Alan Houldsworth
Sunday June 1st 2014 and Derby Premier were at Falaise with the Derby Burton & District South Road Federation. The pigeons were liberated at 09-15 after a one day holdover due to bad weather in the channel. Making a clean sweep was Paul & Lynda Todd taking the first four positions doing 1313, 1228, 1209 & 1207. Their winner was a two year old cheq hen which was bred out of his red cock lines. His second pigeon was a seven year old cheq w/f hen followed by a five year old hen (last week's winner) with a seven year old blue hen in fourth.
Saturday May 30th and the Burton & South Derbyshire Federation were at Blanford and the pigeons were liberated at 09-00 with no wind given.
Taking the top three positions in Derby South Road also getting the first three pigeons into Derby was the Spondon loft of Farrar & Peters. Their winner was a three year old blue hen doing 1457 followed by a four year old blue hen doing 1457 and doing 1455 was a four year old blue cock. In fourth position was Roy Gregory & Son doing 1435 with a two year old blue cock.
In their five bird section Roy Gregory & Son take first & third positions doing 1435 & 1330 with John & Steve Hicks in second & Fourth positions doing 1359 & 1308.
In Ilkeston Bulls Head Flying Club Rick Shelton takes the red card with a yearling blue cock doing 1433. In second position was club secretary Derek Towers with a yearling cheq cock doing 1415 with Rick Shelton in third & fourth positions with a four year old blue cock doing 1389 and a yearling blue cock doing 1388.
In Etwall & District Flying Club secretary Alan Peach gets the winner with a three year old cheq hen doing 1427. In second position was Alan & Liz Houldsworth with a three year old blue cock doing 1378 followed by Mr & Mrs Childs & Son in third position with a yearling b/w/f cock doing 1377 with Paul Burton in fourth with a three year old red cock doing 1376.
In the Silver Ghost Homing Society Rueben Hough takes the top three positions. His winner was a two year old dk/ch hen doing 1412. This pigeon was bred from a gifted pigeon from Dave Williams. His second pigeon was a two year old hen doing 1385 followed by a yearling blue cock doing 1352. In fourth position was Brian Dyjas with a yearling blue cock doing 1345.
In Osmaston Park Homing Society Mick Stone gets the winner with a blue yearling cock doing 1349. Second position went to Nicholson Brothers with a two year old blue hen doing 1343 followed by Steve Stone in third position with a three year old cheq cock doing 1338 with fourth position going to Mick Fearn with a three year old cheq cock doing 1335.
Paul & Lynda Todd, Derby Premier winners from Falaise.
Anslow Farrar, Derby South Road winner.