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Etwall & District Flying Club Presentation & Pay Out - 12-02-24

Etwall & District Flying Club Presentation & Pay Out.

Etwall & District Flying Club held its annual payout at the British Legion Club in Repton and the chief guest of honour for the evening and presenting the prizes was Federation secretary Alys Evans. Highest prize winner for the 2023 season was Kevin Southall who had an amazing season with his partner Moira helping him along the way to achieve the results which he did which were 12x1sts,7x2nds,11x3rds & 7x4ths.Winning Old bird inland average cup, inland average cup, Young bird average cup, Old bird average cup, Combine average cup, Mr & Mrs E Fowke cup,& The golden horseshoe shield winning £197.00 prize money,£253.27 specials & £127.96 pool money making a total of £578.23.

Kevin Southall top prize winner with Alys Evans. 12 02 24z

Alys Evans with top prize winner Kevin Southall.

Next came the clubs hard working secretary Alan Peach who flies as A.Peach & Son winning both the Mr & Mrs A.Houldsworth trophies, G Williamson cup, E.Fowke cup, J.Fowke shield, T.Childs cup, A & C Perry cup, N.Kellett shield, R.Hough cup, T Farrow shield & The silver horse shoe shield winning prize money of £168.00,£100.32 specials,£145.81 pool money,£10.05 loft pool,£12.00 nominations & £40.08 breeder buyer making a total of £476.71.

Alan Peach with Alys Evans guest of honour. 12 02 24z

Alan Peach with Alys Evans.

Peter & Shirley Harrison were next winning J.Childs nominated shield, P.Bevan shield & the ladies race cup with 1x1st,1x2nd & 1x3rd winning prize money of £29.25,£17.04 in specials,£75.47 pool money & £28.00 loft pool making  total winnings of £149.76.

Peter Harrison with Alys Evans. 12 02 24z

Peter Harrison with Alys Evans.

Steve Redfern & Family were next, winning £60.12 breeder buyer money.

Alys Evans with Steve Redfern. 12 02 24z

Steve Redfern with Alys Evans.

J & J Lofts  ( Sam Phillips & Jim Summers ) were next with winnings of £42.20.

Alys Evans with Sam Phillips of J J Lofts. 12 02 24z

Sam Phillips of J & J Lofts.

Next came Steve Billings winning the G Childs nominated shield with 3x2nds,3x4ths £32.25 prize money & £7.30 specials making total winnings of £39.55.

Mick Leszczyszak came next winning £10.05 prize money plus £2.64 specials making a total of £13.14.

Mick Leszczyszak with Alys Evans. 12 02 24z

Mick Leszczyszak with Alys Evans.

Paul Burton came next winning £5.25 prize money 86p specials making a total of £6.11.

Finally it was the turn of Neil Crofts who has done an excellent job providing the club with bottles of Champagne for specials which were flown fore over the season. Neil is an excellent supporter of the club. His winnings were £3.75 prize money & £0.89p in specials making a total of £4.64.

Ladies race winners were Peter & Shirley Harrison taking 1st & 2nd with Steve Billings taking 3rd.

Club person of the year went to Steve Redfern.

Alys Evans with Steve Redfern. 12 02 24z

Steve Redfern, the club person of the year.

After the presentation Alan Peach presented guest of honour Alys with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Alan Peach presenting Alys with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates. 12 02 24z

Alan Peach presenting Alys Evans with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates.

The total payout for the 2023 season was £1371.21 which was an excellent effort by the officials & members. 

The officials would like to thank Alys for coming along to present the prizes also Yates catering from Swadlincote for providing an excellent buffet.

The members would like to thank Alan Peach and the officials for all their hard work over the season which makes Etwall & District Flying the successful club which it is today.

Alys & Mia would like to thank the members & officials of Etwall & District Flying Club for a very nice evening.

A excellent array of trophies. 12 02 24z

a fine set of trophies.

