Berwick Saturday 3rd June 2023
June and Halfway through the old bird Program already would you believe and it as this point we find ourselves at the 300 mile mark and the iconic racepoint of Berwick, Northumberland. The Northernmost town in England and only 2 miles from the border with Scotland this is my personal favourite as My Grandad won the peoples yearling open the year my dad was born. No where near the 35,000 birdage you would have had in those days but with a joint enterprise with the London North Road combine over 2000 pigeons were liberated at 9 o’clock into a light Northeast wind by conveyer Lee Fuller ably assisted onsite by wife Nicola and at the home end by race controller Steve Ward.
An exciting afternoon lay ahead for the membership with our hard working president securing the sponsorship of 2 parties to offer an open winner, the first yearling and several spot prizes, together with a winner takes all fed nomination to reward fanciers racing from this testing location.
First past the post flying 304 miles to Battlesbridge is our opening Grantham fed winning partnership of Rayleigh members Mr and Mrs Steve Oddy. Club president Steve, doubled up for the season timing a dark chequer flying on his adapted widowhood system at 14:54:17. The fed winning 2y cock completing today’s race averaging 1511 earning our champion the princely sum of 100 British pounds to go with his second federation red card of the season. Just as he did on that first Grantham event Steve takes the first three in the club from Berwick. His second arrival, making his first appearance in the result this term is a 3y dark chequer cock finishing his effort off 17 minutes later picking up 9th fed and £20 spot prize on 1443. A third £20 on offer and bronze medal at the strong central Essex club also goes back with Steve and a 4y chequer cock who completes the fed line up with 1403 for 20th.
We head for Hadleigh next and the long time supporters of our federation, Mr and Mrs John and Gaynor Ashenden. Their yearling blue cock only made it in the race team as a replacement for an unwell loftmate. John did offer him to clubmate Colin Musson but given the choice ’15 was left behind, however as with all of John and Gaynor’s 11 strong team the breeding is there, the club winning pigeon being a nestmate to the regal Frans Zwol hen pictured earlier in the season after victory at Grantham. After exactly 6 hours and not a second aside the Grandson of the gift that keeps giving that is Gaynor’s Gift dropped onto the pads of the Rayleigh maestros completing his club winning 307 mile journey at 1501. The cock ’15 had only made a single appearance in the fed prior to today and doubles his tally with an impressive, fed silver and the £100 prize money on offer for the first yearling to add to his Hadleigh red card. Runners up were Steve Duffell, his yearling chequer cock continues the fine run of the fancier picking up 6th fed on 1455. Another Hadleigh member having a fantastic season as are most of the club to be fair is Grantham champ Anthony O’Mahony. His yearling blue pied van den Bosche hen, the father from Timbarra Stud, the mother another from the late Alex McKenzie flew 309 miles in 6 and a quarter hours for 1453 earning 7th fed. No article goes by without a mention of Topp and Mann flying the flag North and south, they put 3 in the top spots from Berwick, the first blue 2y cock 12th fed with 1429, the second a grizzle cock landing 20 seconds later 13th fed a yard behind on 1428 and a second yearling and a third cock of the 10 sent, a Blue Pied 15th with 1421. Great Flyers and great club performance.
Too Stambridge and the third individual club winner of the season would be John Wickenden, John clocked a nominated yearling blue hen at quarter past 6, meaning the Zwols bred by Paul Gilbert accomplished her 314 mile challenge averaging 1471, picking up a princely £180 single bird nomination, topped up with a £20 bonus for finishing third on the fed rostrum. Not to be left out Wetherby Fed winner Mick Waterhouse is on the march at the moment, always in the mix and takes runner up this week collecting 17th fed and £20 of the sponsors money with a yearling blue cock concluding his 308 miles home to the three time fed winners loft at 1418. The momentum remains with Mick to collect the final minor place on offer, his 2y black roundabout hen finishing third club on 1403 rounding off another super days racing for the fed average champions.
A good split in the result today with 5 different clubs represented in the 5 top spots and the surprise package today is Burnham Clubs Mr and Mrs Moss. I say a surprise because of the east in the wind and the location of the Burnham supremo over on the coast. Taking that into consideration Retford fed winner John received his versatile 4 y blue cock at 9 minutes past 3 flying 306 miles at 1463 earning the experienced pigeon 4th fed. Talking of experienced pigeons, runner up in the club is an 8, yes 8 year old Dave freeman blue cock, leading the way to the Wickham Bishops danger mans loft, beating 38 younger rivals with 1400, fantastic.
The usual suspects are apparent again with our next partnership not to be kept out of the limelight for long. Winning Chelmsford City for the umpteenth time this season is the long standing duo Mr and Mrs John and Tina Payne. Their first arrival a very consistent 2y mealy cock touching down in the capital at 1 minute to 3. The Keith Turner ‘Red Danial’ Staf Van Reet bred by parents gifted by Burnhams Dave Freeman scoops up the club red card and adds £20 to the kitty finishing 5th fed on 1457. Thanks again Dave says John, who would go on to take second spot with a veteran 5y blue cock. The pure old school Vandenabeele from ex Stambridge, now retired Colin Mann from Hockley showing grit and determination registering 1397. In third place we have a blue brother of the same origins giving Mr and Mrs Payne yet another clean sweep. Alan Hills and Tony Hitchings make up the balance of the club result with John reporting a few members empty perches to be filled early the following morning. John adds the majority of the birds arrived in good condition and he credits the Conveyer Mr Fuller stating great work and the same must be said for hard working club secretary Moira Bailey and marking committee stalwart Martin Radford for the smooth operations carried out on marking night. Superb correspondence as always John and well done to the dynamic team.
Another great turnout at Laindon club with 20 members contributing an impressive 315 birds to the Berwick entry. The club were rewarded with several members making the result beginning with Mark and Jordan Lewis sending a 2y red hen sitting eggs. The Fenech Corremans cross back to her nest at 17 minutes past 3 completing 309 miles at the club winning 1443 to add 8th fed to the pedigree sheet. Coincidentally Mark and Jordan claim their first victory since Homesley flying south and runner up that day too with a blue cock was Uncle Albert (Pat Newell) Steve’s words! History repeats itself today with Pat timing in a yearling, 6 and a quarter hours on the wing flying 1425 collecting 14th fed. In third we have one of 9 Selwyn Abrahams entries, a yearling blue cock, getting on the scoresheet with 1394. Cheers Steve.
And that brings us on to neighbouring Hutton Club who mark the birds with Steve and his hospitable gang so giving them a shot at the meat raffle would come naturally. One fancier who must enjoy putting his birds through and the perks on offer at the fun loving club is Hutton winner Russell Jaques. As well as coming good with Steve’s carnivorous delights, Russell had a great days racing with his first arrival, the agent starling 2y cock, 7th fed at Grantham. The chequer with a sprinkling of wild wind Hereman Ceusters flying 299miles to earn a respectable 1439 and 10th fed. Mr and Mrs Richard Sees are next in both club and fed, their gallant 4y blue cock a couple of yards behind on 1437 collecting silver and 11th fed respectively. In third on 1410 and 19th fed Russell Jaques adds to his tasty double with an equally experienced 4y cock, the parents a Bosua cross Van Oash cock and Ejjerkamp hen still producing the goods since he purchased them in 2015 and continue to be his best stock birds. What a day Russell, thanks for getting in touch.
You go a bit further up the road and the names anonymous before today’s distance begin to surface, so we must be at Maldon and we must be speaking of Combine king Ants Wright. Sending 5 on their 298 mile trainer to Heybridge, Thurso Maestro Ants clocks in a 2y blue Janssen Van loon closely related to all his all-conquering combine superstars. The story behind this latest winning pigeon is the father spent 5 years in the widowhood loft of sprint supremo and Secretary Steve Wallis before being returned with an Egg donated from a London combine winner Terry Jones, when paired together Ants produced an Amalgamation winner from the first nest as well as a section winner. The slow developing, and in Ants own words ‘big’ pigeon 2nd club Perth last year picks up the Maldon red card with a flying time of 6 hours 18 minutes at 1391. Good luck at Thurso Ants. Runner up today is another distance enthusiast Norman Holliday of Colchester and his Wallis brothers Corremans chequer cock. The consistent 2y old, winner of last season’s opening young bird race from Peterborough dived into his Highwoods home doing 1362. Third club at Scraley road is this seasons sensations Derek Parsons Snr and Jnr. The Bocking bullets continue their successful season collecting the bronze with a 2y blue bar cock flying 287 miles at 1316.
That’s the lot for this week, thanks again to our president Mr Stacey, our conveyers Lee and Nicola Fuller, our secretary Gaynor Ashenden and special appreciation to our race sponsors for providing an exciting day for all participants. Back to Retford next week, until then take care.
C L Elmes
Steve Oddy, 1st club Rayleigh, |
Jordan and Mark Lewis 1st club Laindon 315 birds |
Mr and Mrs John and Gaynor Ashenden |
2000 fed and watered pigeons wait for the off |
The happy members of the capitals Chelmsford City |
1st club Maldon for Combine |
Russell Jaques 2y Agent Starling chequer cock |
Another 1st club Burnham for the high flying |
One of those unsung heroes |