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Derby Notes - May, 06-06-23

Derby Notes - May

After a 24 hour hold over due to the bad weather on Saturday 6th May our convoyer/driver Alys got the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation pigeons away Sunday at 13-05 from Hullavington in a west wind.

In Osmaston Park Homing Society 10 members sent 126 birds and taking the red card with a yearling blue cock doing 1642 which was well ahead of the field was Mick Stone.

Mick Stone. 06 06 23

Mick Stone, Osmaston Park Homing Society winner.

In second & fourth were Alan & Liz Houldsworth with a two year old blue cock doing 1602 and a yearling cheq hen doing 1588.

In third were Shenton Brothers ( Ron & Norman ) with a yearling cheq cock doing 1590.

In Holbrook Miners Welfare 7 members sent 238 birds with Mick Fearn having his first race of the season and taking the red card doing 1628.Taking the next three positions was Trevor Jennings doing 1617.9.1617.9 & 1617.6.

Mick Fearn. 06 06 23

Mick Fearn Holbrook Miners Welfare winner.

In Etwall & District Flying Club 7 members sent 116 birds with Kevin Southall back in the driving seat taking the red card with a two year old red hen doing 1622 followed by a 3 year old blue hen doing 1600 to take third.

kevin SouthallMoria Patterson G son Kai. 06 06 23

Kevin Southall with partner Moira & Grandson Kai Etwall & District Flying Club winner.

In second was A.Peach & Son with a 3 year old b/w/f hen doing 1601 with Steve Billings in fourth doing 1582 with a yearling blue hen.

Alan Peach. copy 06 06 23

Alan Peach Etwall & District Flying Club winner.

Derby Burton & District South Road Federation basketed Saturday 6th May for a Sunday race from Marlborough but due to the poor weather conditions at the race point were brought back to Upper Heyford and were liberated at 15-20-00 in a west wind.

In Kilburn Miners Welfare 3 members sent 43 birds with Stewart Wainwright making it a hat trick of wins and taking three of the first four positions. His winner was a yearling blue cock doing 1318 followed by a 2 year old dark cock and 3 year old cheq cock both doing 1303.

Stewart Wainwright 1 06 06 23

Stewart Wainwright Kilburn Miners Welfare winner.

In second was Keith Foulke with a yearling dark hen doing 1306. 

Saturday May 13th and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation were at Yeovil with the strings being cut at 13-40 getting the pigeons away into a north north east wind.

In Holbrook Miners Welfare 10 members sent 202 birds with the red card going to Mick Stone doing 1400.In second & fourth doing 1399 & 1390 was Trevor Jennings with Russ Bailey in third doing 1397.

Glyn Glenda Stone 06 06 23

Glyn & Glenda Stone Holbrook winners.

In Osmaston Park Homing Society 11 members sent 106 birds with Mick Stone getting back to back wins and making it a podium finish taking the first three positions His winner was a two year old blue cock doing 1365.7 followed by two yearling blue cocks doing 1365.1 & 1359.In fourth was Stan Hall with a two year old cheq cock doing 1340.

In Etwall & District Flying Club 9 members sent 158 birds with A.Peach & Son taking three of the first four positions, with a yearling blue cock taking the red card doing 1345 followed by a three year old b/w/f hen doing 1339 then a four old blue hen doing 1316.In third were Peter & Shirley Harrison doing 1331 with a four old cheq hen.

Peter Shirley Harrison. 06 06 23

Peter & Shirley Harrison Etwall & District Flying Club winner

The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Salisbury and the pigeons were liberated at 14-00-00 in a light north east wind.

In Derby Premier 6 members sent 110 birds and it turned out to be a two loft race with Dave Waddington taking the top two positions with a yearling red cock doing 1339.5 and a yearling cheq cock doing 1339.3.In third & fourth were L.D.S. Johnson with a yearling dark cock doing 1330 and a three year old cheq hen doing 1320. 

Dave Waddington. 06 06 23

Dave Waddington Derby Premier winner.

In Kilburn Miners Welfare 3 members sent 42 birds with Keith Foulke coming out on top with a dark yearling cock doing 1229.In second & fourth was Stewart Wainwright with a two year old dark cock doing 1226 followed by a two year old cheq cock doing 1175..In third with a dark yearling hen doing 1208 were Parkin & Hall. 

Keith Foulke 06 06 23

Keith Foulke, Kilburn Miners Welfare winner.

Saturday May 20th and the Burton & South Derbyshire were at Honiton with Alys getting the pigeons away at 07-55 in a north north east wind.

In Osmaston Park Homing Society 11 members sent 105 birds and there was no stopping the inform loft of Mick Stone taking the red card and making it a hat trick of wins with a yearling blue cock doing 1191.In second were Shenton Brothers  (Ron & Norman ) with a two year old dark cock doing 1173 followed by Alan & Liz Houldsworth in third with a yearling cheq hen doing 1168 with S & H W Hall in fourth with a two year old blue cock doing 1158.

In Holbrook Miners Welfare 9 members sent 162 birds with Trevor Jennings taking the top two positions doing 1184 & 1183.In third were B & S Stone doing 1165 with Mick Fearn in fourth doing 1164.

Trevor Jennings. 06 06 23

Trevor Jennings Holbrook winner.

In Etwall & District Flying Club 8 members sent 129 birds with Peter & Shirley Harrison leading the way with a four year old cheq cock doing 1175.In second & third was club secretary A.Peach & Son with a yearling cheq hen doing 1163.5 followed by a two year old cheq hen doing 1163.2 with Kevin Southall taking fourth with a yearling dk/cheq hen doing 1163.

Peter Harrison. 06 06 23

Peter Harrison Etwall & District Flying Club winner.

The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Weymouth and the pigeons were liberated at 11-15 in a north east wind. In Derby Premier 6 members sent 75 birds with the red card going to Paul & Lynda Todd with a yearling cheq hen doing 1243.In second with a two year old blue cock doing 1226 were L.D.S. Johnson followed by Stevenson & Willis in third with a two year old blue pied hen doing 1222 with fourth going to Dave Waddington with a three year old dk/cheq cock doing 1195.

Paul Todd Derby Premier secretary. 2 06 06 23

Derby Premier secretary Paul Todd on his crutches.

Since Paul broke his leg his friend Simon Woolley has been looking after his pigeons. He was asked by Paul to pick four pigeons out to send to Weymouth and obliged by picking the winner for Paul & Lynda. They would like to say thank you to Simon for looking after his pigeons, going to his house every day to feed them, clean them out, and to see to the young bird team.

Simon Woolley. 06 06 23

Simon Woolley.

In Kilburn Miners Welfare 3 members sent 21 birds with Stewart Wainwright taking the red card with a two year old dark cock doing 1138 and also a two year old dark cock doing 1024 to take fourth. Second & third  positions went to Ralph Parkin with a four year old ch/wf cock doing 1037 and a yearling dark hen doing 1024.1

Saturday May 27th and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation were at Honition with the pigeons being liberated at 07-55 in a light north east wind.

In Etwall & District Flying Club 7 members sent 130 birds which turned out to be a two loft race with Kevin Southall taking the top two positions with two yearling hens doing 1395 & 1370.In second & third was A.Peach & Son with two four year old hens doing 1367 & 1366.

In Holbrook Miners Welfare 7 members sent 118 birds. Taking the first & second positions was Mick Fearn with two hens both doing 1394.1.In third & fourth was last week's winner Trevor Jennings doing 1377.3 & 1377.1.

In Osmaston Park Homing Society 10 members sent 83 birds with Alan & Liz Houldsworth taking the red card with a yearling cheq hen doing 1376.In second & fourth was the ever present Mick Stone with a two year old blue cock doing 1372 and a yearling blue cock doing 1346.In third with a yearling cheq hen doing 1371 was S & H W Hall. 

Alan Liz Houldsworth. 06 06 23

Alan & Liz Houldsworth.

The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Salisbury and the pigeons were liberated at  11-00 in a light north east wind.

Derby Premier had 5 members sending 101 birds with Dave Waddington getting the winner with a yearling red cock doing 1424 followed by Paul & Lynda Todd in second & third with a yearling cheq hen doing 1380 & a yearling blue cock doing 1379 with L.D.S. Johnson in fourth with a yearling grizzle cock doing 1376.

Paul Lynda Todd. 06 06 23

Paul & Lynda Todd.

In Kilburn Miners Welfare 3 members sent 47 birds. Stewart Wainwright made a clean sweep with a yearling flighty hen doing 1343 followed by a three year old cheq cock doing 1309 then a yearling cheq cock doing 1273 then a blue yearling hen doing 1246.