third places going to G. Block on 1441 1401 and 1377 all with Steve Sutton Busschaert lines the first one had cards as a young bird. Fourth place went to J. Hopper & Son on 1141 with a Brian Hawes Leo Van Rijn roundabout hen.
West Section:
Goole L.M.S.H.S. 9 members sent 69 birds with the red card going to Paul & June Battersby on 1463 with a self bred 4yr old Mick Brighton Vandenabeele cock which was 3rd Arras. Second place went to D. Turner on 1452 with a self bred Soontjen yearling cock. Third place went to Stan Lockwood on 1432 with a self bred 2yr old Jan Lotterman Van Dyke x R Blower Janssen cock. Fourth place went to Mick Brighton on 1416 with a self bred 2yr old M & D Evans Vandenaeele cock.
Norton I. Flying Club. 10 members sent 55 birds with the red card going to A. Gill on 1447 with a 4yr old Baspenning which has scored in section and combine as a young bird. Second place went to M. Hodgson on 1447 with a Lindelauf which had a second last year. Third place went to Mick Burdett on 1438 with a Talertson Leemputten gift bird. Fourth place went to Mick Burdett on 1430 with a Leemputten.
A special mention to Gary Burdett for his first card in a decade with a D Vickers late bred Leemputten.
Pocklington H. Society. 8 members sent 71 birds with the red card going to G. W. Acey on 1425 with a Hereman Ceuster. Second and Third place went to G. W. Atkinson on 1420 and 1409 with a pair of Vanderhee x Van Hoves which won the nom. Fourth place went to T. Edwards on 1392 with a Ponderosa Janssen.
Kirbymoorside F. Club. 8 members sent 42 birds with the red card going to A. Tateson on 1429 with a R. Mort gift bird. Second place went to A. Tateson on 1379 with a homebred bird. Third place went to M & A Lander on 1364 with a Janssen. Fourth place went to P. Teasdale.
Eastrington P. F. C. 9 members sent 38 birds with the red card going to Winnie Hagston & Son Tom on 1390 with a Luc Van Coppenolke x De Rauw Sablon. Second place went to Steve Neale on 1386 with a Roy Brumby Vandenabeele that won last week and wins the £1nom. Third place went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1377 with a Vandenabeele and also wins the meat nom. Fourth place went to Alan Beevers on 1370 with a Flor Engels.
Tang Hall W.M.H.S. 3 members sent 27 birds with the red card going to Barry and Chris Mason on 1330 with a yearling Delbar. Second place went to Pete Fannan on 1324 with a Koopman x Jansen cock which has now got 4cards to its credit this year.
Third place went to Barry and Chris Mason on 1312 with a yearling Janssen. Fourth place went to Barry & Chris on 1309 with a Delbar nest mate to the winner.
Haxby Flying Club. 3 members sent 31 birds with the red card going to Barry and Chris Mason on 1401 with a Delbar cock which topped the Combine last year from Boves. Second place went to Pete Fannan on 1396 with a Koopman x Janssen hen which has also got a 3rd Huntingdon this year. Third place went to Bill Shaw on 1389 with a 5yr old Van Reet x Wildemeersch cock. Fourth place went to Bill Shaw on 1383 with a 7yr old cock which is already on his 3rd card this year including a 3rd Arras.
Sue Skelton
Y.M.R.Combine Scribe.
01723 377044.
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