by Sue Skelton
Huntingdon - May 10th 2014
The Combine birds were liberated at 9-25am in a West South West wind and topping the Combine and the South Section is G. H. Sparkes of Patrington on 1915. Topping the North Section is Colin Smith of Filey on 1802. Topping the Central Section is Driscoll & Son of Hull on 1776. Topping the West Section is B. Ford & Son of Norton on 1694. Well done everyone.
Coastal South Section
Patrington Haven Leisure Club. 11 members sent 268 birds with the red card going to G. H. Sparkes on 1915 with a yearling Albert Derwa hen. Second place went to Tony Meek & Sons on 1915 with a Vandenabeele yearling hen. Third place went to G. H. Sparkes on 1913 with a yearling Geerinckx. Fourth place went to Tony Meek & Sons on 1913 with a Vandenabeele yearling hen. Both have had cards before.
Bridlington D.F.C. 14 members sent 275 birds with the red card going to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1827 with a Gaston Van de Wauwer. Second place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1827 with a Sablon which has 3 x 1st to its name. Third place went to Kerry Mellonby & Ricky Wheelhouse on 1826 with a Hereman Ceuster. Fourth place went to Tony Ellis on 1824 with a Hofken.
Flamborough Homing Society. 4 members sent 37 birds with the red card going to M. Farnell on 1737 with a Kirkpatrick x Van Heye cock. Second place went to Paul Lawson on 1702 with a Janssen cock. Third place went to M. Farnell on 1669 with a Graham Atkins of Bridlington gift cock. Fourth place went to John Kemp on 1645 with a Mick Holdsworth of Flamborough Soontjen gift bird. P. Lawson wins the nom.
Hornsea & D. H. Society. 7 members sent 105 birds with the red card and Second place going to Gavin Leahy on 1888 and 1820 with a pair of Vandenabeeles. Third place went to Phil & June Edmond on 1780 with a Marina Van de Velde. Fourth place went to Graham Prince on 1761 with a Janssen.
Withernsea Homing Society. 6 members sent 49 birds with the red card going to Dave Beadle on 1791 with a Hereman Ceuster which has now got 3 x 1sts and wins the nom. Second place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1771 with a pigeon that has had several cards over the Channel. Third place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1770 with a Premier Stud yearling. Fourth place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson on 1765 with a Phil Curtis pigeon.
Coastal North Section
Hunmanby Homing Society. 5 members sent 88 birds with the red card going to Tony Robson on 1775 with a Marina Van de Velde. Second place went to Tony Robson on 1774 with a Marina Van de Velde which won last week. Third place went to John & Les Hill on 1771 with a Janssen x Busschaert. Fourth place went to Tony Robson on 1766 with a Marina V D Velde.
Scarborough Social Club. 8 members sent 171 birds with the red card and having an excellent race is Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1772 with a Mr & Mrs Beswick Karel Boeckx which has had minor cards. Second place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1763 with an Arien Vereckt which was 3rd Billericay. Third place went to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1758 with a Benny Stevenick x Van Loon which has had a 2nd Newark and a 4th Huntingdon. Fourth place went again to Terry & Paul Douthwaite on 1758 with a Vandenabeele x Koopman which has 7 x 1st prizes to it name.
Whitby Premier Club. 7 members sent 157 birds with the red card going to Alan Richardson on 1719 with a Paul & Jelle Rozier yearling widowhood hen which won last year. Second place went to Alan Richardson on 1719 with a Hereman Ceuster yearling widowhood cock. Third place went to Alan Richardson on 1717 with a yearling Hereman Ceuster widowhood hen which won Barnatby gold ring race. Fourth place went to S. Mallinson & Son on 1717 with a 2yr old widowhood cock which was 3rd last week.
Filey Homing Society. 5 members sent 122 birds with the red card and Second place going to Colin Smith on 1802 and 1802 with a pair of Gaby Vandenabeeles widowhood cock. Third place went to Mervyn Hinchcliffe on 1802 with one off Ali Taylor Busscheart x John Gage. Fourth place went to Matthew Hutchinson on 1801 with one off Jacob Poortvliet stock
Loftus Homing Society. 3 members sent 33 birds with the red card going to Sayers Bros on 1560 with a yearling smit van winkle widowhood hen bred from stock Second place went to Sayers Bros on 1560 with a 3yr old Smit van Winkle widowhood hen bred from stock Third place went to Sayers Bros on 1546 with a yearling Mcornforth & Partners Smit van Winkle widowhood hen. Fourth place went to I Brown with a 3yr old roundabout Van Steian cock which has had a few positions
Central Section
Hull Chalk Lane Club. 13 members sent 123 birds with the red card going to Duffin & Beasley on 1751 with a Hoffkin hen. Second place went to Franciosy & Bennett on 1749 with a Van den Bosch x Reitvinks. Third place went to G. Revell & Son on 1730 with a Hereman cock. Fourth place went to Duffin & Beasley on 1727 with a Bri Rowson Davey Allport cock.
Hull Millennium Club. 10 members sent 122 birds with the red card going to K & H Green on 1757 with a Janssen bred by loft manager Wayne which was 1st last week. Second and Third places went to K & H Green on 1750 with his Ark Family. Fourth place went to John Hall & Jackie Dearlove on 1712.
Cottingham Homing Society. 9 members sent 92 birds with the red card going to Graham Howman on 1737 with a De Klak Janssen which has 3 x 1st to its name. Second, Third and Fourth places all went to Kev Kingston & Family on 1733, 1718 and 1718 all with his Basket Breed.
North Hull Club. 8 members sent 83 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1751 with a Wildemeersch x Staf Van Reet which has won before. Second place went to Mr & Mrs Crawford on 1743 with a Jos Thone which is their best racer. Third place went to Vic Walsh on 1684 with a KoNipius. Fourth place went to Barry Kipling on 1601 with a gift bird off Franciosy & Bennett.
Kingston Flying Club. 6 members sent 74 birds with the red card going to Pete & Angie Burke on 1766 with a 2yr old Van Reet widowhood cock which has now had 3 x 1st this year which now makes 5 to its name. Second place went to Gary Cox on 1759 with a multi prize winning Van Dyke cock. Third place went to Gary Cox on 1748 with a 3yr old Van Reet cock. Fourth place went to Craig Clark on 1744 with a yearling Van Reet x Roland widowhood cock.
Little Weighton Club. 5 members sent 51 birds with the red card going to Dennis Jackson & Arthur Fletcher on 1666 with a 2yr old widower which won the longest race last year. Second place went to Tony Walker with a Gary Cox yearling Hereman Ceuster this bird went missing from the 2nd young bird race last year only returning 2 week before this years racing started. Third place went to Chris Fenn with a broken off Les Pollard pigeon which won the beer nom. Fourth place went to Dennis Jackson & Arthur Fletcher with a multi prize winner.
Sutton Flying Club. 6 members sent 58 birds with the red card and Second place going to Mr & Mrs Driscoll & son on 1776 and 1735 with a pair of self bred yearling Soontjens. Third and Fourth place went to Tom Fairfield with a pair off Andy Cooke Staff Van Reet yearling gift cocks.
Walton Priory Club. 5 members sent 81 birds with the red card going to Mr & Mrs Keith Haldenby on 1714 with a Gary Cox pigeon and Keith send a thank you to Jamie for his feeding tips. Second place went to G. Block on 1697 with a Busschaert. Third place went to Jamie Manuel on 1673 with a Andy Jacklin Duggins gift bird which is a multi prize winner and has already won 3 x 1st this year. Fourth place went to Jamie Manuel on 1671 with a Gorog & Jude pigeon.
Driffield Homing Society. 14 members sent 171 birds with the red card going to Pete Dixon on 1753 with a Ray Bell x Jess Hotham yearling. Second place went to Paul Woodmansey on 1746 with a Bob Mallinson Gert Neylan x Soontjen. Third place went to John Raines on 1742 no details. Fourth place went to Sam Jackson on 1741 with Chloe’s multi prize winning Hereman Ceuster which won the old bird k.o trophy. J & M Edison wins the pools.
West Section
Norton I. Flying Club. 11 members sent 176 birds with the red card going to B Ford & Sons on 1694 with a Hereman Ceuster which was 4th from the last Huntingdon. Second place went to Brian Dawson on 1678 with a Maurice Hodgson gift bird. Third place went to Brian Ford & Sons on 1660 with a Cor Leitjen cock. Fourth place went to Mick Burdett on 1654 with a Leemputten.
Pocklington H. Society. 10 members sent 165 birds with the red card going to G. W. Acey on 1673 with a Hofken x Jan Ibrecht bred by John Redfern and also wins the nom. Second place went to G. W. Atkinson on 1670 with a Van Hove. Third place went to T. Edwards on 1669 with a Koopman Janssen. Fourth place went to G. W. Atkinson on 1667 with a Vanderhee x Van Hove.
Eastrington P. F. C. 9 members sent 83 birds with the red card going to Winnie Hagston & Son Tom on 1671 with a Mike Kirby Thorsten Daum x De Klak Soontjen roundabout cock which wins the £1 nom. Second, Third and Fourth places went to Mr & Mrs Brumby on 1648, 1617 and 1605 with their Vandenabeele widowhood cock. Mike Shipley won the Meat nom.
Goole L.M.S.H.S. 9 members sent 123 birds with the red card going to R. Nicholls on 1644 with a self bred 3yr old hen out of Vandenabeele stock from his dad Brian.
Second place went to Paul & June Battersby on 1640 with a 4yr old self bred Vandenabeele cock Third place went to Paul & June Battersby on 1637 with a 2yr old Wildermeersch x Vandenabeele self bred cock out of the racing loft. Fourth place went to Stan Lockwood on 1630 with a 4yr old self bred out of old Janseen lines x R Blower cock.
Kirbymoorside F. Club. 8 members sent 118 birds with the red card going to Gaden & Kent on 1596 with a Karel Beockx. Second place went to Gaden & Kent on 1546 with a Devada. Third place went to M. Howe on 1524 with a self bred cock. Fourth place went to Dodson & Allen on 1506 no details given.
Tang Hall W.M.H.S. 4 members sent 51 birds with the red card and Second place going to Pete Fannan on 1591 and 1549 with a pair of Koopman x Jansen cocks.
Third and Fourth place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1546 and 1543 with a pair of Delbars cocks.
Haxby Flying Club. members 6 sent 74 birds with the red card going to Bill Shawon 1555 with a 2yr old Van Reet x Wildermeersch cock. Second place went to Pete Hammond on 1550 with a 4yr old A Marshall x Wildermeersch hen. Third place went to Pete Fannan on 1549 with a 4 yr old Koopman x Jansen hen. Fourth place went to Barry & Chris Mason on 1546 with a 3yr old Delbar.
Sue Skelton.YM.R.Combine Scribe.
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