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Withernsea & District Homing Society



by Sue Skelton



The club held their prize presentation evening at the club headquarters the Plough Inn, with around 25 members and friends enjoying a good social evening with an excellent buffet laid on by Karinda & Jade who are managing the Inn while Steve and Sue, who are Karinda’s parents, are away in Australia. Secretary Alec Dodson thanked members and friends for supporting the club and also gave a report on the season’s racing. He commented on the challenge of winning the Yorkshire Middle Route Combine due to the 50 mile radius from north to south and east to west. The chief guests of honour for the evening were Paul and Helen Johnson who have achieved much success in the Combine.

The Highest prize winners and having a fantastic season were Martyn & Billy Dawson winning 8 old bird races including Bourges and Clermont and also winning 8 young bird races also all the averages and most of the silverware.

Second place went to Dave Beadle whose wins included Clermont and both of the Boves races and several inland cards.

Third place went to Alec & Margaret Dodson with 1st Sleaford old birds and 7 channel cards and the young bird K.O.

Fourth place and in close contention was Dean Adamson winning 2nd Bourges, 2nd Boves and other awards.

Fifth place went to R. Keelty & Son with a 3rd Bourges 4th Boves flying only a few old bird races.  A special mention went to Trevor Robinson the extra long distance Ace who had a quiet club season, but as President, Treasurer and ETS man is an invaluable asset to the club. After the presentation flowers were presented to Helen and chocolates to Karinda & Jade.

Paul & Helen with Top prize winners Martyn & Billy Dawson

Paul & Helen Johnson with Ass Secretary Margaret

Paul & Helen with Dave Beadle

Paul & Helen with Dean Adamson

Paul & Helen with Treasurer & President Trevor Robinson

Secretary Alec Dodson with Hosts Karinda & Jade from the Plough Inn 
