Alan Houldsworth
Saturday September 13th and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation were at Blanford and the pigeons were liberated at 11-30 in a light east north east wind.
In Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club Rob Pearson got back to winning ways making a clean sweep with a b/pied hen getting the red card doing 1322.4 followed by a cheq cock doing 1322.3 then two cheq hens doing 1321.9 & 1321.5.
In Etwall & District Flying Club Mr & Mrs T Childs & Son take the top two positions with a ch/wf hen doing 1317 being a clear winner followed by a blue hen doing 1249. In third position was A. Peach & Son with a cheq hen doing 1247 followed by Steve Billings in fourth with a cheq cock doing 1239.
In the Derby clubs Pat Tillson gets the winner in Osmaston Park Homing Society getting his hat trick and the first pigeon into Derby with a blue cock bred of Dave Waddington stock doing 1313 followed by a cheq cock doing 1248 to take fourth position. In second position was Mick Stone with one of his cueleman family doing 1306 followed by S & H W Hall of Little Eaton with a cheq cock doing 1266 to take third position. In their breeder buyer race Steve Stone gets the winner with S & H W Hall in second and Nicholson Brothers in third.
In Derby South Road Flying Club it was a two loft race with Dave Waddington taking the first three positions with two red cocks doing 1303 to take the red card and 1245 to take third position with a cheq cock doing 1255 in second position followed by Paul & Lynda Todd in fourth with a ch/w/f hen doing 1237.
In the Silver Ghost Homing Society Reuben Hough takes the top three positions with a b/pied hen getting its second red card in two weeks doing 1269 followed by two b/cheq hens doing 1215 and 1184 with Tom Chadwick in fourth with a b/w/f hen doing 1100.
The Derby Burton & District South Road Federation were at Portland for their federation special race and their final race of the season. The pigeons were liberated at 13-30 in a light east wind.
Getting the winner in Derby Premier was the Mackworth loft of Roy Gregory & Son with cheq pied hen doing 1193. Taking the next three positions was Paul & Lynda Todd with a cheq cock doing 1185 which was bred by club mate Jake Harcup followed by a blue hen doing 1182 and a mealy pied hen doing 1173.
Rob Pearson, Ilkeston Bulls winner.